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                                                                                         world news Diahuebs 10 september 2020

                      Zimbabwe government announces mining ban in national parks

            (AP)  —  Zimbabwe's  gov-    mining,  welcomed  the  gov-  Mining  in  the  wildlife-rich
            ernment  says  it  has  banned  ernment's statement but said  southern  African  country's
            mining in its national parks,  it  would  continue  with  the  national  parks  "is  wide-
            but  an  environmental  group  court process unless the gov-  spread," said Mtisi of the en-
            that  had  taken  court  action  ernment  takes  legal  steps  to  vironmental lawyers associa-
            to stop the development of a  enforce the announced ban.  tion.
            coal mine in an elephant-rich  "The important thing for us  "There is gold and diamond
            park said on Wednesday that  is  to  get  an  interdict  which  mining  going  on  in  sev-
            it  will  insist  on  "more  than  is  legally  binding,"  Shamiso  eral  national  parks  across
            just words."                 Mtisi, the association's depu-  the  country,  it's  not  just  in
            Reports  that  a  Chinese  firm  ty director, told The Associ-  Hwange.  That's  a  major
            had started exploratory work  ated Press Wednesday.       threat  to  biodiversity  and  to
            to mine coal within Hwange  Local  environmental  groups  tourism. It's an economic is-
            National  Park  alarmed  en-  allege that mining in national  sue, you cannot just rely on
            vironmental  and  wildlife  parks has been going on for  mining, you need to leverage
            groups, who took legal action  a while.                   on other sectors such as tour-
            to stop it. In an apparent re-  "We pray that all these min-  ism," said Mtisi.
            sponse  to  the  legal  proceed-  ing  titles  (in  Hwange)  and  In its court application to stop  and wildlife could increase.  drought. Mining would pol-
            ings,  Information  Minister  others which are unknown to  development of the coal mine  More  than  45,000  elephants  lute remaining water sources
            Monica  Mutsvangwa  an-      the public will indeed be can-  by  a  Chinese  company,  the  are  estimated  to  live  in  in the park 14,500 square ki-
            nounced  the  government  celled," the Center for Natu-   association argued that min-  Hwange  park  along  with  lometers (5,600 square miles)
            will not allow mining in na-  ral Resource Governance said  ing in Hwange National Park  more than 100 mammal and  park,  say  the  environmental
            tional parks.                in a statement Wednesday. It  may cause a decline in tour-  400  bird  species,  including  groups.
            The  Zimbabwe  Environ-      described  the  prioritization  ism and decrease the incomes  buffalos, leopards, and lions,  The  government  also  an-
            mental  Lawyers  Association,  of mining over "a more stable  of local residents who rely on  that are already struggling for  nounced  that  it  has  banned
            which  applied  to  the  High  and eco-friendly" sector such  it for income, while poaching  food and water in the vast sa-  alluvial  mining  along  river-
            Court  to  stop  the  planned  as tourism as "self-defeating."  and  conflict  between  people  vannah  due  to  a  prolonged  banks.

                              Key EU leaders to hold videoconference with China's Xi

                                                                                                   (AP)  —  Key  European  include  trade  issues.  Many
                                                                                                   Union  leaders  have  a  video  EU  member  nations  are
                                                                                                   conference  scheduled  with  seeking access to the Chinese
                                                                                                   Chinese President Xi Jinping  market for their companies.
                                                                                                   next  week  to  discuss  issues  In the past months, EU offi-
                                                                                                   ranging from climate change  cials have stressed the need to
                                                                                                   to the coronavirus pandemic.  maintain good ties to China,
                                                                                                   The  EU  said  in  a  statement  a growing economic, political
                                                                                                   Wednesday    that   Council  and  military  power,  as  rela-
                                                                                                   President Charles Michel will  tions with the EU's old ally,
                                                                                                   chair  Monday's  conference  the United States, have been
                                                                                                   with Xi, European Commis-    strained  during  the  Trump
                                                                                                   sion  President  Ursula  von  presidency.
                                                                                                   der  Leyen  and  Chancellor  Germany had planned to host
                                                                                                   Angela  Merkel  of  Germany,  a summit in September with
                                                                                                   which  currently  holds  the  all EU leaders and China, but
                                                                                                   EU's rotating presidency.    that event was recently post-
                                                                                                   The  video  summit  will  also  poned due to the pandemic.

                       North Korea's Kim urges quick recovery from typhoon damage

            (AP) — North Korean lead-    flooding that likely worsened  aged in mining areas, the re-  meetings  and  mobilizing  of  University in Seoul.
            er  Kim  Jong  Un  called  for  the  country's  chronic  food  port said.              the  military  and  Pyongyang  "The political risk to Kim of
            urgent  efforts  to  rebuild  shortages.                  During  Tuesday's  meeting,  elites  are  examples  of  Kim's  failing  to  deliver  promised
            thousands  of  homes  and  Some  experts  say  Kim  by  Kim  described  the  recovery  responsiveness but the dam-  reconstruction  may  be  lim-
            other  structures  destroyed  staging  high-level  political  efforts at Komdok a national  age  is  testing  state  capacity  ited, but an accumulation of
            by  a  typhoon  that  slammed  conferences and visits to di-  priority  to  revive  "important  and resources, said Leif-Eric  economic failures will strain
            the  country's  eastern  region  saster areas in recent weeks is  arteries of the national econ-  Easley,  a  professor  at  Ewha  his regime," Easley said.
            last  week,  state  media  said  likely trying to project an im-  omy,"  and  ordered  that  the
            Wednesday.                   age of a compassionate leader  rebuilding  of  homes,  roads
            Kim during the Workers' Par-  looking after his people as he  and  railways  be  completed
            ty meeting Tuesday also said  seeks to bolster internal unity  by Oct. 10, when the ruling
            the  damage  from  Typhoon  in face of economic setbacks  party celebrates the 75th an-
            Maysak has forced the coun-  and external pressure.       niversary of its founding.
            try  to  reconsider  unspeci-  KCNA said Maysak left "se-  During   another   political
            fied  year-end  projects,  the  vere  damage"  in  the  eastern  conference  last  month,  Kim
            North's official Korean Cen-  town  of  Komdok,  destroy-  displayed unusual candor by
            tral News Agency said.       ing  or  flooding  more  than  acknowledging that his plans
            The storm has inflicted fur-  2,000  homes  and  dozens  of  to improve the country's dis-
            ther pain on an economy rav-  public  buildings  and  para-  mal economy aren't succeed-
            aged by decades of policy fail-  lyzing  transport  systems.  ing. During that meeting, the
            ures, U.S.-led sanctions over  More than 60 kilometers (37  ruling party scheduled a rare
            Kim's  nuclear  weapons  pro-  miles) of roads in the region  congress in January to set de-
            gram,  border  closures  amid  were  "washed  away,"  while  velopment goals for the next
            the  coronavirus  pandemic  59 bridges collapsed. Several  five years.
            and unusually heavy summer  miles of railroads were dam-  The high-profile government
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