Page 17 - Aruba Bank 24 JULY 2015
P. 17
WORLD NEWSThursday 23 July 2015
Fire on Royal Caribbean cruise ship; 1 worker burned
DAVID McFADDEN the blaze in a mechanical lowing from a section of the By early afternoon, the known and no other de-
Associated Press area of the Freedom of towering 15-deck ship as it passengers were able to tails about the investigation
KINGSTON, Jamaica (AP) the Seas as it arrived at the arrived at the $220 million “leave the ship to enjoy Fal- were available.
— A fire broke out on a Miami-based company’s port that opened in 2011. mouth,” the company said The ship is expected to
Royal Caribbean cruise cruise ship port in the north- The company said all pas- on Twitter. continue with its regular
ship Wednesday as it ap- ern town of Falmouth. sengers were accounted The Associated Press was itinerary,
proached Jamaica, “The fire was not very big for and none were injured. not immediately able to with the next port call on
burning one crew member and none of the visitors had One crew member was contact any of the passen- Thursday in the Cayman Is-
and causing passengers to to be evacuated,” Jamai- treated for a “minor, first- gers. lands.
be sent to evacuation sta- ca Tourism Minister Wyke- degree burn” and he Royal Caribbean said all The 1,112-foot Freedom of
tions with life jackets. ham McNeill said. was treated in the ship’s systems were operating the Seas is on a seven-night
Royal Caribbean Interna- Video taken from the Fal- medical facility, company normally on the docked cruise that departed from
tional said fire suppression mouth pier showed a spokeswoman Cynthia ship. The cause of the Port Canaveral, Florida, on
equipment quickly doused plume of gray smoke bil- Martinez said. fire was not immediately Sunday.q
Bahamas: Developer’s US bankruptcy won’t be recognized
DAVID McFADDEN In this 2011 photo, Baha Mar Resorts CEO Sarkis Izmirlian, center, Baha Mar hotel-and-ca- The Baha Mar group of
Associated Press participates in the groundbreaking ceremony for a Baha Mar sino project in the islands’ companies said it was dis-
KINGSTON, Jamaica (AP) resort in Nassau, Bahamas. In 2015, a Bahamas judge ruled capital has been touted as appointed in the ruling, but
— A judge in the Bahamas that a U.S. bankruptcy filing by the developer of its unfinished the most expensive project it is “even more disappoint-
ruled Wednesday that a megaresort will not be recognized in the archipelago, meaning ever undertaken in the Ba- ed in the way the govern-
U.S. bankruptcy filing by the developer won’t get a new loan to pay for daily operations. hamas.Justice Ian Winder ment has responded to our
the developer of an unfin- sided with the islands’ gov- Chapter 11 filing over the
ished $2.5 billion megar- (AP Photo/Tim Aylen) ernment in a Wednesday past several weeks.”
esort in Nassau will not be decision, ruling that devel- The Bahamas has peti-
recognized in the Carib- oper Baha Mar’s recent tioned the islands’ Supreme
bean archipelago. U.S. Chapter 11 filing will Court to wind up Baha Mar
The islands’ attorney gen- not be extended to the Ba- and appoint a provisional
eral strongly objected to hamas. His full written de- liquidator to oversee the
the Chapter 11 filing in U.S. cision will be issued in the restructuring and opening
Bankruptcy Court in Dela- coming days. of the repeatedly delayed
ware, arguing that having The decision means Baha resort if an out-of-court
a U.S. court decide major Mar won’t get a new loan agreement can’t be nego-
economic matters in the to pay for daily operations tiated. A liquidator could
Bahamas would have “far- or receive U.S. bankruptcy be appointed as soon as
reaching implications.” The protection for its assets in July 31, when a hearing is
the Bahamas. scheduled.q
US serves 105 warrants in Puerto Rico drug ring crackdown
DANICA COTO ed $82 million in profit, said charged with selling crack, day. The suspects arrested went
Associated Press U.S. Attorney Rosa Emilia The Bureau of Alcohol, To- by names including “Fat
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) Rodriguez. The group also cocaine, heroin and mari- bacco, Firearms and Explo- Boy,” ‘’Bimbo” and “Mas-
— A group of 105 people in is suspected of committing sives and Puerto Rico po- sacre,” and were part
Puerto Rico face murder, at least 28 killings in recent juana in public housing lice were in charge of the of a group known as the
drug and weapon charges years, with 18 of the sus- investigation, which began “Rompe ONU.” It broke
in one of the largest rack- pects eligible for the death complexes in the capital of in 2011, said Felix Rios, Puer- away in 2007 from a local
eteering cases in the his- penalty. to Rico-based ATF resident drug-trafficking alliance
tory of the U.S. Department “It is one of the most vio- San Juan and other near- agent in charge. known as the “ONU,” the
of Justice, authorities said lent, if not the most violent, “This has been a very im- Spanish acronym for Unit-
Wednesday. group in Puerto Rico,” Ro- by areas. Three of the 34 portant investigation for ed Nations. The ONU was
The suspects are suspected driguez said. “Once again, ATF,” he said. “Puerto Rico formed in 2004 to resolve
of running a drug-trafficking Puerto Rico makes history. suspects arrested by early can feel a little safer be- conflicts among rival Puer-
organization in the U.S. ter- Unfortunately, negative his- cause we have gotten 105 to Rico drug gangs and
ritory for nearly a decade tory.” Wednesday afternoon extremely violent criminals protect drug sales amid a
that generated an estimat- Members of the group are off the street.” federal crackdown. q
were detained in Tampa,
Florida, and another 32
were already in jail on other
charges, authorities said.
Some 700 federal and lo-
cal agents were involved
in the arrests, which began
around dawn on Wednes-