Page 16 - Aruba Bank 24 JULY 2015
P. 16
Thursday 23 July 2015
Despite sea dispute, Chile:
Beijing says ties with
Manila can flourish 7 military members held in 1986 death of US resident
JIM GOMEZ LUIS ANDRES HENAO In this 2003 photo, Chilean Carmen Gloria Quintana attends a and abroad. At the time,
Associated Press Associated Press ceremony marking the 30th anniversary of the Sept. 11 military Chile’s army denied any
MANILA, Philippines (AP) — SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — coup lead by Gen. Augusto Pinochet at the government palace involvement, and dicta-
The Chinese ambassador Seven former members of La Moneda, in Santiago, Chile. tor Augusto Pinochet even
in Manila said Wednesday the Chilean military have suggested that Rojas and
that trade between Chi- been arrested in the fatal (AP Photo/Santiago Llanquin) Quintana accidentally set
na and the Philippines grew burning of a 19-year-old themselves on fire when
last year despite their pro- U.S. resident who was killed July 2, 1986. Radio Cooperativa, she they carried flammable
tracted territorial conflicts, in a 1986 protest against Rojas died four days later. said the soldiers involved material to ignite barri-
providing hope their rela- the military dictatorship He was a Chilean-born in the attack were teenag- cades.
tions could flourish even as then in power. photographer visiting from ers like her at the time and “Maybe they had some-
tensions remain. The two former officers and the United States, where he were also victims of the thing hidden, it exploded
Ambassador Zhao Jianhua five former noncommis- lived with his mother in po- dictatorship because they and it burned,” Pinochet
also played down reports sioned officers were taken litical exile. received death threats to said at the time.
that Chinese President Xi into custody Tuesday night Quintana survived and un- keep silent. In his testimony, Guzman
Jinping may skip the annu- after judge Mario Carroza derwent lengthy recovery “Today the truth is finally denied the two were the
al APEC summit to be host- issued the arrest order. treatment for severe burns being told and validates victims of their own fire-
ed by Manila in November The latest development in at a hospital in Canada, what I and so many wit- bomb, calling it “a total
because of the conflicts. the investigation came af- where she now lives. During nesses always held. Better lie.”
He said no decision has ter another former soldier a 1987 visit to Chile, Pope late than never,” Quintana He said he was carrying the
been reached because testified in November be- John Paul II consoled and said. radio that day and he had
the Philippine government fore the judge, breaking a embraced her. A judge in 1999 ordered a clear view of the attack
only sent its invitation re- nearly three-decade pact On Tuesday, Quintana the Chilean government to from atop a military truck.
cently. of silence in one of the most thanked the former solider pay Quintana $470,000. He said a man was lying on
“Despite the difficulties we prominent cases of human identified as Fernando Guz- The burning attack drew the ground while a wom-
have, I think last year bilat- rights abuses during the 17- man for coming forward condemnation from for- an was facing a wall. The
eral trade grew 17.6 per- year dictatorship. with new information in the eign governments and commander of one of the
cent and our trade stands “These people are going to case. In an interview with rights groups in Chile patrols that had detained
at over $44 billion,” Zhao be questioned and we’re the two, Lt. Julio Castaner,
told reporters after speak- going to look for informa- then ordered a soldier to
ing in a Manila business fo- tion that allows us to deter- douse them in gasoline,
rum, where he highlighted mine whether they were in- spraying the woman from
how trade and investment volved in some way. What head to toe and the man
between the Asian neigh- we do know is that they on his back, Guzman testi-
bors could still expand were all there at the time fied.
considerably. of” the death, Carroza Guzman said Castaner
“From these figures, you said. used a lighter to taunt the
can see that our bilateral Soldiers doused 19-year- pair and then set them
relationship is quite strong old Rodrigo Rojas and afire. Quintana ran a short
... so that gives us hope for 18-year-old Carmen Quin- distance before soldiers
a better relationship,” Zhao tana with gasoline and covered her in blankets to
said. set them ablaze during a extinguish the flames, he
While China is a large Phil- street demonstration on said. q
ippine trading partner, the
trade volume has lagged Brazil’s Rousseff must explain accounting to court
far behind Beijing’s trade
and investment in other SAO PAULO (AP) — Brazil- cides whether to approve Analysts have said that if public banks to pay for the
Southeast Asian countries ian President Dilma Rous- them. They then go to Con- the court and Congress government’s social pro-
like Singapore, Malaysia seff has been given an or- gress, which can decide reject the administration’s grams, social security pay-
and Indonesia. der to provide the Federal whether to approve the finances, Rousseff could ments and unemployment
The Philippines has ex- Audit Court with her written administration’s finances face charges of administra- benefits.
pressed interest in joining explanation for alleged ir- for the previous year. The tive dishonesty that could Auditors have said that the
the Asian Infrastructure In- regularities in accounting court has never rejected result in her impeachment delays resulted in the banks
vestment Bank but hasn’t methods her government them. and the loss of her right to making upfront payments
yet signed up. “The door used in 2014. The court’s press office said run for public office. for the programs in viola-
of AIIB is going to continue The audit court analyzes it should take a few weeks Earlier this year, the audit tion of the country’s fiscal
to be open to the Philip- the Executive Branch’s ac- before the final ruling is court found delays in the responsibility law. q
pines,” Zhao said. q counts annually and de- handed down. transfer of Treasury funds to