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                                                                                         world news Diamars 11 mei 2021

                       Greece welcomes young students back to school; courts reopen

            ATHENS,  Greece  (AP)                                                                  despite  new  infections  and  Peloni said Monday.
            —  Greece  reopened  pri-                                                              COVID-19  deaths  remain-
            mary  schools  and  junior                                                             ing  high,  straining  Greece's  The  tourism  industry  is  a
            highs for in-person classes                                                            health  system  and  putting  major  revenue  source  for
            Monday for the first time                                                              intensive  care units near ca-  Greece,  and  the  govern-
            in months, as the country                                                              pacity. The country of nearly  ment is hoping international
            eases  coronavirus  restric-                                                           11  million  people  has  seen  visitors  will  help  bolster  an
            tions  even  as  daily  infec-                                                         over  11,000  deaths,  and  60  economy  still  suffering  after
            tions  and  deaths  remain                                                             new deaths were announced  a decade-long financial crisis
            stubbornly high.                                                                       Monday.                      that  saw  the  country's  gross
                                                                                                                                domestic product shrink by a
            Greek  courts  also  restarted                                                         Domestic travel between re-  quarter.
            many  activities,  with  civil                                                         gions  will  restart  at  the  end
            courts  reopening  to  all  cas-                                                       of this week, when museums  All  school  grades  are  now
            es  and  criminal  courts  now                                                         will also reopen, while open-  open  in  Greece.  Students
            hearing  cases  involving  de-                                                         air  movie  theaters  reopen  and  teachers  are  required  to
            fendants in custody and any                                                            next week.                   carry  out  home  COVID-19
            cases  reaching  the  statute  of  the number of people inside  the vital summer tourist sea-                       tests  twice  a  week  and  up-
            limitations next year.       each courtroom, forcing au-  son. Restaurants, bars and ca-  "On  May  14,  an  extremely  load the results to be allowed
                                         thorities to adapt.          fes opened last week for out-  important step will be taken,  to  attend  classes  in  person.
            Long  lines  developed  out-                              door service for the first time  both  for  society  and  for  the  The  tests  are  provided  free
            side  the  courthouse  in  the  Greece has been under coro-  since November, while retail  economy,  with  the  opening  of  charge  and  the  same  re-
            northern city of Thessaloniki  navirus-related   restrictions  stores have also reopened on  of  the  tourism  sector  and  quirement has been extended
            as lawyers, witnesses, defen-  since  early  November,  but  an appointment basis.     the  resumption  of  domestic  to workers in several sectors
            dants and court staff arrived.  has  gradually  begun  easing                          regional  travel,"  government  that have reopened.
            Limits  have  been  placed  on  the measures as it gears up for  The gradual reopening comes  spokeswoman   Aristotelia

                             Hindu temple in UAE ships oxygen aid to crisis-hit India

            DUBAI,      United    Arab  oxygen and massive contain-   focating  in  India's  capital,
            Emirates  (AP)  —  As  In-   ers  of  compressed  oxygen  New Delhi, and other cities
            dia's  government  scram-    onto  a  ship,  where  it  will  because of the shortage.
            bles for supplies of oxygen  head to crisis-wracked India.
            and  other  emergency  aid  The organizers, Indian own-   Hindu    spiritual   leaders,
            to control the raging coro-  ers of a Dubai helium factory,  dressed  in  saffron  robes,
            navirus  outbreak,  donors  shifted production to oxygen  came to bless the oxygen be-
            around  the  world  have  when the latest surge in virus  fore  sending  it  out,  shower-
            come to the rescue — in-     cases hit India.             ing  rose  petals  on  the  ship-
            cluding a Hindu temple in                                 ment and marking the cylin-
            the United Arab Emirates.  As  calls  for  help  back  home  ders  with  traditional  orange
                                         grew,  the  factory  enlisted  dye.
            On Monday, volunteers from  the help of the main Hindu
            the  country's  Hindu  com-  temple  based  in  the  UAE's  The UAE's economy is pow-
            munity gathered at the Jebel  capital of Abu Dhabi, BAPS  ered  by  millions  of  foreign
            Ali Port, here at the northern  Shri  Swaminarayan  Man-  workers   from    Southeast
            end  of  Dubai,  to  haul  hun-  dir, to send oxygen supplies.  Asia. Indian citizens make up
            dreds  of  cylinders  of  liquid  COVID-19 patients are suf-  nearly 30% of the population.

                                   Japan to purchase antibody cocktail for COVID-19

            TOKYO  —  Japan's  gov-      it  has  agreed  to  purchase  produced  and  marketed  by a Japanese drug maker  veloped  by  Roche  and  a
            ernment said Monday that  an antibody cocktail to be  for  COVID-19  treatment  Chugai           Pharmaceutical  U.S. drug maker Regeneron
                                                                                                   Co. which has a licensing  Pharmaceuticals Inc. was ap-
                                                                                                   deal with Roche.             proved  for  emergency  use
                                                                                                                                in  the  United  States  for  the
                                                                                                   Chugai Pharmaceutical con-   treatment of high-risk, non-
                                                                                                   cluded  the  agreement  with  hospitalized  patients  with
                                                                                                   Roche  in  December  for  the  mild  cases.  Clinical  testing
                                                                                                   production and marketing in  started in Japan in March and
                                                                                                   Japan of the antibody cocktail  if approved, it will be a new
                                                                                                   for the virus treatment.     effective  addition  to  Japan's
                                                                                                                                COVID-19  treatment,  Kato
                                                                                                   Chief Cabinet Secretary Kat-  said.
                                                                                                   sunobu  Kato  told  reporters
                                                                                                   Monday  that  the  govern-   A  cocktail  of  two  virus
                                                                                                   ment  concluded  the  agree-  neutralizing  antibodies  ca-
                                                                                                   ment  with  Chugai  over  the  sirivimab and imdevimab are
                                                                                                   purchase  of  enough  doses  synthetically  manufactured
                                                                                                   through  March  2022  once  copies of antibodies that the
                                                                                                   the drug, now at final stages  body  produces  after  an  in-
                                                                                                   of clinical testing in Japan, is  fection. It was given to U.S.
                                                                                                   approved by the health min-  President  Donald  Trump
                                                                                                   istry.                       when he contracted the dis-
                                                                                                                                ease in October.
                                                                                                   The  antibody  cocktail  de-
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