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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Saturday 30 September 2017
            Stalemate over Catalan vote keeps Spain in suspense

            By BARRY HATTON                                                                                                     regional  police  chief,  Maj.
            ARITZ PARRA                                                                                                         Josep  Lluis  Trapero,  said
            Associated Press                                                                                                    patrols  would  be  sent  to
            BARCELONA, Spain (AP) —                                                                                             confiscate  ballot  boxes
            Scores  of  Catalan  farmers                                                                                        and electoral papers.
            on  tractors  rumbled  into                                                                                         Separatist  groups  had  al-
            downtown  Barcelona  on                                                                                             ready been calling on par-
            Friday,  driving  down  the                                                                                         ents  to  organize  activities
            city’s  broad  boulevards                                                                                           with students at the schools
            in  a  show  of  support  for  a                                                                                    to prevent police from clos-
            potentially  explosive  vote                                                                                        ing them before the vote.
            on whether the prosperous                                                                                           David  Martinez,  a  46-year-
            region  should  break  away                                                                                         old father of three, said he
            from the rest of Spain and                                                                                          was bringing his children to
            become  Europe’s  newest                                                                                            a weekend-long activity at
            country.                                                                                                            their  school  in  Barcelona’s
            The  Spanish  government                                                                                            Eixample district.
            and  secession-minded  au-                                                                                          “Given  the  recent  events,
            thorities  in  the  northeast-                                                                                      the school community has
            ern Catalonia region were                                                                                           decided  to  stand  up  and
            on  a  collision  course,  with                                                                                     defend  the  democratic
            the  independence  refer-                                                                                           values  that  our  kids  need
            endum  still  slated  for  Sun-                                                                                     to  learn,”  he  said.  “Values
            day  despite  efforts  by  the   A man with the estelada, or Catalonia independence flag, steers a tractor during a protest by   that  are  important,  like
                                          farmers in Barcelona, Friday, Sept. 29, 2017. Authorities in Catalonia aim to ensure that a disputed
            courts and police to stop it.  referendum  on  independence  from  Spain  will  take  place  peacefully  on  Sunday  despite  a   freedom,  dialogue,  par-
            The  tractors  carried  the   crackdown on the vote by the national government, the region’s interior chief said.   ticipation.”  The  Catalan
            Catalan       pro-indepen-                                                                (AP Photo/Francisco Seco)  regional  government  and
            dence flag, called the “es-  constitution,  which  refers   and have blocked the dis-  most of them in schools, by  local civic groups insist they
            telada,” to the office of the  to “the indissoluble unity of   tribution of ballot boxes. On  6  a.m.  Sunday  to  prevent  are  entitled  to  exercise
            national government’s rep-   the  Spanish  nation.”  Any   Friday,  the  Catalan  police  the  referendum  from  tak-  their democratic rights and
            resentative  in  Barcelona.  vote  on  Catalan  seces-    were  ordered  to  clear  out  ing place.                 intend  to  do  so  regardless
            Similar tractor protests were  sion would have to be held   all  2,315  polling  stations,  In  an  internal  memo,  the  of the obstacles. q
            being  held  across  Cata-   across all of Spain, the gov-
            lonia.  The  region’s  biggest  ernment says.
            farmers’  union  said  the  “This  secessionist  process
            demonstrations  were  part  has  been  illegal  from  the
            of  their  fight  for  “democ-  start,” government spokes-
            racy and liberty.”           man  Inigo  Mendez  de
            With weeks of antagonism  Vigo  said  Friday.  “Since
            and  tension  coming  to  the  referendum  ...  won’t
            a  head,  neither  side  was  have  any  political  conse-
            showing  signs  of  backing  quence,  pursuing  it  won’t
            down from a confrontation  do  anything  but  extend
            that has pitched Spain into  the  damage,  the  harm
            a political and constitution-  and the disintegration that
            al crisis.                   it  is  already  doing.”  Act-
            The  Madrid-based  Span-     ing on court orders, police
            ish  government  has  main-  have confiscated about 10
            tained  the  ballot  cannot  million  ballot  papers  and
            and  will  not  happen  be-  some 1.3 million posters ad-
            cause  it  contravenes  the  vertising  the  referendum,

            Prosecutors: Dutch boy, 14, has

            confessed to slaying his parents

            THE  HAGUE,  Netherlands  dam.  Police  detained  the
            (AP)  —  Dutch  prosecutors  son  the  same  evening  on
            say  a  14-year-old  boy  has  suspicion of involvement in
            confessed to killing his par-  the deaths.
            ents with a knife, a double  Prosecutors said Friday that
            slaying  that  sent  shock-  an investigating judge has
            waves  through  the  tiny  agreed to extend the son’s
            northern village where they  detention  by  two  weeks
            lived and beyond.            while  investigations  con-
            The  bodies  of  the  couple,  tinue. Tjeerd van der Zwan,
            reportedly 63 and 62, were  mayor  of  nearby  Heeren-
            discovered  Tuesday  morn-   veen,  said  in  a  statement
            ing in Katlijk, a rural village  this  week  that,  “It  goes
            with  some  600  inhabitants  without  saying  that  an
            that  lies  140  kilometers  (87  event  like  this  has  a  pro-
            miles) northeast of Amster-  found effect on people.”q
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