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A30 world news
Diahuebs 18 November 2021
China, U.S. to ease restrictions on each other’s journalists
and lawsuits brought by peo- ly-stated requirements and
ple they interview. procedures, and that the visa
process for journalists will
“We will continue to advo- not be politicized or weapon-
cate for media freedom as a ized,” the club said in a state-
reflection of our democratic ment last week.
values,” the State Depart-
ment told the AP. Wong is the latest in a string
of journalists in Hong Kong
Asked about Wong’s case, to be denied visas.
Hong Kong leader Carrie
Lam said the issuing of visas In 2018, Hong Kong au-
is at the “autonomy and the thorities refused to renew the
discretion of any govern- work visa of Financial Times
ment.” Lam added that the senior editor Victor Mallet
authorities do not comment after he chaired a lunchtime
on individual cases but will talk at the Foreign Corre-
continue to facilitate the op- spondents’ Club with the
eration of overseas media leader of a now-banned pro-
based in Hong Kong “in a le- Hong Kong independence
gitimate manner” according party. Authorities did not say
to the city’s mini-constitu- why Mallet’s application was
tion, known as the Basic Law. rejected.
(AP) — China and the U.S. relevant measures and poli- fueled tensions between the The city’s Foreign Corre- In 2020, Hong Kong did not
have agreed to ease re- cies in place as soon as pos- two countries for more than a spondents’ Club said it was renew a work visa for Chris
strictions on each other’s sible and work with China to year after the U.S. cut 20 visas “deeply concerned” over the Buckley, a New York Times
journalists amid a slight create favorable conditions issued to Chinese state me- denial of Wong’s employ- reporter who had been work-
relaxation of tensions be- for both (nations’) media to dia journalists and required ment visa. ing in Hong Kong after being
tween the two sides. continue to work and live in those remaining to register as expelled from China, as well
each other’s countries,” Zhao foreign agents, among other “We again call on the govern- as for Irish journalist Aaron
The official China Daily said at a daily briefing. changes. ment to provide concrete as- Mc Nicholas, who was then
newspaper on Wednes- surances that applications for an incoming editor for the
day said the agreement was In a statement to The Asso- China responded by expel- employment visas and visa independent media outlet
reached ahead of Tuesday’s ciated Press late Tuesday, the ling journalists working for extensions will be handled in Hong Kong Free Press.
virtual summit between Chi- State Department said China U.S. outlets and severely re- a timely manner with clear-
nese leader Xi Jinping and had committed to issuing vi- stricting conditions for those
U.S. President Joe Biden. sas for a group of U.S. report- continuing to work in the
ers “provided they are eligible country.
The agreement represents a under all applicable laws and
degree of progress on an is- regulations.” The new agreement “was the
sue that has long aggravated result of more than a year of
relations, but details remain “We will also continue issu- difficult negotiations over the
to be ironed out. COVID-19 ing visas to (Chinese) jour- treatment of media outlets in
travel restrictions and long- nalists who are otherwise eli- both countries,” China Daily
standing obstacles faced by gible for the visa under U.S. said.
foreign media within China law,” the statement said.
are also factors standing in “It is hoped that more good
the way of a major break- China also committed to in- news is ahead for the two
through in media relations. crease the length for which countries’ media outlets
U.S. journalist visas are valid through further China-U.S.
Under the agreement, the from the current 90 days to cooperation,” the newspaper
U.S. will issue one-year mul- one year. added.
tiple-entry visas to Chinese
journalists and will immedi- “On a reciprocal basis, we are The State Department said it
ately initiate a process to ad- committing to increase va- has “remained in close con-
dress “duration of status” is- lidity of U.S. visas issued to sultation with the affected
sues, China Daily said. China PRC journalists to one year outlets, as well as other out-
will reciprocate by granting as well,” the State Depart- lets facing personnel short-
equal treatment to U.S. jour- ment statement said, refer- ages due to PRC government
nalists once the U.S. policies ring to the People’s Republic policy decisions, and we are
take effect, and both sides of China. gratified their correspon-
will issue media visas for new dents will be able to return
applicants “based on relevant Not mentioned in either to the PRC to continue their
laws and regulations,” the re- statement were press condi- important work. We welcome
port said. tions in the semi-autono- this progress but see it simply
mous Chinese territory of as initial steps.”
Foreign Ministry spokesper- Hong Kong, where both lo-
son Zhao Lijian gave no in- cal and international media The State Department also
formation on a timeline for have come under increasing said it would continue to
implementation, but called pressure. The Economist said work toward expanded access
the agreement a “hard-won last week that Hong Kong and better conditions for U.S.
achievement that is in the refused a visa renewal for and foreign media in China,
interest of both sides and its correspondent Sue-Lin where they face considerable
should be cherished.” Wong. Authorities have not obstacles ranging from ques-
explained the rejection. tioning by police, harassment
“We hope that the U.S. will preventing them from doing
keep its promise to put the Limits on journalists have their work, personal threats