Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20200713
P. 28

                       Monday 13 July 2020

            Kosovo  president  Hashim  Thaci  speaks  during  a  televised
            address to the nation, in Pristina, Kosovo, Monday, June 29, 2020.
                                                     Associated Press
            Kosovo's Thaci strongly

            denies committing

            any war crimes

                                                                      Gypsy Cordova blows smoke and shakes a maraca in front of a Juan Ponce de Leon monument
            By LLAZAR SEMINI             international  staff  working   while leading a group of activists in a march demanding statues and street names commemorating
            Associated Press             under Kosovo's law, is man-  symbols of colonial oppression be removed, in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Saturday, July 11, 2020.
                                                                                                                                            Associated Press
            TIRANA,  Albania  (AP)  —  dated  to  look  into  allega-
            Kosovo's   president   said  tions  that  members  of  the   Puerto Rico questions Spain's
            Sunday  he  was  going  to  Kosovo  Liberation  Army,
            The  Hague  to  prove  to  which was fighting for inde-   legacy as statues tumble in U.S.
            prosecutors   investigating  pendence, committed war
            war crimes allegedly com-    crimes  and  crimes  against
            mitted  during  and  after  a  humanity.                  By DÁNICA COTO               group  of  the  Arawak  Indi-  "No,  it  won't  be  easy,"
            1998-1999  armed  conflict  Thaci,  a  KLA  commander,    Associated Press             ans.  Historians  and  anthro-  acknowledged    activist
            in  Kosovo  between  ethnic  was  mentioned  in  the  in-  SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP)  pologists believe that up to  Francisco  Jordán  García,
            Albanian  separatists  and  dictment  together  with      —  Statues,  street  names,  60,000 Tainos lived in Puerto  who  helped  organize  the
            Serbia that he had broken  former  Kosovo  assembly       plazas and even the body  Rico  at  the  time,  but  they  march.  "It's  going  to  be  a
            no  international  laws  dur-  speaker  Kadri  Veseli,  and   of   conquistador   Juan  were soon forced into labor  long process."
            ing the war.                 some others not mentioned    Ponce  de  León  himself:  and  succumbed  to  infec-     But he quickly offered alter-
            Hashim Thaci spoke to pri-   by  name.  Both  have  de-   Spain left a nearly indelible  tious disease outbreaks.   natives: "We can melt them
            vate  television  Top  Chan-  nied  responsibility  for  war   legacy  in  Puerto  Rico  that  Centuries  later,  local  gov-  and create a different stat-
            nel  at  the  Mother  Teresa  crimes.                     attracts  hordes  of  tourists  ernment  officials  honored  ue  of  someone  who  truly
            Tirana   International   Air-  "It  is  true  we  violated  the   every year, but some activ-  both  explorers  by  erect-  deserves it."
            port before leaving for The  laws  of  Slobodan  Milos-   ists are trying to erase it as  ing  statues  and  naming  Activists  recently  contact-
            Hague  to  be  questioned  evic's regime and for that,    they join a U.S. movement  streets  and  plazas  after  ed  the  office  of  San  Juan
            by prosecutors on Monday.    I am proud as people and     to eradicate symbols of op-  them  across  Puerto  Rico.  Mayor  Carmen  Yulín  Cruz
            The    Kosovo     Specialist  as an individual," said Tha-  pression.                  The  Columbus  Plaza  is  lo-  and  said  an  assistant  told
            Chambers  and  Specialist  ci. "But (I have violated) no   Dozens of activists marched  cated  at  the  entrance  of  them officials would evalu-
            Prosecutor's Office, a court  international law under any   through  the  historic  part  Old  San  Juan  and  bears  ate the cost of taking down
            based  in  The  Hague  with  circumstances."q             of Puerto Rico's capital on  a  statue  of  Columbus  un-  the statues. A Cruz spokes-
                                                                      Saturday,  some  wearing  veiled in 1893 to celebrate  man did not return a mes-
            U.S., Chinese                                             traditional  Taino  clothing  the  400th  anniversary  of  sage for comment.
                                                                      as  they  banged  on  drums  his  arrival.  Meanwhile,  a  The march comes as Puer-
            ambassadors spar                                          and  blew  on  conch  shells  nearby statue of Ponce de  to Ricans' interest in the ter-

            on Twitter in Brazil                                      to  demand  that  the  U.S.  León  stands  facing  south  ritory's indigenous past con-
                                                                      territory's  government  start  with his left hand on his hip  tinues to grow. In the 2010
                                                                      by removing statues includ-  and right finger pointed to-  Census, some 42,000 of the
            By DANIEL CARVALHO           in Xinjiang" province.       ing those of explorer Chris-  ward the first settlement he  3.7 million people living on
            Associated Press             "Silence  is  not  an  option,"   topher Columbus.        founded. The ruins still mark  the island at that time iden-
            BRASILIA, Brazil (AP) — The  Chapman added.               "These statues represent all  the spot of the island's first  tified themselves as at least
            U.S.  and  Chinese  ambas-   On  Saturday,  the  U.S.  Em-  that  history  of  violence,  of  Spanish capital and is a U.S.  partially Taino.
            sadors  have  gotten  into  a  bassy   Twitter   account   invasion, of looting, of theft,  National Historic Landmark.  Statues  of  Columbus  have
            Twitter spat in Brazil, echo-  quoted the FBI director ac-  of  murder,"  said  an  activ-  The statue made of melted  been  removed  or  toppled
            ing  the  tense  relations  be-  cusing China of paying sci-  ist who goes by the name  steel  from  British  cannons  elsewhere in the U.S. main-
            tween  the  nations  as  a  entists at American univer-   of Pluma and is a member  also points in the same di-     land  following  an  uproar
            whole.                       sities  "to  secretly  bring  our   of Puerto Rico's Council for  rection  of  the  nearby  San  over racism after the police
            It  started  Friday  when  U.S.  knowledge and innovation   the  Defense  of  Indigenous  Juan  Bautista  Cathedral  killing of George Floyd. Pro-
            Ambassador  Todd  Chap-      back  to  China  -  including   Rights.  "These  are  crimes  that bears Ponce de León's  testers  in  Baltimore  threw
            man  retweeted  a  State  valuable research, funded       against humanity."           remains  and  is  a  popular  a  Columbus  statue  into  a
            Department  account  ac-     by  the  federal  govern-    Columbus landed in Puerto  tourist spot.                  harbor, while they behead-
            cusing  the  Chinese  Com-   ment".                       Rico in 1493 accompanied  Activists  on  Saturday  de-    ed  another  one  in  Bos-
            munist Party of conducting    It  added:  "Is  this  happen-  by  Spaniard  Ponce  de  manded  that  both  statues  ton.  Meanwhile,  officials  in
            "a  mass  sterilization  cam-  ing in Brazil?"            León,  who  later  became  be removed as the first step  states  including  New  York,
            paign  for  women  as  part  Chinese Ambassador Yang      the  island's  first  governor  in  taking  down  symbols  of  Ohio,  California,  Missouri
            of its crackdown on Uighurs  Wanming reacted on Twit-     and quelled an uprising by  oppression  across  Puerto  and  Connecticut  have  re-
            and other ethnic minorities  ter Sunday. q                the  native  Tainos,  a  sub-  Rico.                      moved similar statues.q
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