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A28 u.s. news
Diasabra 12 December 2020
The Latest: Arkansas records state one-day record in deaths
Arkansas health officials on Fri- The chief justice of the North Caro- keep increasing until mid-January. study.The medicines have been rec-
day reported a one-day record of lina Supreme Court says non-essen- Cuomo's order came despite oppo- ommended since September, when
55 deaths due to COVID-19 and tial, in-person court proceedings will sition from the restaurant industry, early results from this U.S. govern-
2,770 new confirmed or probable be halted starting Monday for 30 days which warned of holiday season lay- ment-sponsored study suggested the
cases. due to a surge in COVID-19 cases. offs as the federal government hasn't combination shortened recovery time
Chief Justice Cheri Beasley said Fri- passed additional COVID-19 relief. for hospitalized patients by one day.
"We have once again reached a grave day the pause is necessary to protect Public health experts have repeatedly Full results published Friday by the
milestone in this pandemic," Gov. Asa the health and safety of court per- warned that indoor dining -- particu- New England Journal of Medicine
Hutchinson said in a statement. sonnel and the public. Since the start larly in small, crowded restaurants show the benefit was even greater
"While we may have hope ahead from of the pandemic, judicial branch of- where individuals are drinking and for those needing oxygen or other
promising vaccine news, we cannot ficials and employees have reported can take off masks when not eating -- respiratory support short of a breath-
grow weary over the next few weeks," 291 confirmed positive cases. In addi- poses a risk for airborne transmission. ing machine. Serious side effects and
he said. tion, more than half of North Caro- The CDC recently described such new infections also were fewer in the
lina's county courthouses have been indoor dining as "high risk." combo treatment group.
In a statewide address Thursday partially or completely closed due to
night, Hutchinson said the state is COVID-19, and 11 of those closures The study involved more than 1,000
seeing a surge in cases after Thanks- occurred this week. Arizona has reported nearly 7,000 COVID-19 patients. All were given
giving and suggested Arkansans travel The Colorado Department of Public coronavirus cases, the third-highest Gilead Sciences' remdesivir, sold as
less for the coming Christmas holi- Health and Environment on Friday number since the start of the pan- Veklury, and half also received barici-
day and take rapid tests both before released the locations of health facili- demic. tinib, a drug Eli Lilly sells as Olumi-
and after travel. ties in urban and rural Colorado to The state reported 6,983 confirmed ant to treat rheumatoid arthritis, the
The state Department of Health re- receive the first shipment of 46,800 cases and 91 deaths on Friday. Vi- less common form of arthritis that
ported a total of 2,875 deaths due to doses of the Pfizer vaccine. rus-related hospitalizations stood at occurs when a mistaken or overre-
the illness caused by the virus and Facilities in Denver, Aspen, Colorado 3,492. That's just short of the hospi- acting immune system attacks joints,
181,624 total cases since the pandem- Springs and Fort Collins were some talization peak during the state's CO- causing inflammation. An overactive
ic began. of the chosen locations for the first VID-19 surge last summer. Hospital immune system also can lead to se-
The health department reported Pfizer vaccines. Initially, 46 health officials and public health experts rious problems in some coronavirus
1,059 people hospitalized with the care facilities will receive Pfizer vac- have warned that hospital capacity patients.
virus. cine doses; 151 facilities will get sub- could be reached this month.
THE VIRUS OUTBREAK: sequent Moderna vaccine doses; and Arizona has reported 394,512 total The Oklahoma health department
The White House is pressuring the 40 of them will get both. cases and 7,245 confirmed deaths. has added paramedics, emergency
FDA chief Stephen Hahn to grant The locations were selected for their North Carolina reported more than medical technicians and CVS and
an emergency use authorization for abilities to store Pfizer vaccines in 7,500 coronavirus cases, a single- Walgreen staff who will administer
Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine by the -60°C to -80°C temperatures and a day record. More than 2,500 people the COVID-19 vaccine to those who
end of the day. The vaccine won ap- willingness to redistribute vaccines to are currently hospitalized with CO- will receive the vaccine first. The state
proval Thursday from an FDA panel other providers. VID-19, which represents a two-fold Department of Health announced
of outside advisers, and FDA signoff increase in the last 30 days.The posi- the revised plan in a news release and
is the next step to get the shots to the North Dakota's death count per capita tivity rate has eclipsed 10% for nearly said health commissioner Dr. Lance
public. from the coronavirus has risen from two weeks, reaching double digits for Frye would discuss it on Friday.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo has reinstated 12th-highest in the country to fifth the first time since April. Others to receive the vaccine first are
indoor dining restrictions indefinite- in just six weeks, according to Johns Mandy Cohen, secretary of the state's health care workers and long-term
ly in New York City in an effort to Hopkins University researchers. Department of Health and Human care providers and residents. Frye
limit the increase in coronavirus cases The state's death count has gone from Services, attributed much of the up- says the state expects 166,000 initial
and hospitalizations. Starting Mon- 75 deaths per 100,000 people to 146 tick to people gathering over Thanks- doses of the Pfizer vaccine by the end
day, only takeout orders and outdoor deaths during that time, according to giving. Having more than 7,500 cases of December. A U.S. government ad-
dining will be allowed in the city. The COVID Tracking Project. is staggering and alarming," Cohen visory panel on Thursday endorsed
Follow AP's coverage at https://ap- The state Department of Health on says. Italy registered 761 deaths on widespread use of Pfizer's vaccine, Friday reported 27 new deaths, 12 of Friday, according to the Health Min- putting the country just one step
ic and which were from November due to istry. away from launching a massive vacci-
standingtheOutbreak a reporting lag. The statewide death Another 18,727 people tested posi- nation campaign against the outbreak
HERE'S WHAT ELSE IS HAPPEN- toll since the pandemic began now tive, slightly more than a day earlier that has killed more than 292,000
ING: stands at 1,130. when fewer tests were carried out. Americans.
A Wichita fitness studio's owner and State Health Department officials on While the death toll remains high,
his business are suing Kansas for Friday confirmed 513 new cases of restrictions have helped ease the level A county on a Hawaii island believed
compensation for being forced to the coronavirus. of contagion and the pressure on hos- to be the last one in the U.S. without
shut down and reopen with restric- North Dakota had for many weeks pitals. About 1,500 fewer people were any coronavirus cases has reported
tions this year because of the corona- led the country in the number of vi- hospitalized with the virus and 26 its first resident testing positive. The
virus pandemic. rus outbreaks compared to popula- fewer patients were in intensive care. Hawaii Department of Health on
tion. There were 208 new arrivals in ICU. Thursday reported the case in Kala-
The lawsuit filed this week in Sedg- The state now ranks fourth, with Two key regions, epicenter Lombar- wao County on the island of Molo-
wick County District Court by Ryan 1,350 new cases per 100,000 people dy and neighboring Piedmont, will kai. The health department says an
Floyd and Omega Bootcamps Inc. in North Dakota over the past two have restrictions eased this week- adult resident tested positive after re-
argues that the state used his and the weeks. One in every 136 people in end. They'll be allowed to dine in- turning to the island on a local flight.
business' private property "for the North Dakota tested positive in the doors until 6 p.m. for the first time The person is in self-isolation and
benefit of the general public" when past week., according to Johns Hop- in weeks. currently doesn't have virus symp-
it and local officials imposed their re- kins University researchers. Italy has more than 63,000 confirmed toms. The health department says
strictions. The lawsuit cites part of the Indoor dining restrictions will be deaths, fifth highest in the world, and contact tracing was conducted and all
state's emergency management law reinstated in New York City on 1.8 million confirmed cases.Doctors other passengers on the flight are in
that says people can pursue claims for Monday, Gov. Andrew Cuomo an- are reporting that a two-drug treat- self-quarantine.
compensation in court if their prop- nounced. Only takeout orders and ment is especially helpful for CO- Authorities in Moscow are expanding
erty is "commandeered or otherwise outdoor dining will be allowed. VID-19 patients who need extra oxy- the COVID-19 vaccination program
used" by state or local officials. Nearly 1,700 patients are hospitalized gen. to include those in the retail and ser-
The Kansas attorney general's of- in the city with the coronavirus, triple Adding the anti-inflammatory drug vice sector.Last weekend, Moscow
fice declined comment, saying it was the number a month ago. baricitinib to the antiviral medicine opened 70 vaccination facilities to
reviewing the lawsuit. Gov. Laura The government's top infectious dis- remdesivir helped these patients re- start delivering Russian-designed
Kelly's office did not immediately ease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci, spoke cover eight days sooner, in 10 days Sputnik V vaccines to thousands
respond Friday to a request for com- with Cuomo by livestream this week, on average versus 18 for those giv- of doctors, teachers, and municipal
ment. noting he expects hospitalizations to en remdesivir alone, according to a workers.