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A30     world news
                Diasabra 12 December 2020

               Accused ‘spy’ cop for China raised suspicions at party attended by AOC

                                                                                                                                about  this  for  your  work’s
                                                                                                   A  photo  posted  on  Ocasio-  sake.”
                                                                                                   Cortez’s   Instagram   page
                                                                                                   shows Angwang and another  “They are the biggest venue
                                                                                                   cop seated at a table inside the  for  activities  right  now.  If
                                                                                                   community center, on either  they  are  involved  with  poli-
                                                                                                   side  of  Ocasio-Cortez  (D-  tics, then in the future more
                                                                                                   NY),  another  woman  and  a  than  half  of  the  meetings
                                                                                                   baby.                        might  take  place  there,”  he
                                                                                                   “Losar  Tashi  Delek!  Spent
                                                                                                   this  morning  with  our  NY-  Angwang, who’s also a deco-
                                                                                                   14  Tibetan  community  to  rated former US Marine and
                                                                                                   celebrate  Lunar  New  Year,”  a  US  Army  reservist  with  a
                                                                                                   the congresswoman wrote in  “secret”  security  clearance,
                                                                                                   the caption on Feb. 9, 2019.  is  charged  with  illegally  act-
                                                                                                                                ing  as  an  agent  of  a  foreign
                                                                                                   “This  little  one  and  I  were  government,  as  well  as  wire
                                                                                                   playing with giving each oth-  fraud,  false  statements  and
                                                                                                   er  Tibetan  white  scarves,  or  obstruction of an official pro-
                                                                                                   Khatas, which are auspicious  ceeding.
                                                                                                   tokens given to honor others
                                                                                                   on holidays and special occa-  The latter charges are all tied
            (  -  The  and “cut off the relationship”                                 sions. We had so much fun!”  to a Department of Defense
            NYPD  cop  charged  with  with him following the event  “We gave him nothing, noth-                                 security  clearance  form  on
            spying  for  China  raised  at  its  community  center  in  ing.”                      A  criminal  complaint  filed  which he allegedly lied by de-
            alarms  at  a  Tibetan  New  Woodside, Queens, last year.                              against Angwang in Brooklyn  nying contacts with any Chi-
            Year  party  that  he  at-                                Gyephel  also  said  his  group  federal  court  alleges  that  he  nese officials or family mem-
            tended in uniform — and  Sonam  Gyephel  declined  held  an  “urgent  meeting”  and his handler — identified  bers with ties to the People’s
            where  he  was  photo-       to say precisely what alerted  Monday  night  over  Ang-  only  as  “[People’s  Republic  Liberation Army, namely his
            graphed  sitting  next  to  members  to  the  since-dis-  wang’s arrest by the FBI ear-  of China] Official-2″ — dis-  father and brother.
            US  Rep.  Alexandria  Oca-   graced cop, who’s accused of  lier in the day and planned to  cussed  the  community  cen-
            sio-Cortez,  The  Post  has  gathering intelligence on fel-  hold a news conference Tues-  ter  during  a  Dec.  30,  2018,  Angwang is being held with-
            learned.                     low Tibetans at the direction  day evening.               phone  call  recorded  by  the  out bail and faces a maximum
                                         of a handler stationed at the  “In our community, especial-  FBI.                      55 years in prison if convict-
            A  former  president  of  the  Chinese  consulate  in  Man-  ly,  people  are  worried,  how                        ed.
            Tibetan  Community  of  NY  hattan.  “We  didn’t  give  any  did it happen?” he said.  Angwang allegedly suggested
            &  NJ  said  the  group  be-  information to him, any doc-  “So  we  want  to  make  sure  they  should  visit  the  center  Ocasio-Cortez’s office didn’t
            came  suspicious  of  Officer  uments,  nothing,”  Gyephel  that people had no … case to  together, saying, “if it’s good  immediately return a request
            Baimadajie  Angwang,  33,  told The Post on Tuesday.      worry.”                      or  not,  you  need  to  know  for comment.

                            Cash-strapped Indonesians turn to online Sunday market

            (AP) — Rani Nurwitawati never  providing space for sellers to register  long-sleeved clothes — and camisole  make an online Sunday market since
            thought she would lose her job at  online  while  buyers  are  required  to  — a loose-fitting sleeveless undergar-  we can do nothing offline during the
            an  Indonesian  market  research  preorder.                             ment — made of Javanese batik cloth.  pandemic. But it turns out, enthusi-
            company  where  she  worked  for                                                                            asm is high, so many sellers are hav-
            17 years.                           Sellers  must  follow  some  rules,  in-  “This  is  a  new  business,  but  seeing  ing high hopes.”
                                                cluding offering local artisan products  the enthusiasm and orders from the
            The reality hit months after the CO-  and use minimum plastic packaging.  Pahingan  Sunday  market,  I  think  it  ___  “One  Good  Thing”  is  a  series
            VID-19 pandemic.                                                        will be a promising business for me,”  that highlights individuals whose ac-
                                                Aside from providing income for her  Satiti said.                       tions provide glimmers of joy in hard
            “The impact is quite big for me," the  daily living, Nurwitawati said that the                              times — stories of people who find
            41-year-old said. "My brother lost his  Sunday market is giving her more ex-  Reny Ajeng, one of the organizers of  a way to make a difference, no mat-
            job, my sister got a 25% pay cut. And  perience in operating a new business.  the Sunday market, said it's held once  ter how small. Read the collection of
            finally, I also lost my job.”                                           every 35 days, following the five-day  stories  at
                                                “I  have  learned  about  networking,  Javanese calendar.               one-good-thing
            Armed with the knowledge from her  got new knowledge, and more people
            former  employer  that  the  food  and  know my products," she said. "When  Strict  social  restrictions  imposed  in
            beverage  business  will  survive  dur-  I joined for the first time, I was re-  Indonesia during the pandemic have
            ing  the  economic  downturn,  Nur-  ally  sad  because  there  was  only  one  stopped  the  physical  market  as  well
            witawati decided to start selling food  buyer, after that it increased to more  as other cultural and art activities at
            from her own kitchen.               than 10. It was not bad, from less than  Omah  Wulangreh.  The  online  ver-
                                                one 100,000 rupiah ($7) to hundreds  sion came to life when Reny and her
            She found an ally in Omah Wulan-    of thousands rupiah.”               six  friends  decided  to  launch  it  in
            greh, an art and cultural community                                     early August.
            in South Jakarta that began an online  She  prepares  baked  spaghetti  and
            version of the Pahingan Sunday mar-  mango sticky rice.                 There were 46 tenants who joined the
            ket  in  August,  only  days  after  Nur-                               third online event last month. Buyers
            witawati lost her job.              Parahita Satiti, 37, also joined the Sun-  had one week to preorder item, such
                                                day market. She has always dreamed  as traditional snacks, batik clothes, or
            The  community  used  to  host  the  of running a business related to tradi-  coffee. During one week, there were
            Sunday market at its location, but it  tional fashion products. She hopes to  almost  500  items  sold,  worth  about
            only accommodated limited tenants.  get extra income after her office cut  25 million rupiah ($1,770).
            As the pandemic tore through Indo-  her monthly allowance by half dur-
            nesia, leaving many without income,  ing the pandemic. She sells tradition-  “To be honest, we are really happy,"
            the artists moved the market online,  al Javanese kebaya — women’s upper  Reny said. “Our first mission was to
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