Page 32 - bon-dia-aruba-20200713
P. 32
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Monday 13 July 2020
“We will not compromise the social distancing”
ORANJESTAD — Walk into
the main building of the uni-
versity and peace will take
over. Their ecosystem of
flora and fauna enchants_
including a patio with a
huge mango tree, beauti-
ful flowers and plants, sev-
eral gardens with seats
and tables for students to
study in all this tranquility,
a fish pound, house cats
completed by the heart
of this all: the historical La
Salle Building. The ambi-
tious Giovanni Lew Jen Tai
is taking care of the facili-
ties owned by the university
and enlightens us with the
university’s protocol of the
COVID-19 lifestyle.
He is passionate about his
job as Facility Manager
which he has been doing
for five years. “Currently
we hold three branches
that I oversee: the Boule-
vard building, the small
building on the side of the
main university building
called Centro Educativo
Cristian and the university
building itself.” His depart-
ment sources out facilities
for four faculties: Econom-
ics, Hospitality & Tourism,
Arts & Science and Law.
Besides that, they have
custom-made programs
for tax lawyers or partitions
in law. “We started in 2016
with the Academic Foun- 10pm. In this new times we teachers of the protocol. is needed. “It is an urge of very strongly to this new
dation Year, a kind of ori- urge students to come for “Teachers will rotate ac- the human race and it is situation and adapted to it
entation year for students. study, not to hang out and cording to a schedule and important to mental health. immediately. “My satisfac-
I was supervising the con- have fun.” In the ‘new nor- students stay in the room. We want to cater to every- tion is to see that students
struction of two model units mal’ Lew Jen Tai will offer Distancing applies when one but we cannot do that and teachers are happy in
and a garden building and some of the smaller class waiting and communica- for all in the same propor- their environment. You got
made sure these facilities rooms as study rooms that tion is essential. We provide tion.” Therefore the 2nd, to do things with passion or
are healthy, safe, pleasant can be reserved by stu- Lysol spray, hand sanitizer, 3rd and 4th year students don’t do it. I got your back,
and inspiring for the users.” dents. Class rooms have apply cleaning the rooms will have less time on the I make you feel good. That
He says people become 1.5 meters between chairs before and after use and premises, the priority is to is what I like.” q
relaxed when they come meaning the max capacity have face masks avail- give more face-to-face op-
here and some students all of a sudden is 10 instead able.” portunity to freshman stu- Register now
stay from early morning un- of 30 students. “I needed Lew Jen Tai states that dents because all is new to Registration for the Uni-
til late in the evening. to create more space and even though they man- them. “We are going into versity of Aruba is now
at the same time, I have aged to survive during the deep waters that we do open until July 15th,
Into deep waters no storage for the left over lockdown with 100% on- not know as yet how deep more information is to
“The class rooms and study tables and seats so we line learning it is confirmed it will be. But we will make be found at https://
rooms are open from 6am put crosses on them and by students and teachers it work.” He is happy to say
to 5pm but the garden until informed all students and that face-to-face contact that the university reacted