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a30    people & arts
                       Monday 13 July 2020
            With new name and album, The Chicks' voices ring loud again

            By KRISTIN M. HALL                                                                                                  the  three-part  harmonies
            AP Entertainment Writer                                                                                             backed by fiddle and ban-
            NASHVILLE,  Tenn.  (AP)  —                                                                                          jo, in new ways.
            The  Dixie  Chicks  are  no                                                                                         Their last album, 2006's "Tak-
            more. Breaking their ties to                                                                                        ing The Long Way," earned
            the  South,  The  Chicks  are                                                                                       five Grammys, including al-
            stepping into a new chap-                                                                                           bum of the year, and won
            ter  in  their  storied  career                                                                                     over  masses  of  fans  who
            with their first new music in                                                                                       never listened to them be-
            14 years.                                                                                                           fore. But it's unlikely the fans
            The Texas trio of Emily Stray-                                                                                      who  turned  their  back  on
            er,  Martie  Maguire  and                                                                                           The  Chicks  17  years  ago
            Natalie Maines have been                                                                                            are going to feel any differ-
            teasing  new  music  for  a                                                                                         ent about their return.
            year,  and  "Gaslighter"  fi-                                                                                       When  The  Chicks  and  Be-
            nally drops on July 17 when                                                                                         yoncé  performed  at  the
            the  nation  is  embroiled  in   This  combination  of  self-portraits  shows,  from  left,  Martie  Maguire,  Emily  Strayer  and  Natalie   Country  Music  Association
            divisive politics, cancel cul-  Maines, of The Chicks, who are promoting the release of their latest album "Gaslighter."    Awards in 2016, a vocal mi-
            ture  and  a  racial  reckon-                                                                      Associated Press  nority  unleashed  their  an-
            ing.                         try  music's  next  big  thing   got  so  mad?'"  said  Ma-  who  feel  like  they've  let  ger on social media at the
            "It just seemed like a good  until suddenly the door was   guire.  The  trio  are  all  now  down their kids.       idea that both artists would
            reflection  on  our  times,"  slammed on them.            parents of teenagers when  Hit  pop  songwriter  Justin  be invited to perform.
            said  Maines.  "In  20  years,  In  2003,  as  then-President   youth  activists  are  taking  Tranter, who has co-written  Although  their  fallout  oc-
            we'll  look  back  at  that  al-  George  Bush  was  prepar-  the  lead  on  gun  control,  hits for Justin Bieber, Selena  curred  before  Twitter  or
            bum  cover  and  title  and  ing  to  invade  Iraq,  the   climate  change  and  ra-   Gomez  and  Lady  Gaga,  Facebook, The Chicks have
            remember  exactly  what  trio  were  playing  a  show     cial  inequality.  Their  song,  helped The Chicks co-write  a unique viewpoint on the
            was going on in the coun-    in  London  when  Maines     "March March," which was  some  of  the  album's  most  rise of cancel culture, when
            try right then."             announced     they   were    released  the  same  day  raw,  vulnerable  break  up  prominent  people  are  at-
            "Gaslighter"  is  a  term  that  ashamed  that  the  presi-  they announced they were  songs,  including  "Sleep  At  tacked online in an almost
            describes  a  psychological  dent was from Texas.         dropping  the  word  Dixie  Night."                       mob mentality.
            abuser  who  manipulates  The  fallout  became  coun-     from  their  name,  was  in-  "Some  of  those  pre-cho-  "On  one  hand,  you  know,
            the truth to make a person  try  music  lore,  a  warning   spired  by  student-led  gun  ruses  are  not  songs,"  said  it's  freeing  now.  People
            feel crazy. In recent years,  to stay away from political   control  demonstrations  in  Tranter.  "Natalie  was  just  just  are  way  more  vocal,"
            it's  been  used  to  describe  talk,  especially  of  the  lib-  2018.                talking  and  I  was  literally  said  Maines.  "But  then  the
            powerful  men  like  Harvey  eral kind. They were booed   On  "Juliana  Calm  Down,"  writing down what she was  downside  is  one  slip  up,
            Weinstein or Donald Trump.  on  awards  shows,  radio     their  daughters  and  niec-  saying  and  then  I  found  a  one  major  slip  up,  and  no
            "I think most everybody has  stations  pulled  their  music   es  are  name-checked  in  way to put it to a melody."  publicist can make that go
            a  gaslighter  in  their  lives  and  fans  destroyed  their   a  song  that  encourages  "Gaslighter"  was  recorded  away."
            somewhere,"  said  Strayer.  CDs. Maguire only recently   young  women  to  keep  and  co-written  with  Jack  Maines said for movements
            "But,  yeah,  it  was  so  weird  showed her daughters the   their heads held high when  Antonoff,  a  Grammy-win-  like  #MeToo,  those  speak-
            how  it  echoes  our  current  2006  documentary  called   struggling through life's ob-  ning producer-artist known  ing out online held people
            administration."             "Shut  Up  and  Sing,"  that   stacles.  Maines  speaks  to  for  recording  with  Taylor  accountable.  "And  you
            As  the  best-selling  female  showed how the backlash    her  two  teenage  boys  on  Swift,  Lana  Del  Rey  and  can't silence or quiet them
            group  in  RIAA  history,  The  affected  them  behind  the   "Young  Man,"  a  song  for  Lorde.  He  pushed  them  when  you've  got  so  many
            Chicks  appealed  to  a  scenes.                          all  those  divorced  parents  to  use  their  core  strength,  women coming forward."q
            generation of country fans  Maguire      feared     her
            band's  stories,  whether  it  young  for  some  of  the  Search of California lake resumes for
            who saw themselves in the  11-year-old  might  be  too

            was "Wide Open Spaces" or  material,  which  included     missing ‘Glee’ star
            "Cowboy  Take  Me  Away."  death threats.
            Their first major label record  Instead,  her  social  media-
            in  1998  has  sold  13  million  savvy daughters were con-                                                         northwest  of  Los  Angeles.
            copies in the U.S. alone.    fused  by  the  reaction  to                                                           Her 4-year-old son was dis-
            With Maguire on fiddle and  Maines'  tame  comments                                                                 covered alone in a rented
            Strayer on banjo, they were  compared  to  today's  vitri-                                                          boat.
            all  steeped  in  bluegrass  olic criticism.                                                                        The  boy,  who  was  found
            and classic country, but rel-  "And it was just funny hear-                                                         asleep  and  wearing  a  life
            ished in fun country pop on  ing  16-  and  11-year-olds                                                            vest  late  Wednesday  af-
            crossover songs like "Good-  going,  'Why?  What?  Wait.                                                            ternoon,  told  investigators
            bye Earl." They were coun-   She said that? And people                                                              that  he  and  his  mother
                                                                                                                                went swimming and he got
                                                                                                                                back on the boat, but "his
                                                                                                                                mom  never  made  it  out
                                                                      In this Jan. 13, 2018, file photo, Naya Rivera participates in the   of  the  water,"  Sheriff's  Sgt.
                                                                      "Step Up: High Water" panel during the YouTube Television Critics   Kevin Donoghue said.
                                                                      Association Winter Press Tour in Pasadena, Calif.         Rivera  began  acting  at  a
                                                                                                               Associated Press   young age, but she rose to
                                                                      LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —  The  ties said.                    national  attention  playing
                                                                      search  to  find  "Glee"  TV  The  Ventura  County  Sher-  a  lesbian  teen  on  "Glee,"
                                                                      show star Naya Rivera in a  iff's Office said last Thursday  which aired from 2009 until
                                                                      Southern California lake re-  that  they  believe  Rivera,  2015 on Fox.q
                                                                      sumed on Sunday, authori-    33,  drowned  in  Lake  Piru,
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