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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diasabra 12 December 2020

              Jordan: ‘Everyone knows’ the integrity of the election was compromised

            (     TheAmericanDigest.     somehow  lost.  “We  won  27
            com ) - President Donald  out  of  27  toss-up  states.  He
            Trump  is  still  battling  in  increases his votes with His-
            court over problems with  panic  Americans,  African-
            the 2020 presidential elec-  Americans,”  Jordan  pointed
            tion.  Why,  then,  is  every-  out.  “State  legislatures  that
            one  so  eager  for  him  to  Republicans control we kept
            concede  the  election  to  all those plus, increase those
            former Vice President Joe  numbers.  You  can  just  go
            Biden?                       down the line, he won 19 of
                                         the  20  bellwether  counties.
            Rep.  Jim  Jordan  (R-OH)  He won Ohio by eight, Flor-
            doesn’t agree with those call-  ida by three yet somehow he
            ing  on  the  president  to  give  doesn’t win.”
            the  election  away  to  Biden.
            Jordan told Heather Childers  “So  we  know  we  need  to
            on  Newsmax  TV’s  “Ameri-   look at all this,” Jordan urged.
            can  Agenda”  Tuesday  “in-  “There  is  a  number  of  law-
            stinctively,  everyone  knows  suits  that  are  pending,  the
            there are problems with this  one  that  was  filed  in  Texas
            election.”                   today regarding several states.
                                         Let’s see how that all shakes
            Jordan said Trump is a presi-  out. Let’s get to the bottom of
            dent “who gets things done,”  this for the well being of the
            so  now  is  no  time  to  give  country.”
            up. “This is a president who
            does what he told the Ameri-  The  Trump  legal  team  has
            can  people  he  was  going  to  attempted several legal chal-
            do,  accomplishes  what  he  lenges, but hasn’t made much
            was  elected  to  do  and  this  headway in court. However,
            is just one more example of  one  case  may  make  it  up  to  decision  to  the  legislature,  pledged  their  support  for  people  pack  into  venues  to
            him getting something done  the  U.S.  Supreme  Court.  Fox News reported.             Trump’s case against the bat-  rally for the president leading
            that’s  valuable  important  to  On  Tuesday,  Texas  Attorney                         tleground states.            up to the election and seeing
            the country.”                General Ken Paxton filed suit  Arkansas,  Louisiana,  and                              reports  emerge  about  shady
            The  Congressman  went  on  against  Georgia,  Pennsylva-  Missouri would also be join-  Jordan’s  presentation  of  the  things  happening  during
            to explain why so many peo-  nia, Wisconsin and Michigan  ing Texas’ lawsuit against the  facts and conclusion about the  vote counting, it isn’t hard to
            ple  don’t  trust  the  election  hoping  the  Supreme  Court  states.  Georgia  Republicans  election  results  echoed  the  come to the same conclusion:
            results,  beginning  with  how  would intervene to throw out  including  Sens.  Kelly  Loef-  sentiment Trump supporters  Something’s  rotten  in  the
            Trump  “increased  his  total  the 62 Electoral College votes  fler and David Perdue along  have felt since Election Day.  2020 presidential election.
            by 10 to 11 million” and still  in  those  states  and  shift  the  with  Gov.  Brian  Kemp  also  After watching thousands of

              Biden team anxious over surge in illegal immigration, border detentions

            (     TheAmericanDigest.     tration  immigration  poli-  and allow applicants to await  October from 716 in April.
            com  )  -  President-elect  cies  to  avoid  inspiring  an  amnesty decisions in the US.                            Under    former   President
            Joe Biden will take office  even bigger rush.                                          Biden  spokesmen  did  not  Barack  Obama,  border  offi-
            amid a surge in detentions                                The  Wall  Street  Journal  re-  immediately respond to a re-  cials  struggled  in  2014  with
            at the Mexican border, re-   The uptick threatens Biden’s  ports the transition team “has  quest for comment.       a  surge  in  unaccompanied
            portedly  prompting  his  promises to propose amnesty  grown  concerned”  and  is                                   minors.  Some  were  drawn
            advisers to consider keep-   legislation and to adopt poli-  “trying to decide which poli-  Immigration  was  a  major  by  hoped-for  future  expan-
            ing some Trump adminis-      cies  that  defer  deportation  cies to change and when” to  campaign  issue,  with  Biden  sion  to  the  2012  Deferred
                                                                      avoid  “creating  the  appear-  and  President  Trump  swap-  Action  for  Childhood  Ar-
                                                                      ance of leniency.”           ping allegations of treating il-  rivals  program,  which  offers
                                                                                                   legal immigrants and asylum  work permits and protection
                                                                      The number of unaccompa-     seekers inhumanely.          from  deportation  to  people
                                                                      nied minors and families de-  “Who  built  the  cages,  Joe?”  brought illegally to the US as
                                                                      tained at the border is rising  Trump repeatedly inquired at  children.
                                                                      and  experts  say  they  expect  the final presidential debate.
                                                                      numbers to grow further.                                  Some photos of the children
                                                                                                   Biden said last month he will  detained  in  2014  were  used
                                                                      “I  don’t  see  any  recipe  that  propose a bill in his first 100  by  media  outlets  to  criticize
                                                                      doesn’t  have  them  as  over-  days  in  office  that  offers  a  Attorney  General  Jeff  Ses-
                                                                      whelmed  as  we  were  in  ’14  pathway  to  citizenship  “for  sions’ “zero tolerance” policy
                                                                      and ’18,” former Border Pa-  over  11  million  undocu-   for illegal crossings.
                                                                      trol acting director Ron Viti-  mented  people,”  or  the  ap-
                                                                      ello told the Journal.       proximate  total  number  of  While  Biden  was  vice  presi-
                                                                                                   illegal immigrants in the US,  dent,  Obama  was  derisively
                                                                      The  Journal  reports  4,630  creating  a  possible  scramble  called the “deporter in chief”
                                                                      minors were detained in Oc-  to the border.               by  left-wing  immigration
                                                                      tober, up from 712 in April.                              activists.  Trump,  who  cam-
                                                                      The rate grew in November,  He  also  has  vowed  to  end  paigned against illegal immi-
                                                                      with 1,000 minors in just six  Trump’s  “remain  in  Mexi-  gration and built a large new
                                                                      days.                        co”  policy,  forcing  Central  border  wall,  lagged  behind
                                                                                                   American migrants to stay in  Obama in annual deportation
                                                                      There’s a similar increase in  Mexico while the US reviews  figures.
                                                                      family  units,  up  to  4,501  in  their asylum claims.
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