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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diabierna 15 Januari 2021

                            Man accused in fire that killed 36 expected to plead guilty

            (AP)  —  A  man  facing  a  second  trial  after  a  swept through an electronic music party at the so-  “My heart dropped, especially when I heard it was
            fire  killed  36  partygoers  at  a  San  Francisco  called Ghost Ship warehouse in Oakland.    going to be a slap on the wrist. I want my daughter
            Bay Area warehouse he’s accused of illegally                                                    back; we want to be with our family members who
            converting into a cluttered artists enclave is  Prosecutors  allege  Almena,  who  was  the  master  died. He gets to be with his family,” said Colleen
            expected to plead guilty later this month, rel-  tenant on the lease, was criminally negligent when  Dolan, the mother of victim Chelsea Faith Dolan.
            atives of several of the victims said.          he turned the industrial building into a residence
                                                            for artists and held events without proper permits.  She  said  families  were  not  informed  of  the  plea
            Derick Almena, 50, is expected to plead guilty to                                               deal possibility before Wednesday.
            36 counts of involuntary manslaughter on Jan. 22,  The building was packed with furniture, extension
            families  of  several  fire  victims  told  the  East  Bay  cords and other flammable material but had only  “I’m totally disappointed in how the DA’s handled
            Times Wednesday.                                two exits and no smoke detectors, fire alarms or  this case and even more in the outcome,” said Da-
                                                            sprinklers, prosecutors say.                    vid  Gregory,  whose  daughter  Michela  Angelina
            The  relatives  said  Alameda  County  prosecutors                                              Gregory died in the fire. “I guess now we are sup-
            told them during  a video call  Wednesday that  in  Almena, who was released from jail over corona-  posed to just move on with our lives as if this is
            exchange for his guilty plea Almena will get a nine-  virus  concerns,  likely  won’t  be  locked  up  again,  something we should just accept.”
            year sentence — though he may serve little or none  though  he  may  continue  to  be  monitored  in  his
            of it because of time already served and good be-  home another 1 1/2 years and be subject to three  Almena had been behind bars since 2017 but was
            havior while he was incarcerated.               years of supervised probation.                  released from jail in May because of coronavirus
                                                                                                            concerns and after posting a $150,000 bail bond.
            Prosecutors and Almena’s attorneys cannot com-  A jury deadlocked on the charges in September and
            ment  on  the  case  because  they  remain  under  a  a new trial has been scheduled for July. Almena's  He remains on house arrest with an ankle monitor
            gag order imposed by Superior Court Judge Trina  co-defendant,  Max  Harris,  was  acquitted  of  the  in the city of Upper Lake, where he lives with his
            Thompson.                                       same charges.                                   wife and children.
            Almena  is  charged  in  the  Dec.  2,  2016,  fire  that

                        Jacob Blake says he was ready to surrender before being shot

            (AP)  —  A  Black  man  who  was  concluding he couldn’t disprove the  cohol or going to establishments that  a photo with two men as they all ges-
            shot in the back by a white police  officer’s contention that he acted in  serve alcohol. But Richards said Rit-  tured an “OK” sign with their hands,
            officer  in  Wisconsin,  triggering  self-defense.                      tenhouse  is  not  and  has  never  been  which has become a symbol used by
            several nights of violent protests                                      a  member  of  a  white  supremacist  white supremacists.
            over the summer and leaving him  In the “Good Morning America” in-      group.
            partially paralyzed, said in an in-  terview,  Blake,  who  was  shot  seven                                The motion also said five men at the
            terview broadcast Thursday that  times, said he shouldn't have grabbed  “The State’s bond motion is a not-so-  tavern  serenaded  Rittenhouse  with
            he was prepared to surrender just  his knife. He said he “wasn’t think-  thinly veiled attempt to interject the  the song “Proud of Your Boy," which
            before the officer opened fire.     ing clearly.” He said he couldn't hear  issue of race into a case that is about a  has become the anthem of the Proud
                                                officers' orders to comply before he  person’s right to self-defense,” Rich-  Boys,  a  white  supremacist  group
            Jacob Blake, 29, said an interview with  was shot.                      ards' wrote in his response.        whose members have been identified
            ABC's “Good Morning America” that                                                                           as being involved in the attack on the
            during a struggle with Kenosha police  “I  was  counting  down  my  breaths,  After his Jan. 5 arraignment, Ritten-  U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.
            who were trying to arrest him Aug.  my  blinks  and  I  was  like  'God  I’m  house, his mother and several other
            23  on  an  outstanding  warrant  his  coming. I guess this is it for me,” he  adults went to Pudgy's Pub, where he  “The defendant’s continued associa-
            pocketknife  fell  from  his  pants.  He  said.                         was seen drinking beer, according to  tion  with  members  of  a  group  that
            said he picked it up before heading to                                  prosecutors.  Although  the  drinking  prides itself on violence, and the use
            a vehicle to drive away with two of his  He  said  his  thoughts  turned  to  his  age  is  21,  Rittenhouse  could  legally  of their symbols, raises the significant
            children in the backseat.           sons in the backseat.               drink  alcohol  in  Wisconsin  because  possibility  of  future  harm.  Further,
                                                                                    he was with his mother.             this association may serve to intimi-
            “I'm not really worried. I'm walking  “'Daddy loves you no matter what,'”                                   date potential witnesses,” the motion
            away from them, so it's not like they  Blake said he told them. "I thought it  The  prosecutors'  motion  states  that  reads.
            were going to shoot me,” Blake said.  was going to be the last thing I say to  Rittenhouse posed outside the bar for
            Blake  said  that  he  was  prepared  to
            surrender  once  he  put  the  knife  in  During  one  night  of  unrest  follow-
            the vehicle.                        ing  the  shooting,  prosecutors  say  a
                                                white  17-year-old  from  Antioch,  Il-
            “Throw myself to the ground and you  linois, shot and killed two men and
            know, put my arms behind my back  wounded a third, claiming the shoot-
            because if they did it there and they  ings were in self-defense. This week,
            killed me there, everybody would see  prosecutors  in  Wisconsin  asked  a
            it,” he said.                       judge  to  order  Kyle  Rittenhouse,
            Officer Rusten Sheskey told investi-  who now is 18 and free on $2 million
            gators that he feared that Blake was  bond,  to  stay  out  of  bars  and  away
            going to stab him, so he opened fire.  from white supremacist groups.
            Blake  family  attorney  Ben  Crump,
            however,  has  questioned  wheth-   The request comes a week after Rit-
            er  Blake  threatened  Sheskey  with  tenhouse was seen drinking at a bar
            a  knife,  saying  “nowhere  does  the  in the southeastern Wisconsin city of
            video footage show a knife extended  Mount Pleasant, about 25 miles (40
            and  aimed  to  establish  the  requisite  kilometers) south of Milwaukee, af-
            intent.”                            ter he pleaded not guilty to homicide
                                                and other charges resulting from the
            Kenosha  erupted  with  violent  pro-  Aug. 25 shooting in Kenosha.
            tests for several nights after Blake was
            shot.  Hundreds  were  arrested,  and  A response to the motion filed Thurs-
            multiple  businesses  were  destroyed.  day  by  Rittenhouse's  attorney  Mark
            A Wisconsin prosecutor on Jan. 5 de-  Richards  stated  that  Rittenhouse
            clined to file charges against Sheskey,  does not object to not consuming al-
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