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A28     u.s. news
                Diahuebs 8 september 2022

                            Obamas return to White House: Official portraits unveiled

            (AP) — Former President                                                                                             ly from photographs taken in
            Barack  Obama  and  his                                                                                             various locations on the State
            wife  Michelle  returned                                                                                            Floor  of  the  White  House.
            to  the  White  House  on                                                                                           Getting  the  dress  just  right
            Wednesday for the unveil-                                                                                           was the hardest part, she said.
            ing  of  official  portraits
            with  a  modern  vibe:  him                                                                                         Obama's  portrait  is  destined
            standing     expressionless                                                                                         for  display  in  the  Grand
            against  a  white  back-                                                                                            Foyer  of  the  White  House,
            ground and her seated on                                                                                            the  traditional  showcase  for
            a  sofa  in  the  Red  Room                                                                                         paintings  of  the  two  most
            wearing  a  formal  light                                                                                           recent  presidents.  Clinton's
            blue dress.                                                                                                         and  George  W.  Bush's  por-
                                                                                                                                traits currently hang there.
            The  artist  whom  Barack
            Obama  selected  to  paint  his                                                                                     Mrs. Obama's portrait likely
            portrait  says  the  "stripped                                                                                      will be placed with her pre-
            down"  style  of  his  works                                                                                        decessors  along  the  hallway
            helps  create  an  "encounter"                                                                                      on the Ground Floor of the
            between  the  person  in  the                                                                                       White House, joining Barba-
            painting and the person look-                                                                                       ra Bush, Hillary Clinton and
            ing at it.                                                                                                          Laura Bush.

            Robert  McCurdy  likes  to  ed  in  January  2017.  Obama  selected  from  hundreds  of  started to cry.            The  White  House  Histori-
            present  his  subjects  with-  himself  visited  in  April  to  images. He spends a year to                         cal  Association,  a  nonprofit
            out  any  facial  expression  help  celebrate  the  anniver-  18  months  on  each  portrait  She  had  planned  on  having  organization  that  is  funded
            and standing against a white  sary of the major health care  and said he knows he's done  Mrs.  Obama  stand  in  the  through  private  donations
            background,  which  is  how  law he signed.               "when it stops irritating me."  portrait,  "to  give  it  a  certain  and sales of books and an an-
            America's 44th and first Black                                                         dignity," but said the former  nual  Christmas  ornament,
            president  will  be  seen  here  The  former  first  lady  chose  She  kept  sinking  into  the  first  lady  "has  so  much  dig-  helps  manage  the  portrait
            for  posterity,  in  a  black  suit  artist Sharon Sprung for her  couch she sat on while they  nity that I decided to do it sit-  process and, since the 1960s,
            and gray tie.                portrait.                    sat  on  sturdier  chairs.  Then  ting just because ... it was too  has paid for most of those in
                                                                      the  president  "flicked"  away  much looking up at her. I'm  the collection.
            Biden and first lady Jill Biden  The portraits do not look like  the printed talking points she  that much shorter than her."
            invited  Obama  and  the  for-  any others in the collection to  had handed out to everyone                         Congress  bought  the  first
            mer  first  lady  back  to  their  which they will be added, in  in  the  room.  Then  she  just  Sprung  worked  on  the  por-  painting in the collection, of
            former home to unveil their  terms of style and substance.  "went still" and had to "gasp  trait  for  eight  months,  day  George  Washington.  Other
            official portraits. It was Mrs.                           for air a little bit" when some-  and  night,  the  most  time  portraits  of  early  presidents
            Obama's  first  visit  since  her  McCurdy  works  from  a  one else in the meeting asked  she's  ever  spent  on  a  single  and first ladies often came to
            husband's  presidency  end-  photograph  of  his  subjects,  her why she paints. Then she  painting. She worked entire-  the White House as gifts.

                          One-legged Stone Age skeleton may show oldest amputation

                                                (AP) — The 31,000-year-old skel-    searchers  concluded  the  foot  bones  plant life in the region has medicinal
                                                eton of a young adult found in a  weren't  missing  from  the  grave,  or  properties.
                                                cave in Indonesia that is missing  lost in an accident — they were care-
                                                its left foot and part of its left leg  fully removed.                  Also,  the  community  would  have
                                                reveal the oldest known evidence                                        had to care for the child for years af-
                                                of an amputation, according to a  The  remaining  leg  bone  showed  a  terward,  since  surviving  the  rugged
                                                new study.                          clean,  slanted  cut  that  healed  over,  terrain as an amputee wouldn't have
                                                                                    Maloney said. There were no signs of  been easy.
                                                Scientists  say  the  amputation  was  infection,  which  would  be  expected
                                                performed  when  the  person  was  a  if the child had gotten its leg bitten  This early surgery "rewrites the his-
                                                child — and that the "patient" went  off by a creature like a crocodile. And  tory  of  human  medical  knowledge
                                                on  to  live  for  years  as  an  amputee.  there were also no signs of a crush-  and developments," Maloney said at
                                                The  prehistoric  surgery  could  show  ing fracture, which would have been  the briefing.
                                                that  humans  were  making  medical  expected if the leg had snapped off in
                                                advances  much  earlier  than  previ-  an accident.                     Before this find, the earliest example
                                                ously thought, according to the study                                   of amputation had been in a French
                                                published Wednesday in the journal  The  person  appears  to  have  lived  farmer  from  7,000  years  ago,  who
                                                Nature.                             for  around  six  to  nine  more  years  had  part  of  his  forearm  removed.
                                                                                    after losing the limb, eventually dy-  Scientists had thought that advanced
                                                Researchers were exploring a cave in  ing from unknown causes as a young  medical  practices  developed  around
                                                Borneo, in a rainforest region known  adult, researchers say.           10,000  years  ago,  as  humans  settled
                                                for having some of the earliest rock                                    down into agricultural societies, au-
                                                art  in  the  world,  when  they  came  This shows that the prehistoric for-  thors said.
                                                across  the  grave, said Tim Maloney,  agers  knew  enough  about  medicine
                                                an  archaeologist  at  Griffith  Univer-  to perform the surgery without fatal  But  this  study  adds  to  growing  evi-
                                                sity in Australia and the study's lead  blood loss or infection, authors con-  dence that humans started caring for
                                                researcher.                         cluded. Researchers don't know what  each  other's  health  much  earlier  in
                                                                                    kind of tool was used to amputate the  their history, said Alecia Schrenk, an
                                                Though much of the skeleton was in-  limb, or how infection was prevent-  anthropologist  at  the  University  of
                                                tact, it was missing its left foot and the  ed — but they speculate that a sharp  Nevada, Las Vegas, who was not in-
                                                lower part of its left leg, he explained.  stone  tool  may  have  made  the  cut,  volved with the study.
                                                After examining the remains, the re-  and point out that some of the rich
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