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                                                                                         world news Diahuebs 18 November 2021

                        Schools close as smog-laden India capital considers lockdown

            (AP) — Authorities closed  “This is not the solution that  dia that watered down crucial
            schools  indefinitely  and  we  are  looking  for,  because  language about coal.
            shut  down  some  coal-      this is hugely disruptive. And
            burning    power     plants  we also have to keep in mind  The  agreement  as  amended
            Wednesday      to   reduce  that  the  economy  is  already  would  “phase  down”  rather
            air  pollution  in  India’s  under  pressure,  poor  people  than “phase out” coal power,
            smog-shrouded       capital  are  at  risk,”  said  Anumita  the  biggest  source  of  green-
            and  neighboring  states,  Roychowdhury,       executive  house gas emissions.
            as  the  country  weighs  an  director  at  the  Center  for
            unprecedented  and  more  Science  and  Environment,  a  Levels of dangerous particles
            far-reaching  step:  a  lock-  research  and  advocacy  orga-  in New Delhi’s air Wednes-
            down in New Delhi.           nization in New Delhi.       day  were  as  high  as  seven
                                                                      times the safe level, climbing
            The dirty-air crisis in the city  Soaring  pollution  levels  in  above  300  micrograms  per
            of more than 20 million peo-  the capital prompted a federal  cubic meter in some parts of
            ple  has  underscored  India’s  environment  ministry  pan-  the  city.  The  World  Health
            heavy  dependence  on  coal,  el  to  issue  strict  guidelines  Organization  designates  the  ing  to  the  federal  govern-  the  steps  have  had  little  ef-
            which  accounts  for  70%  of  Tuesday  night  to  stem  the  safe level as 25.        ment.  The  crisis  deepens  in  fect.
            the country’s power.         pollution and show residents                              the  cold-weather  months
                                         that the government is taking  Forecasters warned air qual-  when  the  burning  of  crop  Residents  say  the  govern-
            The  New  Delhi  state  gov-  action against a crisis that has  ity will worsen before the ar-  residue in neighboring states  ment isn’t doing enough.
            ernment said it is open to the  plagued the city for years.  rival of cold winds next week  coincides with lower temper-
            idea of a weekend lockdown                                that will blow away the smog.  atures that trap smoke. That  Suresh  Chand  Jain,  a  New
            to  reduce  automobile  traffic  Besides  closing  schools  and                        smoke travels to New Delhi.  Delhi  shop  owner,  said  au-
            and potentially other air-pol-  shutting  down  some  power  Earlier this month, air pollu-                         thorities  should  introduce
            luting activity in the city, and  plants,  the  Commission  for  tion reached the “severe” lev-  Emissions  from  industries  stricter  regulations  to  limit
            it  is  awaiting  the  go-ahead  Air Quality Management or-  el in the capital, and residents  with  no  pollution-control  car use and control the burn-
            from India’s Supreme Court.  dered a stop to construction  faced bouts of heavy, multiday  technology, smoke from fire-  ing of crop residue.
            A decision could come as ear-  until  Nov.  21  and  banned  pollution. That prompted the  crackers  linked  to  festivals,
            ly as Nov. 24.               trucks carrying non-essential  Supreme Court last week to  and  construction  dust  also  “Shutting down the city will
                                         goods.  The  panel  also  di-  order  state  and  federal  gov-  sharply  increase  in  winter  not  end  the  pollution,”  Jain
            It’s  not  clear  how  extensive  rected  the  affected  states  to  ernments to take “imminent  months.            said.
            the  lockdown  would  be.  encourage  work  from  home  and emergency” action. New
            Authorities  are  discussing  for half of the employees in  Delhi  authorities  responded  Several studies have estimat-  Experts  say  such  emergency
            whether  to  allow  industries  all private offices.      by proposing a lockdown and  ed  that  more  than  a  million  measures  are  not  helpful  in
            to continue operating.                                    closing schools for a week.  Indians die each year because  the long run.
                                         The importance of coal to In-                             of  air  pollution-related  dis-
            Some  experts  said  a  lock-  dia was underlined just days  Among the many Indian cit-  eases.                     “These are done only to en-
            down  would  achieve  very  ago at the world climate talks  ies  gasping  for  breath,  New                         sure  that  you  don’t  worsen
            little in controlling pollution  in  Scotland,  where  almost  Delhi tops the list every year.  The capital has often experi-  the situation, that you shave
            and would instead cause dis-  200 nations accepted a com-                              mented  with  limiting  the  off the peak. But it is not a sil-
            ruptions in the economy and  promise  deal  to  fight  global  Auto  emissions  contribute  number of cars on the road,  ver bullet that is going to just
            harm the livelihoods of mil-  warming. It contained a last-  nearly 25% of the city’s pol-  using  large  anti-smog  guns  clean  the  air  immediately,”
            lions of people.             minute change sought by In-  lution in the winter, accord-  and halting construction. But  Roychowdhury said.

                          Belarus brings some migrants at Polish border in from cold

            (AP)  —  Hundreds  of  mi-   border  crisis,  with  migrants  the  Middle  East,  have  been  ceived information that they  he  shot  video  of  the  chants.
            grants  who  were  camped  throwing  stones  at  Polish  stuck at the border since Nov.  were leaving on buses.     “These people are expressing
            in the cold on the Poland-   forces massed on their side of  8.  Most  are  fleeing  conflict                       happiness  and  optimism  in
            Belarus border have been  the  razor-wire  fence,  injur-  or despair at home and want  The Belarus state news agen-  this cold and ugly camp.”
            moved  to  a  nearby  ware-  ing  12,  and  they  responded  to  reach  Germany  or  other  cy  Belta  reported  that  mi-
            house in Belarusian terri-   with water cannons and tear  western European countries.  grants were moved to a heat-  They  sat  on  blankets,  most
            tory, reports said Wednes-   gas. Warsaw accused Belaru-                               ed,  warehouse-like  building  still wrapped in heavy jackets
            day, with some reported to  sian forces of instigating the  The  West  has  accused  Be-  about  500  meters  (yards)  and raincoats.
            still harbor hopes of enter-  conflict,  while  the  govern-  larus  President  Alexander  from the border near Bruzgi,
            ing the European Union.      ment  in  Minsk  denounced  Lukashenko of using the mi-   giving  them  the  chance  to  Belta  reported  about  1,000
                                         Poland’s “violent actions.”  grants as pawns to destabilize  rest indoors after many days  migrants  agreed  Tuesday  to
            The  move  came  a  day  af-                              the  27-nation  bloc  in  retali-  in tents.              move  into  the  building,  lo-
            ter a melee broke out in the  The  migrants,  mostly  from  ation for its sanctions on his                          cated  near  Bruzgi,  to  “wait
                                                                      authoritarian regime. Belarus  One of them, an Iraqi Kurd  for the situation to resolve,”
                                                                      denies  orchestrating  the  cri-  named Miran Ali, took video  and it quoted some of them
                                                                      sis, which has seen migrants  inside the warehouse and said  as  saying  that  they  are  not
                                                                      entering  the  country  since  Belarusian  authorities  said  planning  to  return  to  their
                                                                      summer  and  then  trying  to  they  wouldn’t  be  forced  to  home countries. Most of the
                                                                      cross  the  borders  into  Po-  return home, causing the mi-  building’s space has been al-
                                                                      land, Lithuania and Latvia.  grants  to  chant  in  gratitude,  located for the migrants, who
                                                                                                   “Belarus! Belarus! Belarus!”  are offered food, water, med-
                                                                      On Wednesday, Poland’s Bor-                               ical  aid,  mattresses  and  pil-
                                                                      der  Guard  tweeted  a  video  “This  is  the  joy  and  happi-  lows, the news agency said.
                                                                      showing  migrants  with  bags  ness of Kurdish people after
                                                                      and backpacks being directed  they were told that they will  Some migrants opted to stay
                                                                      by Belarus forces away from  not be sent back to Kurdistan  outside near the border. Po-
                                                                      the  camp  near  the  Kuznica  by  force,  and  that  they  can  land’s   Defense   Ministry
                                                                      border  crossing,  and  Polish  wait  here  until  Germany  or  posted video showing people
                                                                      Deputy  Interior  Minister  one of the cities in Germany  and  tents  there,  with  some
                                                                      Maciej Wasik said he had re-  take them there,” Ali said as  smoke rising from bonfires.
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