Page 21 - Aruba Bank 24 JULY 2015
P. 21


LOCALThursday 23 July 2015
The Tropicana Casino Aruba is Better Than Ever!

EAGLE BEACH - The Tropi-        going places. Once you         family, watching the big
cana Casino was com-            achieve Gold, Platinum or      games, late-night cravings
pletely remodeled ear-          Black Card status, you will    and room service for the
lier this year for your enjoy-  receive a complimentary        hotel guest, beach tennis
ment, offering new carpets,     three-night stay at The Cos-   guests and take-out and
tables and chairs, a hug        mopolitan of Las Vegas         soon breakfast.  You will be
new bar, a super modern         and set sail with Carnival     able to will be eat & drink
kitchen to new associates       Cruise Lines® for up to eight  while you watch your fa-
uniforms.                       days! Bon voyage!              vorite sport or games. One
The building is totally reno-   “Double Down Sports Bar        unique feature is that every
vated at a cost of just over    & Grill” is a casual restau-   single eating booth has its
one million, painted Ultra      rant featuring a variety of    own monitor. So, no matter
Marine Blue on the outside      boldly flavored, made-to-      where you sit, you will never
and has a modern spa-           order menu items.  The res-    miss out watching your fa-
cious industrial look inside.   taurant created an inviting    vorite team play!
The slots floor has been in-    neighborhood atmosphere        The Tropicana Casino also
creased with 20% and our        that includes an extensive     offers a variety of theme
manpower staffing has           multi-media system, a full     nights. To mention just a
been increased with 50%.        bar and an open layout,        few: Bingo, Ladies night,
For their members and           which appeals to both          Local night, seniors day,
guests the Tropicana Club       sports fans and families.      Double points nights and
& Casino Aruba has some         The helpful and always         new to Aruba: Friday Men’s
big news to share:              smiling staff members of-      Night.
In 2015 you can expect a        fer great service in an in-    To find out the complete
great deal more from your       viting atmosphere. The         weeks schedule, stop by
“Trop Advantage® card”.         restaurant serves multiple     to try your luck, watch a
How much more? Well,            uses; for example work-        game or have a drink and
let’s just say you’re really    day lunch, dinner with the     a bite.

Carmen & Mandy Are Crazy About Tango Argentine Grill

PALM BEACH - They call it                                                                     taurants. And so they hap-       sipping their cappuccinos
`the most beautiful island                                                                    pened to walk past the           and Heineken beers and
on earth’ and they are en-                                                                    popular Arawak Garden            before everyone knew it,
joying every minute of their                                                                  one evening: Tango Ar-           they were fast friends, vow-
holiday: Carmen and Man-                                                                      gentine Grill’s menu was so      ing to come back soon to
dy, friends and co-workers                                                                    inviting, that they decided      pick up where they left.
from Holland. The two are                                                                     to check it out.                 These gorgeous girls from
from Haarlem, working at                                                                      After a dinner of tradi-         Holland will always be most
an Ikea branch. As they                                                                       tional loin ribs, served with    welcome at Tango, which
are such good friends, they                                                                   steamed vegetables and           is located across from the
decided to book a 2-week                                                                      oven-roasted potatoes            Occidental Resort on the
holiday together and they                                                                     plus a side order of fries with  hi-rise strip.
chose Aruba. What a                                                                           mayonnaise (of course)           At Arawak Garden you will
good move! Before long                                                                        and a good glass of wine,        find five great restaurants,
they discovered that they                                                                     Carmen and Mandy de-             nightly live music, small
are crazy about Aruba’s                                                                       cided that they had come         shops and a piano bar.
beaches during the day;                                                                       home for real. They started      Hope to see you soon, Car-
in the evenings they were                                                                     chatting to the staffers,        men and Mandy!q
looking for exceptional res-
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