Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20220908
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A30     world news
                Diahuebs 8 september 2022

                           Putin and Xi to meet in Uzbekistan next week, official says

            (AP)  –  Russian  President                                                                                         democratic  forces  in  Asia,
            Vladimir  Putin  and  Chi-                                                                                          Europe  and  beyond,  mak-
            nese President Xi Jinping                                                                                           ing  a  stand  for  authoritarian
            plan  to  meet  next  week                                                                                          rule  with  tight  borders  and
            in  Uzbekistan,  a  Russian                                                                                         little  regard  for  free  speech,
            official  said  Wednesday,                                                                                          minority rights or opposition
            announcing  a  summit                                                                                               politics.
            that  could  signal  another
            step  in  warming  ties  be-                                                                                        Each leader may also be hop-
            tween  two  powers  that                                                                                            ing to bolster his standing at
            are increasingly facing off                                                                                         home with the meeting. For
            against the West.                                                                                                   Putin, it’s an opportunity to
                                                                                                                                show that he still has power-
            The meeting at the Shanghai                                                                                         ful allies. For Xi, it could be a
            Cooperation Organization —                                                                                          chance to be seen as standing
            a political, economic and se-                                                                                       up to Western opposition to
            curity forum that China and                                                                                         the Ukraine war and burnish
            Russia dominate — comes at                                                                                          his nationalist credentials at a
            delicate times for both lead-                                                                                       time when relations with the
            ers.                                                                                                                U.S. have grown increasingly
                                                                                                                                tense over trade, technology,
            Putin is dealing with the eco-                                                                                      human  rights  issues  and  its
            nomic  and  political  fallout                                                                                      threats to attack Taiwan.
            of  his  war  in  Ukraine  that
            has left Russia more isolated.                                                                                      Even  though  Moscow  and
            Xi,  meanwhile,  is  also  fac-  Russian Ambassador to Chi-  The visit to Uzbekistan, if it  When  asked  about  the  trip,  Beijing  in  the  past  rejected
            ing a slowing economy as he  na  Andrei  Denisov  told  re-  goes ahead, would be part of  Chinese  Foreign  Ministry  the  possibility  of  forging  a
            seeks  a  third  five-year  term  porters  that  the  two  would  Xi’s  first  foreign  trip  in  2½  spokesperson Mao Ning told  military  alliance,  Putin  has
            as  Communist  Party  leader.  meet  at  the  organization’s  years. Xi has only left main-  a  daily  briefing  Wednesday:  said that such a prospect can’t
            While  he’s  expected  to  se-  summit in the Uzbek city of  land China once — to make  “On  your  question,  I  have  be ruled out. He also has not-
            cure it, that would represent  Samarkand  on  Sept.  15-16.  a  one-day  visit  to  the  semi-  nothing to offer.”  ed that Russia has been shar-
            a break with precedent. Both  “We  are  actively  preparing  autonomous  city  of  Hong                             ing  highly  sensitive  military
            have seen their countries’ re-  for  it,”  Denisov  was  quoted  Kong — since the start of the  Moscow and Beijing have in-  technologies with China that
            lations with the West deterio-  by Russia’s state news agency  COVID-19  outbreak  in  late  creasingly  aligned  their  for-  helped  significantly  bolster
            rate.                        Tass as saying.              2019.                        eign policies to oppose liberal  its defense capability.

                         WHO: COVID cases drop everywhere, but pandemic not over

            (AP)  —  The  number  of  Health         Organization’s  The U.N. health agency re-                                 virus  will linger far into the
            new coronavirus cases fell  latest weekly review of the  ported  that  there  were  just  “This  is  very  encouraging,  future,  partly  because  it  is
            everywhere  in  the  world  pandemic issued Wednes-       under  4.2  million  new  in-  but  there  is  no  guarantee  getting  better  and  better  at
            last  week  by  about  12%,  day.                         fections last week and about  these trends will persist,” said  getting  around  immunity
            according  to  the  World                                 13,700 deaths - a 5% drop.   WHO                          from  vaccination  and  past
                                                                                                                                infection.  Experts  point  to
                                                                                                   Director-General    Tedros  emerging  research  that  sug-
                                                                                                   Adhanom  Ghebreyesus  at  gests the latest omicron vari-
                                                                                                   a  press  briefing.  “The  most  ant  gaining  ground  in  the
                                                                                                   dangerous thing is to assume  U.S.  —  BA.4.6,  which  was
                                                                                                   (that) they will,” he said. He  responsible for around 8% of
                                                                                                   added  that  even  though  the  new U.S. infections last week
                                                                                                   number  of  weekly  report-  — appears to be even better
                                                                                                   ed  deaths  have  plummeted  at  evading  the  immune  sys-
                                                                                                   more than 80% since Febru-   tem than the dominant BA.5.
                                                                                                   ary, one person still dies with
                                                                                                   COVID-19 every 44 seconds  In  China,  authorities  this
                                                                                                   and that most of those deaths  week locked down 65 million
                                                                                                   are avoidable.               of  its  citizens  under  tough
                                                                                                                                COVID-19  restrictions  and
                                                                                                   In  its  pandemic  report,  is  discouraging  domestic
                                                                                                   WHO      said   COVID-19  travel  during  upcoming  na-
                                                                                                   deaths dropped in Southeast  tional holidays.
                                                                                                   Asia, Europe and the Middle
                                                                                                   East, but increased in Africa,  Across the country, 33 cities
                                                                                                   the  Americas  and  the  West-  including  seven  provincial
                                                                                                   ern Pacific.                 capitals are under full or par-
                                                                                                                                tial lockdown covering more
                                                                                                   Maria Van Kerkhove, WHO’s  than  65  million  people,  ac-
                                                                                                   technical lead on COVID-19,  cording  to  a  tally  published
                                                                                                   noted  that  the  virus  has  not  late  Sunday  by  the  Chinese
                                                                                                   yet settled into a seasonal pat-  business magazine Caixin.
                                                                                                   tern  and  that  its  continued
                                                                                                   evolution  will  require  con-  It  said  that  outbreaks  have
                                                                                                   stant  surveillance  and  pos-  been  reported  in  103  cities,
                                                                                                   sible  tweaks  to  diagnostics,  the  highest  since  the  early
                                                                                                   treatments and vaccines.     days of the pandemic in early
                                                                                                   Scientists  warn  the  corona-
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