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A32 sports
Diabierna 15 Januari 2021
Reinaldo Rueda leaves Chile to become Colombia coach
(AP) — Colombia hired bia in seventh place in South ras at the 2010 World Cup in
Reinaldo Rueda as its American qualifying for South Africa and took Ecua-
national team coach on the 2022 World Cup in Qa- dor to the 2014 tournament
Thursday, luring him away tar. Only the top four teams in Brazil.
from Chile in the hopes qualify automatically.
that he can turn around South American World Cup
its World Cup qualifying The 63-year-old Rueda left qualifiers will resume in
campaign. his job as Chile coach to take March, with Colombia host-
over his native team, which ing Brazil in its next game.
Rueda replaces Carlos he also was in charge of from Colombia will also co-host
Queiroz, who was fired after 2004-06. this year's Copa America to-
two big losses to Uruguay gether with Argentina.
and Ecuador that left Colom- Rueda also coached Hondu-
Blackhawks place Jonathan Toews on long-term injured reserve
(AP) — Chicago Black- veteran center has asked for
hawks captain Jonathan privacy while he focuses on The 35-year-old Seabrook
Toews will miss at least 10 his health. has not played since De-
games and 24 days after cember 2019. He missed the
the team placed him on Toews helped lead the Black- playoffs after having two hip
long-term injured reserve hawks to three Stanley Cup surgeries and a right shoulder
Thursday because of an championships from 2010 to operation, and has not been
unspecified illness. 2015. He had 18 goals and 42 on the ice since camp opened.
assists in 70 games last season
The 32-year-old Toews an- and was one of the team’s Dach could miss the entire
nounced prior to the start of best defensive forwards and season after having surgery
training camp last month he face-off options. on his right wrist. He was
was experiencing symptoms injured in December play-
that left him feeling “drained The team also announced ing for Canada’s world junior
and lethargic.” Thursday defenseman Brent team during an exhibition
There has been no word Seabrook has a lower back against Russia.
from Toews or the team on injury and moved forward
the cause and there is no Kirby Dach to long-term IR The Blackhawks opened the fending champion Tampa the Lightning again on Friday
timetable for his return. The because of a wrist injury. season with a 5-1 loss at de- Bay on Wednesday. They visit night.
PlayUp to do mobile sports betting for New Jersey racetrack
(AP) — A New Jersey gan taking in-person sports ner with PlayUp in New Jer- string of monthly sports bet-
horse racing track is mak- bets in October, has signed Freehold Raceway is af- sey as they debut their inter- ting volume records in the
ing its move to catch up a deal with PlayUp, an Aus- filiated with Parx Casino in national expertise of online U.S.
with the pack in the state's tralian online sports betting Pennsylvania to offer sports sports betting in the United
hot sports betting market. company, to offer mobile betting in New Jersey. States,” said Matthew Cul- The state took in over $6 bil-
sports betting. The agree- len, Parx’s senior vice presi- lion worth of sports bets last
Freehold Raceway, which be- ment was reached Tuesday. “Parx Casino is happy to part- dent of interactive gaming year, the overwhelming ma-
and sports. jority of which were placed
Laila Mintas, CEO of Pla-
yUp USA, said it hopes to Freehold had been seeking
launch its Freehold venture an online component since
in the first quarter of 2021. its launch last fall, and had
The company is also licensed hoped to have one up and
in Colorado and provides running by last November.
sports betting, horse race bet-
ting and daily fantasy sports The track reported $291,632
in Australia, New Zealand in sports betting revenue last
and India. year, all of it from bets taken
in person.
The company on Thursday
announced an agreement The runaway leader in sports
with the New Jersey Devils betting revenue among New
hockey team and the arena Jersey tracks was the Mead-
in which they play in New- owlands in East Rutherford.
ark that will provide exposure It won more than $206 mil-
for the team via broadcasts, a lion in sports bets last year. In
logo on the ice and other pro- addition to its strategic loca-
motions. tion just outside New York
City, it is affiliated with the
New Jersey is the nationwide online sportbook FanDuel.
leader in sports betting; state
gambling regulators revealed Monmouth Park in Ocean-
Wednesday that the state had port, near the Jersey Shore,
taken just under $1 billion won $25.4 million last year.
worth of sports bets in De-
cember alone, the latest in a