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P. 28
A28 u.s. news
Diabierna 15 Januari 2021
Trump impeachment trial could begin on Inauguration Day
Trump was first impeached by the
House in 2019 over his dealings with
Ukraine, but the Senate voted in
2020 to acquit. This time he faces im-
peachment as a weakened leader, hav-
ing lost his own reelection as well as
the Senate Republican majority.
In making a case for the “high crimes
and misdemeanors” demanded in the
Constitution, the four-page impeach-
ment resolution relies on Trump’s
own incendiary rhetoric and the
falsehoods he spread about Biden’s
election victory, including at a rally
near the White House on the day of
the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.
The impeachment resolution is also
intended to prevent Trump from ever
running again.
A Capitol Police officer died from
(AP) — President Donald by the Senate Intelligence Commit- injuries suffered in the riot, and po-
Trump's impeachment trial could The Republican leader holds great tee. lice shot and killed a woman during
begin on Inauguration Day, just sway in his party even though con- the siege. Three other people died
as Democrat Joe Biden takes the vening the trial will be among his last “We are working with Republicans in what authorities said were medi-
oath of office in an ever-more- acts as majority leader. Two new sen- to try to find a path forward,” said cal emergencies. The riot delayed the
extraordinary end to the defeated ators from Georgia, both Democrats, Senate Democratic leader Chuck tally of Electoral College votes that
president's tenure in the White are to be sworn into office leaving the Schumer's office. was the last step in finalizing Biden’s
House. chamber divided 50-50. That tips the victory.
majority to the Democrats once Ka- With the Capitol secured by armed
The timing is not set and depends mala Harris takes office, as the vice National Guard troops inside and Ten Republican lawmakers, includ-
heavily on when House Speaker president is a tie-breaker. out, the House voted 232-197 on ing third-ranking House GOP leader
Nancy Pelosi decides to transmit the Wednesday to impeach Trump. The Liz Cheney of Wyoming, voted to
article of impeachment to the Sen- No president has ever been convict- proceedings moved at lightning impeach Trump, cleaving the Repub-
ate. Democrats hoping to avoid in- ed in the Senate, and it would take speed, with lawmakers voting just lican leadership, and the party itself.
terrupting Biden's inauguration have a two-thirds vote against Trump, an one week after violent pro-Trump She said that "there has never been a
suggested holding back until the new extremely tall hurdle. But it's not out loyalists stormed the Capitol, egged greater betrayal by a President” of his
president has a chance to get his ad- of the realm of possibility, especially on by the president’s calls for them office.
ministration going. as corporations and wealthy politi- to “fight like hell” against the election
cal donors distance themselves from results. The president’s sturdy popularity
What is clear is that the trial will be Trump and the Republicans who with the GOP lawmakers’ constitu-
unlike any other in the nation's his- stood by his attempt to overturn the Ten Republicans fled Trump, join- ents still had some sway, and most
tory, the first for a president no lon- election. ing Democrats who said he needed House Republicans voted not to im-
ger in office. And, politically, it will to be held accountable and warned peach.
force a reckoning among some Re- At least four Republican senators ominously of a “clear and present
publicans who have stood by Trump have publicly expressed grave con- danger” if Congress should leave him Security is exceptionally tight at the
throughout his presidency and large- cerns about Trump's actions, and oth- unchecked before Biden’s inaugura- Capitol, with tall fences around the
ly allowed him to spread false attacks ers say so privately. tion Jan. 20. It was the most bipar- complex. Metal-detector screenings
against the integrity of the 2020 elec- tisan presidential impeachment in were required Wednesday for law-
tion. Under Senate procedure, the trial is modern times. makers entering the House chamber,
to start soon after the House deliv- where a week earlier some of them
“The only path to any reunification ers the article of impeachment. That The Capitol insurrection stunned huddled inside as police, guns drawn,
of this broken and divided country is could mean starting at 1 p.m. on In- and angered lawmakers, who were barricaded the door from rioters.
by shining a light on the truth," said auguration Day. The ceremony at the sent scrambling for safety as the mob
Rep. Madeleine Dean, D-Pa., who Capitol starts at noon. descended, and it revealed the fragil- The impeachment bill draws from
will serve as an impeachment man- ity of the nation’s history of peaceful Trump’s own false statements about
ager. Pelosi has not said when she will take transfers of power. his election defeat to Biden. Judges
the next step to transmit the impeach- across the country, including some
"That’s what the impeachment vote ment article, a sole charge of incite- Holed up at the White House, watch- nominated by Trump, have repeat-
was. That’s what the trial in the Sen- ment of insurrection. After Trump's ing the proceedings on TV, Trump edly dismissed cases challenging the
ate will be about.” first impeachment, in 2019, she with- later released a video statement in election results, and former Attorney
held the articles for some time to set which he made no mention at all of General William Barr, a Trump ally,
Trump was impeached Wednesday the stage for the Senate action. the impeachment but appealed to his has said there was no sign of wide-
by the House over the deadly Capi- supporters to refrain from any fur- spread fraud.
tol siege, the only president in U.S. Biden has said the Senate should be ther violence or disruption of Biden's
history twice impeached, after a pro- able to split its time and do both — inauguration. While some have questioned im-
Trump mob stormed the building. hold the trial and start working on his peaching the president so close to the
The attack has left the nation’s capi- priorities, including swift confirma- “Like all of you, I was shocked and end of his term, there is precedent.
tal, and other major cites, under high tion of his Cabinet nominees. deeply saddened by the calamity at In 1876, during the Ulysses Grant
security amid threats of more vio- the Capitol last week," he said, his administration, War Secretary Wil-
lence around the inauguration. On Inauguration Day, the Senate typ- first condemnation of the attack. He liam Belknap was impeached by the
Senate Republican leader Mitch Mc- ically confirms some of the new pres- said, "Mob violence goes against ev- House the day he resigned, and the
Connell is open to considering im- ident's Cabinet, particularly national erything I believe in and everything Senate convened a trial months later.
peachment, having told associates he security officials. Biden's choice of our movement stands for. ... No true He was acquitted.
is done with Trump, but he has not Avril Haines as director of national supporter of mine could ever disre-
signaled how he would vote. intelligence will have a hearing Friday spect law enforcement.”