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OBITUARIO/U.s. news Diahuebs 18 November 2021
2 men to be cleared in 1965
assassination of Malcolm X
Cuando las personas que amamos parten, pasan
de vivir entre nosotros.
Marie Elida Cartil Constant
“Elda & Madame Ilet”
*28-04-1972 †02-11-2021
Na nomber di su:
Esposo: Jean Robert Constant
Mayornan: Francisque Cartil na Haiti
Losana Horel na Haiti
Yiunan: Miceda Constant (AP) — Two men convicted tion. He famously urged Black and a still-living witness sup-
Privadu Jean Mike Lubens Constant in the assassination of Mal- people to claim civil rights “by ported the alibi that Aziz has of-
colm X are set to be cleared any means necessary.” fered since his trial – that he was
Rumannan: after more than half a cen- at home with a leg injury at the
Marie Sauveur Porcelus na Brazil tury, with prosecutors now He was gunned down as he be- time of the shooting.
Micheline Porcelus na Haiti saying authorities withheld gan a speech in Harlem’s Audu-
Losanie Anatius na Haiti evidence in the civil rights bon Ballroom on Feb. 21, 1965. Also, the review found that pros-
Sauveur Jean Denis na Guadalupe leader’s killing, according to ecutors knew about but didn’t
a news report Wednesday. Aziz, Islam and a third man, disclose that undercover offi-
Manera ruman: Marie Jinette Exavier Mujahid Abdul Halim — cers were in the ballroom when
The New York Times reported known at the time of the killing the gunfire erupted, and police
Sobrino(a)nan: Jean Maxceau Exavier Wednesday that Muhammad as Talmadge Hayer and later as knew that someone had called
Lucson Bazil Aziz and the late Khalil Islam, Thomas Hagan — were convict- the Daily News of New York
Eric Bazil who spent decades in prison for ed of murder in March 1966 and earlier that day saying that Mal-
Mirlene Bazil the crime, were being exoner- sentenced to life in prison. colm X would be killed.
ated after a nearly two-year in-
amigo(a)nan: Calixte Prophete vestigation by their lawyers and Hagan said he was one of three “This wasn’t a mere oversight,”
Cleanne Jean the Manhattan district attorney’s gunmen who shot Malcolm X, Deborah Francois, a lawyer for
Frisner Augustine office. A court date is expected but he testified that neither Aziz Aziz and Islam, told the Times.
Ihanan: Leisha Diana Exavier Thursday. nor Islam were involved. The “This was a product of extreme
Stanley Theresie two, then known as Norman 3X and gross official misconduct.”
“These men did not get the jus- Butler and Thomas 15X John-
Iglesia di perseverancia: Evangelic Church of tice that they deserved,” District son, maintained throughout that Aziz was released in 1985. He is
Primitive Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. told they were innocent. now 83 years old.
the newspaper.
Pastor: Jonel D. Esperance y e “Thomas 15 Johnson and Nor- Islam was released two years lat-
miembronan di iglesia. Vance tweeted that his office, man 3X Butler had nothing to er and died in 2009.
Demas famia: Paul, Joseph, Exavier, Bazil, the Innocence Project and a law do with this crime whatsoever,”
Procelus e y comunidad Haitiano na Aruba kier firm would move to vacate the Hagan said in a sworn statement The Manhattan district attor-
a invita tur bisiña, amigo y conocir pa asisti na convictions, with more details to in 1977. ney’s office publicly acknowl-
e acto di entiero cual lo tuma lugar diasabra come Thursday. edged it was considering reopen-
20 di november 2021 di 2or pa 5or di atardi Hagan was paroled in 2010. He ing the case after Netflix aired
na Iglesia Evangelical Church of Primitive na One of the civil rights era’s most identified two other men as gun- a documentary series last year,
Concessielaan 10 y sali pa Santana Central na controversial and compelling men, but no one else was ever “Who Killed Malcom X?”, that
Sabana Basora. figures, Malcolm X rose to fame arrested. explored a theory by scholars
Acto di condolencia lo ta diabierna 19 di as the Nation of Islam’s chief that the two men were innocent
november 2021 di 7or pa 9or di anochi na Pray spokesperson, proclaiming the According to The New York and that some of the real killers
Funeral Home na San Nicolaas. Black Muslim organization’s Times, the re-investigation had escaped.
Nos disculpa si den nos tristesa nos por a lubida message at the time: racial sepa- found the F.B.I. had documents
un of otro miembro di famia. ratism as a road to self-actualiza- that pointed to other suspects,