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             Wednesday 19 February 2020
            Experts ponder why cruise ship quarantine failed in Japan

            By MARIA CHENG and MARI                                                                                             cannot  do,"  he  said.  He
            YAMAGUCHI                                                                                                           suggested  that  if  the  pas-
            TOKYO  (AP)  —  As  an  ex-                                                                                         sengers had been quaran-
            traordinary      two-week                                                                                           tined on land, having more
            quarantine of a cruise ship                                                                                         space might have allowed
            ends Wednesday in Japan,                                                                                            for  better  infection  control
            many scientists say it was a                                                                                        procedures.  But  he  ac-
            failed experiment: The ship                                                                                         knowledged that attempt-
            seemed  to  serve  as  an  in-                                                                                      ing  to  quarantine  more
            cubator  for  the  new  virus                                                                                       than  3,700  people  was  lo-
            from  China  instead  of  an                                                                                        gistically challenging.
            isolation  facility  meant  to                                                                                      Hunter said it was "a huge
            prevent  the  worsening  of                                                                                         disappointment"  that  the
            an outbreak.                                                                                                        quarantine  hadn't  curbed
            Since  the  virus  was  identi-                                                                                     the spread of the virus and
            fied late last year in central                                                                                      that  it  was  unfortunate
            China, it has sickened tens                                                                                         some  passengers  return-
            of  thousands  of  people                                                                                           ing to their home countries
            and killed more than 1,800.                                                                                         would now face a second
            As  of  Tuesday,  542  cases                                                                                        period of isolation.
            of the virus, known as CO-                                                                                          "Given  how  the  virus  has
            VID-19,  have  been  identi-                                                                                        continued  to  spread,  we
            fied among the 3,711 quar-   A bus carrying passengers from the quarantined Diamond Princess cruise ship leaves a port in   have to presume everyone
            antined  passengers  and     Yokohama, near Tokyo, Monday, Feb. 17, 2020.                                           leaving the ship is potential-
            crew,  making  the  ship  the                                                                      Associated Press  ly  infected,  and  therefore
            site  of  the  most  infections                                                                                     they  have  to  go  through
            outside  of  China.  The  Dia-  in  Japan  and  the  govern-  "Obviously  the  quarantine  (quarantine)  should  not  another two-week quaran-
            mond Princess cruise ship is  ments who are taking back  hasn't worked, and this ship  have worked if it had been  tine period," he said. "Not to
            also  the  only  place  where  people  will  be  able  to  fol-  has now become a source  done properly," she said.   do so would be reckless."
            health  officials  have  seen  low  up  those  individuals  in  of  infection,"  said  Dr.  Na-  Cruise  ships  have  some-  Japanese  health  officials
            the  disease  spread  eas-   the  appropriate  way,"  he  thalie MacDermott, an out-   times  been  struck  by  out-  say  a  14-day  quarantine
            ily  among  people  beyond  said.                         break expert at King's Col-  breaks  of  diseases  like  no-  on  the  ship  is  adequate,
            China.                       Japan's health minister, Kat-  lege London.               rovirus,  which  can  spread  noting  that  all  but  one  of
            The question now is: Why?    sunobu Kato, told reporters  She said the exact mecha-    quickly  in  the  close  quar-  more  than  500  Japanese
            The Japanese government  Tuesday  that  all  passen-      nism  of  the  virus'  spread  ters of a boat and among  returnees from the epicen-
            has  repeatedly  defended  gers who remained on the  was  unknown.  Although  elderly           passengers   with  ter of the virus in China who
            the  effectiveness  of  the  cruise  ship  have  had  sam-  scientists  believe  the  dis-  weaker  immune  systems.  initially   tested   negative
            quarantine.  But  some  ex-  ples  taken  and  that  those  ease  is  spread  mostly  by  But  MacDermott  said  it  were found to be virus-free
            perts  suggest  it  may  have  who tested negative would  droplets  —  when  people  would be highly unusual for  at  the  end  of  their  14-day
            been less than rigorous.     start  getting  off  the  ves-  cough or sneeze — it's pos-  an entire boat to be quar-  quarantine.
            In  a  possible  sign  of  lax  sel  beginning  Wednesday,  sible  there  are  other  ways  antined.                Those officials also defend-
            quarantine protocols, three  when their required 14-day  of transmission.              "They might quarantine the  ed  precautions  taken  on
            Japanese  health  officials  quarantine is scheduled to  "We  need  to  understand  people  affected  in  their  the ship. About 1,000 crew
            who  helped  in  the  quar-  end.                         how  the  quarantine  mea-   rooms until they're 48 hours  members were told to wear
            antine  checks  on  the  ship  "They all want to go home  sures on board were imple-   clear of symptoms, but cer-  surgical  masks,  wash  their
            were also infected.          as early as possible, and we  mented, what the air filtra-  tainly  not  all  passengers,"  hands,   use   disinfectant
            "There are sometimes envi-   hope to assist them so that  tion  on  board  is  like,  how  she said.                sprays and stop operations
            ronments  in  which  disease  everyone  can  get  home  the cabins are connected  Some passengers on the Di-        at  restaurants,  bars  and
            can spread in a more effi-   smoothly," Kato said.        and  how  waste  products  amond  Princess  described  other  entertainment  areas
            cient way," said Dr. Michael  But it may not be that sim-  are  disposed  of,"  MacDer-  the ship as a "floating pris-  after  Feb.  5,  when  the  first
            Ryan, executive director of  ple.  U.S.  health  officials  on  mott said.             on"  but  were  allowed  to  group of 10 infections was
            the World Health Organiza-   Tuesday  told  Americans  "There  could  also  be  an-    walk  on  the  decks  every  reported  and  the  start  of
            tion's  health  emergencies  who  declined  to  come  other mode of transmission  day while wearing a mask  the 14-day quarantine was
            program.  Ryan  said  cruise  home    on   government-    we're not familiar with," she  and were told to keep their  announced.
            ships  in  particular  were  chartered    flights   over  said,  noting  the  possibility  distance from others.    Passengers were instructed
            known to occasionally ac-    the  weekend  that  they  of  environmental  spread  "I  suspect  people  were  to  stay  in  their  cabins  and
            celerate spread.             wouldn't  be  allowed  back  and  the  importance  of  not  as  isolated  from  other  not walk around or contact
            "It's  an  unfortunate  event  into the country for at least  "deep-cleaning"  the  en-  people as we would have  other  passengers.  Those  in
            occurring  on  the  ship  and  14 days after they had left  tire ship to prevent people  thought,"  said  Dr.  Paul  windowless  cabins  could
            we trust that the authorities  the Diamond Princess.      from touching contaminat-    Hunter, a professor of medi-  go  out  on  the  deck  for
                                                                      ed surfaces.                 cine at the University of East  about an hour each day.
                                                                      During  the  2002-2003  out-  Anglia  in  England.  He  said  The quarantine was largely
                                                                      break of SARS, a related vi-  the  continued  spread  of  for  passengers  because
                                                                      rus, more than 300 people  the  virus  could  be  due  to  crew  members  kept  shar-
                                                                      were  infected  through  a  compliance problems.          ing  double  rooms  and
                                                                      defective  sewage  system  "It's  difficult  to  enforce  a  continued  to  serve  guests
                                                                      in  a  Hong  Kong  housing  quarantine  in  a  ship  envi-  by  delivering  food,  letters,
                                                                      estate.  MacDermott  said  ronment and I'm absolutely  towels and amenities, and
                                                                      it  was  possible  there  was  sure there were some pas-  entering  passenger  cabins
                                                                      a  similar  issue  aboard  the  sengers  who  think  they're  for  cleaning.  Crew  mem-
                                                                      Diamond Princess.            not going to let anyone tell  bers also ate in groups in a
                                                                      "There's  no  reason  this  them  what  they  can  and  crew mess hall.q
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