Page 27 - bon-dia-aruba-20200713
P. 27
WORLD NEWS Monday 13 July 2020
Okinawa governor wants tougher action as 61 Marines infected
By MARI YAMAGUCHI base activities. The state-
Associated Press ment said measures are "to
TOKYO (AP) — The gover- protect our forces, our fam-
nor of Japan's Okinawa is- ilies, and the local commu-
land demanded a top U.S. nity," without providing de-
military commander take tails on the infections.
tougher prevention mea- The Marine Corps Instal-
sures and more transpar- lations Pacific said on its
ency hours after officials Facebook page on Sat-
were told that more than urday that "this week, the
60 Marines at two bases Marine Corps experienced
have been infected with two localized clusters of in-
the coronavirus over the dividuals who tested posi-
past few days. tive for the virus." It said
Okinawan officials on Sun- those who tested positive
day reported a total of were in isolation.
61 cases — 38 of them at Okinawa is home to more
Marine Corps Air Station than half of about 50,000
Futenma, which is at the American troops based in
center of a relocation dis- Japan under a bilateral
pute, and another 23 at security pact, and the resi-
Camp Hansen — since July dents are sensitive to U.S.
7. They said that U.S. military base-related problems.
officials told them the two This Jan. 27, 2018, aerial file photo shows U.S. Marine Air Station Futenma in Ginowan, Okinawa, Many Okinawans have
bases have since been put southern Japan. Associated Press long complained about
in lockdown. pollution, noise and crime.
The disclosure of the exact and seal the bases, as well doubts that the U.S. mili- Adding to their concern is Okinawans also oppose
figures came only after Oki- as provide more transpar- tary has taken adequate quarantining of an uniden- a planned relocation of
nawa's repeated requests ency. disease prevention mea- tified number of American Futenma Air Base from the
to the U.S. military. "Okinawans are shocked sures," he added. service members arriving current site in a densely
Gov. Denny Tamaki, in by what we were told (by Tamaki said he wants more from the mainland U.S. for populated area in the
telephone talks late Satur- the U.S. military)," Tamaki talks with the U.S. military. ongoing staff rotations at south to a less populated
day with Lt. Gen. H. Stacy told a news conference Okinawan officials also an off-base hotel due to area on the east coast.
Clardy, commander of Saturday. "It is extremely asked the Japanese gov- shortage of space on base, Okinawa has had about
III Marine Expeditionary regrettable that the infec- ernment to pressure the officials said. 150 cases of the corona-
Force, demanded the U.S tions are rapidly spread- U.S. side to provide details The Marines said in a state- virus. In all, Japan has had
military increase disease ing among U.S. personnel including the number of ment Friday that the troops about 21,000 cases and
prevention measures to when we Okinawans are cases, seal off Futenma were taking additional pro- 1,000 deaths, with Tokyo re-
maximum levels, stop send- doing our utmost to con- and Camp Hansen, and tective measures to limit porting more than 200 new
ing personnel from the tain the infections." step up preventive mea- the spread of the coronavi- cases for a third straight
mainland U.S. to Okinawa "We now have strong sures. rus and were restricting off- day Saturday.q
Australia to offer residence UN: Libyan coast guard intercepts
option to 10,000 Hong Kongers 83 Europe-bound migrants
By SAMY MAGDY to Libya this year to some
SYDNEY (AP) — The Aus- Associated Press 6,000, Mselhi said.
tralian government says CAIRO (AP) — Libya's coast Libya, which descended
it will offer around 10,000 guard intercepted 83 mi- into chaos following the
Hong Kong passport hold- grants on a boat heading 2011 uprising that toppled
ers currently living in Aus- for Europe and brought and killed longtime dicta-
tralia a chance to apply them to a detention center tor Moammar Gadhafi, has
for permanent residence in western Libya, the U.N. emerged as a major transit
once their current visas migration agency said Sun- point for African and Arab
expire. day. migrants fleeing war and
Prime Minister Scott Mor- Safa Mselhi, a spokesperson poverty to Europe.
rison's government be- for the International Orga- Most migrants make the
lieves China's imposition Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison speaks at a press nization for Migration, said perilous journey in ill-
of a new tough national conference at Parliament House in Canberra, Thursday, July the migrants were mostly equipped and unsafe rub-
security law on the semi- 9, 2020. from Sudan and Eritrea, ber boats. The IOM said
autonomous territory Associated Press and included one woman. earlier this year that its es-
means pro-democracy They were intercepted off timated death toll among
supporters may face po- them," Acting Immigra- the national security test the Mediterranean town of migrants who tried to cross
litical persecution. tion Minister Alan Tudge and the like," Tudge said. Garabouli overnight, and the Mediterranean passed
"That means that many told Australian Broadcast- Morrison announced last were taken to the Souq al- the "grim milestone" of
Hong Kong passport hold- ing Corp. television on week Australia suspend- Khamis detention center in 20,000 deaths since 2014.
ers may be looking for Sunday. ed its extradition treaty the town of Khoms, around In recent years, the Euro-
other destinations to go In order to obtain per- with Hong Kong and ex- 120 kilometers (75 miles) pean Union has partnered
to and hence why we manent residency, appli- tended visas for Hong east Tripoli. This brought the with the coast guard and
have put forward our ad- cants would still have to Kong residents from two total number of migrants in- other Libyan forces to stop
ditional visa options for pass "the character test, to five years. q tercepted and taken back the flow of migrants.q