Page 13 - aruba-today-20170930
P. 13
Saturday 30 September 2017
Aruba Certification Program Works for La Cabana
Beach Resort and Casino
opened her doors recently
for a valuable workshop.
The Aruba Certification
Program trained a group
of employees during some
dynamic days.
The enthusiasm was there
and the group learned
how important it is to give
the correct information
and be consistent in your
work. In a series of sessions
different topics were treat-
ed like the actual history
and culture of Aruba, with
the elements of excellent
service were at the fore-
‘The choice to give your
staff the opportunity to up-
grade is to be applauded
and will add value to your
service,’ so says the orga-
nization of Aruba Certifica-
tion Program.
The goal of the program
is to support the people
working in the tourism in-
dustry with workshops and
trainings to make their
service level the best. For
more information you can
visit their website www. q
The Amsterdam Manor Beach Resort
showed up in The New York Times
EAGLE BEACH - The Amster- mito, the Chief Executive tional gastronomy, white-
dam Manor Beach Resort is of the Caribbean Hotel As- sanded beaches and a
a boutique hotel in Aruba sociation, mentions that al- Chrystal blue ocean, a va-
that recently was praised most 70 percent of the Ca- riety of watersports and so
in the Travel section of the ribbean islands remained much more, The New York
prestigious newspaper The intact. The organization Times is putting Aruba on
New York Times. Aruba was represents hotels and relat- the map.The Amsterdam
mentioned with four other ed businesses in tourism at Manor Beach Resort is in-
islands as destinations that 32 Caribbean destinations. cluded as hotel within the
were still stable after the Aruba is categorized in the deluxe romance package
devastating legacy hurri- article as one of the two of ‘The Steal’. The package
canes Irma and Maria left options to visit the Caribbe- offers a studio room, a bot-
in some Caribbean islands. an within less than 5 hours tle of Champagne, in-room
flight time from the United breakfast, a dinner at Pas-
Despite the fact that the States east coast. With sions on the Beach restau-
actual damage still has to more than 300 restaurants rant, a private sunset cruise
be determined, Frank Co- offering the best interna- and two gift baskets.q