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September 5, 2020
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A r u b a ’ s O N L Y E n g l i s h n e w s p a p e r
Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
Will long Labor Day weekend mean another coronavirus spike?
A waiter in a face mask delivers food to the tables outside of a local restaurant during lunch on Friday, Sept. 4, 2020, in Hoboken, N.J.
Associated Press
By PAT EATON-ROBB and a bit as we start another and flu season is around Americans, cooped up for this weekend and possibly
THALIA BEATY surge?” the corner. months, appeared more not be as cautious as they
Associated Press The rise in infections, deaths And a few states are head- than ready to venture out should about not bring-
HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — and hospitalizations over ing into the holiday with less and socialize — though ing their germs back with
Americans headed into the summer, primarily in room in hospitals than they with some precautions. them.”
Labor Day weekend — the the South and West, was had over Memorial Day In New York City, once of In Cicero, Indiana, 40-year-
unofficial end to the Lost blamed in part on Ameri- and the Fourth of July. Ala- the epicenter of the out- old Matt McInnis planned
Summer of 2020 — amid cans behaving heedlessly bama, for example, had break in the U.S., Jennifer to continue with tradition
warnings from public health over Memorial Day and about 800 people hospital- Bolstad of Brooklyn picked by getting together with
experts that backyard par- July Fourth. ized with the virus on July 1. up the keys to a rented about 15 neighborhood
ties, crowded bars and oth- The landscape has im- This week, it has just under minivan with plans to drive friends for a barbecue. And
er gatherings could cause proved in recent weeks, 1,000. with her two children to forget wearing masks.
the coronavirus to come with the numbers headed More beaches will be open Maryland this weekend to “With the picnic being out-
surging back. in the right direction in on Labor Day than on Me- visit family she hasn’t seen doors, we feel that we can
“I look upon the Labor Day hard-hit states like Florida, morial Day, but Fauci said in a year. space enough, and with
weekend really as a criti- Arizona and Texas, but that is not cause in itself for “I monitored the quaran- the fresh air that we are go-
cal point,” said Dr. Anthony there are certain risk factors concern, as long as people tine list pathologically, and ing to be safe with it being
Fauci, the government’s that could combine with keep their distance. they are finally a place I outdoors and in the wide
top infectious-disease ex- Labor Day: Children are “I would rather see some- can visit,” she said, referring open,” McInnis said. He
pert. “Are we going to go going back to school, uni- one on a beach, be- to the list of states that New said they won’t be asking
in the right direction and versity campuses are see- ing physically separated York has advised are safe the eight children at the
continue the momentum ing soaring case counts, enough, than someone to travel to. “I think a lot of picnic to socially distance
downward, or are we go- college football is starting, crowded in an indoor bar,” people are going stir-crazy either.
ing to have to step back more businesses are open, he said. and are going somewhere Continued on next page