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A28    u.s. news
               Diahuebs 18 November 2021

                                        House to vote on censuring Gosar over video

                                         stripped  Rep.  Marjorie  Tay-                            gized,”  she  said.  “He  not  tion of censure is read aloud
                                         lor  Greene,  R-Ga.,  of  her  “I don’t know if it was to cre-  only  has  not  made  any  sort  by the House speaker.
                                         committee  assignments  for  ate  harm,  if  it  was  to  incite  of  contact  or  outreach,  nei-
                                         spreading hateful and violent  violence, if it was to fuel hate,  ther  he  nor  the  Republican  The House has censured its
                                         conspiracy theories.         but it probably accomplished  leader (Kevin) McCarthy, but  members  on  23  occasions.
                                                                      all of those things,” said Rep.  he has also doubled down by  The  last  censure  resolution
                                         “This  is  a  dark  and  danger-  Veronica  Escobar,  D-Texas.  saying  that  I  am  somehow,  was approved in 2010 involv-
                                         ous road the majority is go-  “We have an obligation to live  you  know,  representative  of  ing Democratic Rep. Charles
                                         ing  down,”  said  Rep.  Tom  up  to  the  highest  standards  undocumented people.”   Rangel, the former chairman
                                         Cole  of  Oklahoma,  the  possible, but also to hold each                              of the powerful House Ways
                                         ranking  Republican  on  the  other  up  to  those  standards.  “In  a  perfect  world,  he’d  be  and  Means  Committee,  for
                                         House Rules Committee. “I  If we don’t do it, then what  expelled,”  she  told  report-  financial  misconduct.  The
                                         urge  you  for  the  future  of  we are doing is allowing for a  ers. “We are not in a perfect  censure  carries  no  practical
                                         the  chamber  to  rethink  this  new norm to be created.”  world,  so  censure  and  re-  effect,  except  to  provide  a
                                         course.”                                                  moval from committee I be-   historic footnote that marks a
                                                                      Last  week,  Gosar  issued  a  lieve is appropriate.”     lawmaker’s career.
                                         Gosar posted the video over  statement  saying  the  video
                                         week ago with a note saying,  wasn’t meant to depict harm  The resolution coming up for  The  censure  resolution  also
                                         “Any anime fans out there?”  or violence, calling it instead  a  vote  states  that  depictions  calls  for  Gosar’s  removal
                                         The  roughly  90-second  vid-  “a  symbolic  portrayal  of  a  of  violence  can  foment  ac-  from the two committees he
            (AP) — The House will vote  eo was an altered version of  fight over immigration poli-  tual  violence  and  jeopardize  serves  on:  the  Committee
            Wednesday  on  a  resolution  a Japanese anime clip, inter-  cy.”                      the safety of elected officials.  on  Natural  Resources  and
            to  censure  Republican  Rep.  spersed with shots of Border                            It  also  cites  the  insurrection  Committee  on  Oversight
            Paul  Gosar  of  Arizona  for  Patrol  officers  and  migrants  He told his House Republi-  of  the  Capitol  on  Jan.  6  as  and Reform, which includes
            tweeting  an  animated  video  at the southern U.S. border.  can  colleagues  during  a  pri-  an  example.  The  resolution  Ocasio-Cortez.
            that  depicted  him  striking                             vate  meeting  Tuesday  that  goes  on  to  say  that  violence
            Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cor-  During  one  roughly  10-sec-  he  would  never  espouse  against  women  in  politics  is  Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill.,
            tez, D-N.Y., with a sword.   ond  section,  animated  char-  violence or harm to anyone.  a global phenomenon meant  was one of the few Republi-
                                         acters  whose  faces  had  been  Gosar  noted  that  he  took  to  silence  and  discourage  cans saying he would vote to
            Democratic  lawmakers  said  replaced with Gosar. Greene  the video down from his ac-  them from seeking positions  censure Gosar.
            Gosar’s  actions  amounted  of Georgia and Lauren Boe-    count, according to a person  of authority and participating
            to  threating  another  mem-  bert of Colorado were shown  in  the  room  who  spoke  on  in public life, with women of  “We  have  to  hold  Members
            ber’s  life,  calling  the  video  fighting other animated char-  condition  of  anonymity  to  color  disproportionately  im-  accountable  who  incite  or
            “so  beyond  the  pale.”  Re-  acters. In one scene, Gosar’s  discuss the private meeting.  pacted.                 glorify  violence,  who  spread
            publicans warned Democrats  character is seen striking the                                                          and  perpetuate  dangerous
            to be careful about dictating  one  made  to  look  like  Oca-  Ocasio-Cortez  said  Tuesday  A  censure  resolution,  if  ap-  conspiracies.  The  failure  to
            the punishment of those who  sio-Cortez in the neck with a  he has not apologized to her.  proved  by  a  majority  of  the  do  so  will  take  us  one  step
            serve in the minority because  sword. The video also shows                             House, requires the censured  closer to this fantasized vio-
            of  the  precedent  it  will  set.  him  attacking  President  Joe  “It’s  been  well  over  a  week.  lawmaker to stand in the well  lence  becoming  real,”  Kinz-
            Earlier  this  year,  the  House  Biden.                  He  not  only  has  not  apolo-  of  the  House  as  the  resolu-  inger tweeted.

                              Judge at Rittenhouse trial blasts media coverage of him

            (AP) — The judge at Kyle  without members of the pub-     a minor role in determining  said  he  has  been  having  de-  summer of 2020. The former
            Rittenhouse’s      murder  lic or press present.          which jurors were alternates,  fendants do it for at least 20  police youth cadet is white, as
            trial  said  Wednesday  that                              and the fact that he had not  years.                      were those he shot.
            he would “think long and  Prosecutor  Thomas  Binger  yet ruled on a defense motion
            hard” about allowing tele-   said  they  should  be  able  to  for a mistrial.         “I would admit that there are  Rittenhouse testified he acted
            vised  trials  in  the  future,  view  any  video  they  wanted                        not a large number of courts  in  self-defense,  while  pros-
            criticizing  media  cover-   as many times as they want-  Schroeder said he hasn’t read  that do that, maybe not any,”  ecutors  argued  he  provoked
            age  of  some  of  his  deci-  ed, and the judge seemed to  the  motion  to  dismiss  be-  Schroeder said Wednesday.  the  violence.  The  case  has
            sions  after  calling  pros-  agree.  “Sometimes  there  is  cause  he  just  received  it  on  The jury of 12 deliberated for  become  a  flashpoint  in  the
            ecutors and defense attor-   one piece of evidence that is  Tuesday.                   a  full  day  Tuesday  without  U.S. debate over guns, racial-
            neys into court to discuss a  absolutely critical. ... To me,                          reaching a decision.         justice  protests,  vigilantism
            jury request to view video  if they want to watch it 100  “It’s  just  a  shame  that  irre-                        and law and order.
            presented  earlier  in  the  times,  that’s  them,”  Schro-  sponsible  statements  are  be-  Rittenhouse, 18, faces life in
            trial.                       eder said.                   ing made,” Schroeder said of  prison  if  convicted  on  the  The jury appeared to be over-
                                                                      comments  in  a  Milwaukee  most  serious  charge  for  us-  whelmingly  white.  Prospec-
            Jurors   weighing   charges  Defense attorney Mark Rich-  Journal  Sentinel  story  from  ing  an  AR-style  semi-auto-  tive  jurors  were  not  asked
            against Rittenhouse returned  ards said he would object to  law  school  professors  about  matic  rifle  to  kill  two  men  to  identify  their  race  during
            for a second day of delibera-  the jury viewing video taken  him  not  ruling  on  the  mis-  and  wound  a  third  during  a  the selection process, and the
            tions  after  failing  to  reach  a  by  a  drone  that  prosecutors  trial motion.    night of protests against racial  court did not provide a racial
            swift  verdict  on  whether  he  said  showed  Rittenhouse                             injustice  in  Kenosha  in  the  breakdown.
            was the instigator of a night  pointing  his  gun  at  protest-  The case went to the anony-
            of bloodshed in Kenosha or a  ers before the shootings. The  mous jury after Schroeder al-
            concerned citizen who came  image  prompted  heated  dis-  lowed  Rittenhouse  to  reach
            under  attack  while  trying  to  pute  earlier  in  the  trial  over  into a raffle drum and draw
            protect property.            technical  questions  about  numbered  slips  that  deter-
                                         whether  enlarging  images  mined  which  of  the  18  ju-
            About two hours into delib-  notably changes them.        rors who sat through the case
            erations  Wednesday,  jurors                              would  deliberate  and  which
            asked  to  view  video  shown  But  before  that,  Schroeder  ones  would  be  dismissed  as
            earlier in the trial and Judge  took  exception  to  news  sto-  alternates.
            Bruce  Schroeder  said  he  ries about his decisions to not
            would  determine  the  proce-  allow  the  men  Rittenhouse  That  task  is  usually  per-
            dures  to  allow  that,  though  shot to be called victims and  formed by a court clerk, not
            it would be in the courtroom  to allow Rittenhouse to play  the defendant. Schroeder has
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