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a26     obituario/u.s. news
                Diahuebs 8 september 2022

                                                                  Gardening: How to save vegetable seeds for

                                                                                                   next year

               Mi a glorifica bo cristo, riba e mundo aki.    (AP)  -  Many  of  the  vegeta-  BEETS AND CARROTS             TOMATO
               Mi a termina cu e trabou cu abo a dunami pa hasi.
               Warda tur esnan cu ta keda atras den bo nomber.  bles we grow in our gardens  These  biennial  plants  produce  There are two ways to save to-
                                                              produce seeds, which, if har-   seeds only in their second year,  mato seeds — the right way and
               Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:                 vested  and  stored  correctly,  after a period of vernalization, or  the  easy  way.  Full  disclosure:  I
                                                              have  the  potential  to  grace  cold storage. In areas with cold  like  it  easy,  and  I’ve  succeeded
                                                              us with free plants. And late  winters,  simply  leave  plants  in  with  the  shortcut.  Your  results
                                                              summer  is  the  perfect  time  the ground over winter.        may vary.
                                                              to start collecting them.
                                                                                              In warm climates, you’ll have to  Start by cutting a tomato in half,
                                                              A  few  notes:  Make  sure  the  create “winter” indoors: At the  then  squeeze  out  its  seeds  and
                                                              plants  from  which  you’re  col-  end of the first season, cut the  pulp over a bowl.
                                                              lecting  seeds  are  heirloom,  foliage down to 2 inches, care-
                                                              or  open-pollinated,  varieties.  fully  dig  up  roots,  and  store  Fermentation  improves  germi-
                                                              These are plants in their original  them  in  a  refrigerator  or  cool  nation rates and kills some seed-
                                                              forms whose seeds will produce  cellar over winter. Replant them  borne  pathogens  that  could
                     Feliciano T. Damian                      plants with the same qualities as  outdoors the following spring.  sicken plants. To ferment seeds:
                       Cariñosamente yama:” Teechi”           their parent.
                        *24-01-1936 - †06-09-2022                                             When the leaves of second-year  1.  Place  a  cover  slightly  askew
                                                              Hybridized varieties, on the oth-  beet plants turn brown, remove  over  the  bowl  and  allow  the
                  Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues.   er  hand,  are  created  by  breed-  the  seed  stalk  from  the  top  of  seeds to sit in their juices undis-
                                                              ing two or more different types  the plant and place it in a paper  turbed for three days.
                                                              to  capture  the  best  qualities  of  bag. Store in a cool, dry place for
                                                              each. Attempting to grow seeds  at least two weeks, then give the  2.  Pour  the  bowl’s  contents,
                                                              collected from hybrids will yield  bag a good shake to separate the  which  may  be  covered  with  a
                                                              a  harvest  of  disappointment,  seeds.  Pour  them  onto  a  plate,  white film, into a larger contain-
                                                              as  the  resulting  plants  will  not  then blow on them to separate  er and add water equal to at least
                                                              have the expected attributes but  the chaff.                   3 times the seeds’ volume.
                                                              rather  carry  the  traits  of  only
               Salmo 91/14-15-16                              one of the parents -- and there’s  Allow second-year carrot flow-  3.  Agitate  the  water  with  your
               “Si e tene na Mi, lo Mi salb’é:                no way to know what that will  ers to dry on the plant, clip them  hand  and  pour  off  the  liquid.
               lo Mi hals’é, si e tin respèt pa mi
               Nomber.                                        be. For this reason, it’s best not  off, and dry them further in a pa-  You’ll  notice  that  most  of  the
               Ora e yama Mi lo Mi contest’é,                 to grow seeds from supermarket  per bag for a week or two. Shake  seeds will have sunk to the bot-
               den  problema  Mi  ta  huntu  cu               produce.                        the bag well and pour seeds out  tom  of  the  container;  they  are
               né,  lo  Mi  Libr’é  i  colm’é  cu                                             onto  a  plate,  blow  on  them  to  the viable seeds.
               honor.                                         Here’s how to collect and save  separate the chaff.            Any that float are duds, so pour
               Mi ta pon’é disfrutá di un bida                seeds  from  the  most  common                                 them  out  with  the  juice,  pulp
               largo  y  lo  lag’é  contemplá  mi
               salbashon.”                                    homegrown crops.                PEPPERS                        and  water.  Repeat  the  rinsing
                                                                                              Select the nicest-looking pepper  process two more times.
                                                              LETTUCE                         from  your  healthiest  plant  and
                       Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di          At the end of the growing sea-  allow it to remain on the plant  To  make  sure  pathogens  are
                                                              son,  lettuce  will  bolt,  or  send  until it is overripe and wrinkled.  killed,  soak  seeds  for  30  min-
                                                              up  a  flower  stalk  that  will  de-  Slice it in half and remove the  utes in a 90% water, 10% bleach
               Suzanne Ruthy Clarissa Thomas                  velop  seed  heads  reminiscent  seeds,  discarding  any  that  are  solution,  then  rinse  very  well.
                        Cariñosamente yama: “Suzy”            of  dandelion  puffs.  When  the  discolored  or  otherwise  unde-  Spread  seeds  on  a  towel  and
                         *04-03-1966 - †06-09-2022            puffs are dry, remove the entire  sirable. Spread seeds in a single  allow  to  dry  for  about  a  week,
                                                              stem, place it into a paper bag,  layer  on  paper  towels  and  al-  tossing occasionally.
                                                              fold over the top and shake. The  low them to dry in a warm spot
                                                              seeds  will  disengage  from  the  away from direct sunlight. Toss  Or,  you  can  simply  allow  the
                                                              flower and fall to the bottom of  the seeds occasionally to ensure  whole  mess  of  seeds  and  pulp
                                                              the bag.                        even drying, which should take  to dry on a plate in the open air
                                                                                              about a week.                  for about a week, then scrape or
                                                                                                                             pick off the seeds.

               “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada
               Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.
               E ta hibami na awa trankil,
               Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.
               Salmo: 23
               Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:

                   Mercedes Leticia Celedon
                        *05-08-1926 - †05-09-2022

               Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues.
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