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                                                                                                           LOCAL Saturday 5 September 2020

            Foundation Ajudo Na Aruba (FANA):
            Help the people by joining a raffle with great prices

            Continued from Page 8               and a lionfish special (worth 19fl)  Refugees
                                                • Armando’s Kite Shack – kite surf  FANA  collaborates  with  HIAS,  a
            • Flying Friends Club - 3x 30 minute  lesson for two (worth 280fl)      Jewish  American  nonprofit  orga-  pers, baby formula, soap etc. “We
            flight around Aruba (worth $900)    • Ling & Sons – 2x gift cards for 100fl  nization  that  provides  humanitar-  are doing this all with the love and
            • Palm Tours - Private cabin at Fla-  each                              ian aid and assistance to refugees.  the help of our fantastic volunteers.
            mingo  beach,  with  lunchbox  and  • Compra - 1x chicken box (worth  Muijres informed Aruba Today be-      We thank you all from the bottom
            bottle Prosecco for 4 (worth $284)  84fl) and 2x Frisian Flag box (worth  fore  that  she  estimates  there  are  of our hearts. The project depends
            • Papillon - 2x giftcard $ 100      150fl)                              between 25.000 and 30.000 illegals  on  the  tremendous  effort  of  you,
            • Madame Jeanette - 2x giftcard  • Deli Caribbean – fruit & vegeta-     on the island. The total (legal) pop-  the  volunteers,  as  you  make  this
            $ 100                               ble basket (worth 100fl)            ulation  of  Aruba  is  about  106.000  work  a  success.  You  work  long
            •  Bugaloe  –  breakfast  for  two  •  Lucky  Group  of  Store  –  air  fryer  inhabitants. “These refugees have  days and take precious time away
            (worth $50)                         (worth 240fl)                       no medical insurance, no jobs and  from your own families to help Aju-
            • Cafe 080 - 2x 50 florin giftcard  •  Restaurant  Barefoot  –  gift  card  are in immediate need of food and  do na Aruba to reach out,” Muijres
            •  The  Pub  -  1x  4  bratwurst  with  a  100 florin                   baby milk.” The Arubahuis, the offi-  says. If you would like to join their
            beer and 2x 1 bratwurst with a beer  •  Quinta  Del  Carmen  –  gift  card  cial representative of Aruba in the  fantastic team, please contact the
            (worth $50)                         100 florin                          Netherlands,  recently  announced  organization  through  the  contact
            •  Chubasco  –  discovering  scuba  • Craft and Lola – gift card 50 florin  to support FANA by advertising on-  page on their website. Have a look
            diving for 2 (worth $300)           Official selling locations until Octo-  line how to donate to the founda-  at Aruba Today’s video about the
            •  Octopus  Aruba  –  All-inclusive  ber 20th:                          tion.                               foundation on our Facebook page
            catamaran sunset tour for 4 (worth  • FANA : Friday, Saturday, Sunday,                                      and  website:  Corona  Street  Talk
            $200)                               Monday from 9am and 12pm. Av.  Volunteer power                          –  Ajudo  na  Aruba  https://www.
            • TOF Twist Of Flavors – wine & dine  Milio Croes 70                    Muijres started this initiative by pre-
            pairing for one (worth $25)         •  De  Pub  :  Open  7  days  a  week  paring  home-cooked  meals  from  eos/2315084928799246/.
            • Holistika Labs – voucher for home-  from 6pm till 11pm. Palm Beach 55.  her  home,  but  she  soon  realized
            made soapbars $ 50                  •  Bugaloe:  Open  7  days  a  week  this was not enough. The grassroots   FANA
            • Blue Waters Day Spa – 50 minutes  from  8am  till  11pm.  J.E.  Irausquin  organization  became  an  official   Av. Milio Croes 70
            relaxing massage (worth 109fl)      Blvd 79, Oranjestad.                foundation with president Annelot     Oranjestad, Aruba
            •  Franks  Watersport  –  tandem  •  Volunteers  FANA:  Almost  every  Muijres, secretary Lizzy Jansen and    Facebook:  FANA  Fundacion
            parasailing (worth $ 100)           volunteer  sells  tickets  as  well.  Just  treasurer Xander Muijres. They help   Ajudo  na  Aruba,  Website:
            • Parce Rum – 3 bottles of exclusive  keep looking for our red shirts or a  all people in need, not only by pro-  https://www.ajudonaaruba.
            rum (worth $ 172)                   car sticker!                        viding meals or groceries, but also   com
            • Daily Fish – Deli Saco (worth 20fl)                                   support in basic necessities like dia-
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