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P. 8
Wednesday 19 February 2020
Sea turtle conservation by Turtugaruba Foundation
ORANJESTAD ― Turtugaruba was founded on September 3rd, 2003 by a
group of enthusiastic volunteers. Ten years earlier, in 1993, a Sea Turtle
Recovery Action Plan (STRAP) was introduced in Aruba and the rest of
the Caribbean as an initiative of the United Nations Environment Program
(UNEP). Tom Barmes, who was working at DLVV (Department of Agricul-
ture, Husbandry and Fishery) was one of the writers of the STRAP for Aruba,
together with Karen Eckert, director of WIDECAST (Wider Caribbean Sea
Turtle Conservation Network). This is how sea turtle conservation started
on the island following a plan that is still complied with today.
Tom formed a group of volunteers around him, because nature does
not know office hours, like an organization such as DLVV. This group of
volunteers used the name Widecast Aruba and today there are still a
few of them active. They first started protecting the Leatherback Sea
Turtle nests on Palm Beach and Eagle Beach. This group also investigated What you can do to protect the sea turtles
which other species of sea turtles use Aruba as their nesting habitat and • Lights out for sea turtles.
which beaches are used by them. For a period of 25 years a study has • Do not drive on beaches.
been conducted in which every early morning the beach was being • Do not litter. Do not leave any plastic cups, straws or bags on the
monitored in which now there is a good overview of sea turtle nesting beach.
activities. • Remove obstacles from the beach.
• Do not disturb a nesting sea turtle.
There are 4 different sea turtle species that visit Aruba to lay their eggs, • Do not attempt to touch the turtle but stay at a respectful distance
each with their own specific season: (at least 10 meters).
- Leatherback Sea Turtle - Lederschildpad - Driekiel • Do not take a turtle out of he water
(March – September) • Do not feed the turtles
- Loggerhead Sea Turtle - Dikkopschildpad - Cawama • Do call Turtugaruba (24 hour Turtle Hotline: (297) 592-9393).
(May – September)
- Hawksbill Sea Turtle - Karetschildpad - Caret For more information visit the facebook page Turtugaruba Foundation.q
(June – December)
- Green Turtle - Soepschildpad - Turtuga Blanco
Sea turtles play a vital role in keeping our oceans healthy. The Green
Turtle, for example, keeps the sea grasses on the bottom of the sea short
and therefore a healthy place for many fish to deposit their eggs. The
Leatherback, the largest turtle of the world, eats mainly jellyfish and helps
maintain the balance between jellyfish and plankton. Despite the threats
that exist on Aruba, the turtles still keep coming.
Turtugaruba Foundation reported that the first Hawksbill Sea Turtles have
hatched . The nest was laid November 2019, resulting in an ear-
ly hatching for 2020. Therefore it is of great importance to keeping our
beaches clean throughout the year in order to help provide sea turtles
with a clean nesting environment.
Four loyal visitors honored
EAGLE BEACH — Kimberley Rich-
ardson of the Aruba Tourism Au-
thority had the great pleasure to
honor Aruba’s loyal and friendly
visitors as Distinguished Visitors of
Aruba and Goodwill Ambassadors
of Aruba. The Distinguished visitor
certificate is presented on behalf
of the Minister of Tourism, as a to-
ken of appreciation to the guests
who visit Aruba 10 years and more
consecutively. The Goodwill Am-
bassador certificate is presented
on behalf of the Minister of Tour-
ism, as a token of appreciation
to the guests who visit Aruba 20
years and more consecutively. Belanger and couple Robert and variety of foods, its safety, and Inclusive Resort presented the cer-
Cathy Preston, all from USA. Aruba’s warm and friendly people tificates to the honorees, hand-
Douglas Belanger received the These lovely people stated that who have become like family to ed over some presents and also
honorary certificate ‘Distinguished they love the island very much, them. thanked them for choosing Aruba
Visitor of Aruba’. The Goodwill especially for its year-round sun- as their favorite vacation desti-
Ambassador certificate went to ny weather, nice sandy beaches Richardson together with the rep- nation and as their home-away-
three people! Cynthia Graham- and picturesque sunsets, delicious resentatives of the Divi Tamarijn All from-home.q