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Saturday 5 September 2020 locAl

            Queen Beatrix International Airport:

            In August 2020 AUA Airport recuperated 19% of the departure

            figures of August 2019

            Revenue Generating Passenger amounts increased compared the July 2020

                                                                                                   LF’s for the entire month of  Central  America  as  was
                                                                                                   August  for  the  European,  foreseen  originally  will  also
                                                                                                   Canadian    and    Nether-   have its effect on the fore-
                                                                                                   lands Antilles markets were  casted  numbers.  A  recu-
                                                                                                   respectively  73%,  36%  and  peration  of  approximately
                                                                                                   68%. The average LF for Au-  20%  of  AUA  Airport’s  traf-
                                                                                                   gust  2019  in  these  markets  fic  handled  in  September
                                                                                                   were  94%  (US),  93%  (Eu-  of  2019  is  expected  to  be
                                                                                                   rope), 95% (Canada), and  reached as a result.
                                                                                                   67% (Netherlands Antilles).  “The  traffic  numbers  are
                                                                                                   During  the  month  of  Au-  still  slow  and  far  from  pre
                                                                                                   gust, AUA Airport averaged  covid-19 numbers but hav-
                                                                                                   9 flights per day, down from  ing  almost  reached  our
                                                                                                   about  35  daily  flights  from  estimate  for  the  month  of
                                                                                                   the  same  month  last  year.  August  is  yet  another  tes-
                                                                                                   For  September  2020  AUA  tament  to  the  great  co-
                                                                                                   Airport has forecasted han-  operation we have with all
                                                                                                   dling approximately 23,000  our stakeholders, especially
                                                                                                   departing      passengers.  our  airline  partners,  in  try-
                                                                                                   This  estimate  however  will  ing  to  forecast  as  best  as
                                                                                                   probably be negatively af-   we  can  in  these  turbulent,
                                                                                                   fected  due  to  the  current  uncertain and fluent times.
            ORANJESTAD  —  In  August,  travelled  to  the  US,  3,700  for the month of August ver-  travel restrictions that apply  We  will  continue  to  exert
            the second month of oper-    pax to Europe and 202 pax  sus the same month 2019.       in  for  example  European  these  efforts  and  remain
            ations  after  the  lockdown,  to  Canada  and  386  pax                               countries,  the  Netherlands  optimistic,  hoping  that  the
            a  total  of  21,868  Revenue  to  the  Netherlands  Antilles  An   average   outbound  Antilles  and  Canada.  TUI  air traffic figures will pick up
            Generating      Passengers  (34  pax  departed  also  on  load factor (LF) (number of  has cancelled all operation  faster than forecasted. We
            (RGPs)  travelled  out  of  the  a repatriation flight to Latin  seats  of  the  total  seats  on  for  September  and  Cana-  will continue to provide all
            Queen Beatrix International  America).  The  figures  for  board  an  aircraft  that  are  dian  carriers  have  moved  relevant and necessary in-
            Airport (AUA Airport) to the  August  2020  are  1.8%  less  occupied  when  departing  up their operation to restart  formation  to  our  deciding
            various  markets.  This  was  than  what  was  forecasted  from AUA Airport) for the US  once  again  in  October  partners  to  assist  further  in
            10,692 more than the month  for  this  month  and  com-   Market  of  49%  was  report-  of  this  year.  The  fact  that  planning  ahead  for  the  is-
            of  July  2020.  In  August  pared  to  2019  AUA  Airport  ed during the period of Au-  borders have not yet been  land,”  said  AAA  CCO  Mrs.
            17,546  passengers  (pax)  had a recuperation of 19%  gust 1 through 31, 2020. The  opened  with  Latin  and  Barbara Brown. q

               Send us your ‘Aruba in

               COVID-19 times video’

               ORANJESTAD — Aruba Today has a column called ‘Aruba to Me’ where read-
               ers are invited to send their favorite vacation picture along with a text starting
               describing what Aruba is to them. The column grew in popularity as many of
               you love to share their connection to our One Happy Island.

               Now we also offer you the opportunity to send us a video. Especially in this
               challenging time for the island we would appreciate your message of your
               experience here to share with those abroad who consider to vacation on
               our One Happy Island or who have booked their trip yet.

               What do you do
               The only thing you need to do is to record a short (maximum 1 minute) video
               with your phone and send it by what app to the number +297 740 2020 or
               email to: Also do not forget to say your name and
               where you are from. We will post your video on the Facebook page, Ins-
               tagram and website of Aruba Today! If you prefer a written message with
               picture the same email address is applicable. We look forward to share your

               Please do note: By submitting photos, text or any other materials, you give
               permission to The Aruba Today Newspaper, Caribbean Speed Printers and
               any of its affiliated companies to use said materials, as well as names, like-
               ness, etc. for promotional purposes without compensation.q
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