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A4   U.S. NEWS
               Saturday 30 September 2017
              Nebraska court ends beer sales near South Dakota reservation

            By GRANT SCHULTE                                                                                                    they were concerned that
            Associated Press                                                                                                    closing  the  stores  could
            LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) — Four                                                                                           lead to an influx of drunken
            Nebraska  beer  stores  criti-                                                                                      drivers on Nebraska roads.
            cized  for  selling  millions  of                                                                                   Authorities  have  reported
            cans  each  year  next  to                                                                                          a  slight  uptick  in  alcohol-
            an  American  Indian  res-                                                                                          related crashes but said it’s
            ervation  where  alcohol  is                                                                                        too early to call it a trend
            banned will remain closed                                                                                           or to blame the closure of
            after  the  state  Supreme                                                                                          the stores.
            Court  on  Friday  rejected                                                                                         “Yes,  the  Whiteclay  stores
            their appeal.                                                                                                       are closed now, but there’s
            The  court  thwarted  the                                                                                           still drinking that’s happen-
            last-ditch  effort  to  resume                                                                                      ing,”  said  Rushville  Mayor
            beer  sales  in  Whiteclay,                                                                                         Chris Heiser, who opposed
            Nebraska, a tiny village on                                                                                         the decision to shutter the
            the border of South Dako-                                                                                           retailers.  “I  just  can’t  be-
            ta’s Pine Ridge Indian Res-  This Oct. 20, 2016 photo shows a view of Whiteclay, Neb. The Nebraska Supreme Court on Friday,   lieve that in America these
            ervation. The ruling upholds   Sept. 29, 2017, rejected a last-ditch effort to resume beer sales in the tiny village next to an Ameri-  days,   the   government
            an  April  decision  by  state   can Indian reservation in South Dakota that is plagued by alcohol problems.        can  come  in  and  shut
                                                                                         (Francis Gardler /The Journal-Star via AP)
            regulators not to renew the                                                                                         you  down  like  that.”John
            stores’  licenses  amid  criti-  and pass out on sidewalks.  failed  to  include  all  “par-  main  government  office   Maisch,  a  former  Oklaho-
            cism  that  the  area  lacks   Its residents rely on a coun-  ties  of  record”  when  they  rang unanswered.       ma alcohol regulator who
            adequate  law  enforce-      ty  sheriff’s  office  23  miles  asked a district court to re-  Bob  Batt,  the  Nebraska  Li-  produced a documentary
            ment.                        (37  kilometers)  away  for  view  the  Nebraska  Liquor  quor Control Commission’s    on  Whiteclay  and  fought
            The Pine Ridge Indian Res-   law enforcement.             Control Commission’s deci-   chairman,  said  commis-     to  close  the  stores,  said
            ervation  is  plagued  by  a   “Today’s   Nebraska   Su-  sion. The justices ruled that  sioners won’t likely approve   he  was  “elated”  with  the
            litany  of  alcohol-related   preme    Court    decision  they  couldn’t  review  the  any  new  liquor  licenses  in   court’s ruling on Friday but
            problems,  including  high   means  that  the  shame  of  case  because  the  district  the area anytime soon.      noted  that  many  adults
            rates  of  fetal  alcohol  syn-  Whiteclay  is  over,”  said  court  didn’t  have  proper  “I’d  say  the  chances  of   and  children  will  continue
            drome, and activists com-    Dave  Domina,  an  Omaha  jurisdiction.                   that are zip,” he said.      to  suffer  for  decades  with
            plain  that  Whiteclay  fuels   attorney for local residents  “Our  decision  today  does  Nebraska  Attorney  Gen-  the effects of fetal alcohol
            those issues.                who protested the liquor li-  not  address  the  merits  of  eral Doug Peterson, whose   syndrome.  With  the  stores
            The  four  stores  —  in  a  vil-  censes. “It also means huge  the parties’ respective po-  office defended the liquor   closed,  he  said  he  would
            lage with just nine residents   rocks have been removed  sitions,  but  rests  solely  on  control  commission,  said   turn  his  attention  to  work-
            — had sold the equivalent    from  the  road  to  recovery  jurisdictional  grounds,”  the  the  ruling  “affords  an  op-  ing  with  local  Pine  Ridge
            of about 3.5 million cans of   for many of the Oglala La-  court said in its opinion.  portunity  to  write  a  hope-  residents   on   treatment
            beer annually.               kota  Sioux  Nation  and  the  An  attorney  for  the  four  ful  chapter  in  the  story  of   centers  for  fetal  alcohol
            Whiteclay  has  also  served   Pine Ridge Reservation.”   stores did not immediately  Whiteclay.”                   syndrome  and  substance
            for  decades  as  a  remote   The  court  rejected  the  re-  return phone messages Fri-  Some  residents  in  rural   abuse.“There’s  still  a  lot
            hangout  for  people  to     tailers’  appeal  on  a  tech-  day.  A  phone  call  to  the  Sheridan  County,  which   of  work  that  needs  to  be
            panhandle,    loiter,   fight   nicality,  arguing  that  they  Oglala   Lakota   Nation’s  includes  Whiteclay,  said   done,” Maisch said.q

              Immigrants line up to renew work permits as program ends

            By AMY TAXIN                                                                           run his own plumbing busi-   call  it  an  illegal  amnesty
            ASTRID GALVAN                                                                          ness someday.                program that is taking jobs
            Associated Press                                                                       For immigrants like Vizueta,  from   U.S.   citizens.When
            LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —  The                                                             it’s a race against the clock  President  Donald  Trump
            line  stretches  down  the                                                             as they rush to renew their  rescinded  the  Deferred
            block  before  the  sun  rises                                                         permits ahead of a looming  Action for Childhood Arriv-
            in  Los  Angeles,  made  up                                                            Oct. 5 deadline set by the  als program this month, he
            of immigrants seeking help                                                             Trump administration. After  gave  Congress  six  months
            to renew their work permits                                                            that date, no one else can  to  draft  a  more  lasting
            under a program that has                                                               renew  under  a  program  fix.  Democratic  leaders
            shielded them from depor-                                                              that  has  let  nearly  800,000  and Trump said they have
            tation but is now nearing its                                                          immigrants  brought  to  the  reached a deal to protect
            end.                                                                                   United  States  as  children  the  immigrants,  but  Con-
            Ivan Vizueta, a 25-year-old                                                            work  even  though  they  gress  has  since  turned  its
            from  Long  Beach,  Califor-                                                           lack legal papers.The work  focus  to  overhauling  the
            nia, brought a folding chair                                                           permits have been a lifeline  tax code. Democratic con-
            and music to pass the time                                                             for many young immigrants  gressional leaders say they
            while  waiting  to  renew    In this Sept. 28, 2017 photo, people wait in line at CHIRLA (Coali-  who have been educated  are  waiting  on  the  White
            his papers and get a new     tion for Humane Immigrant Rights Los Angeles) for help with im-  in  American  schools  and  House to craft a legislative
            two-year  permit  that  lets   migration paperwork, including renewing work permits for expir-  know no other home than  proposal.Meanwhile,   im-
                                         ing Obama-era program for immigrants brought to the country
            him  work  for  a  plumbing   as children. After Oct. 5, 2017, no one else can renew under the   the United States. The pro-  migrant advocates around
            company  and  earn  near-    program that has let nearly 800,000 immigrants brought to the   gram created by President  the  country  have  been
            ly  double  the  amount  he   United States as children work in the country even though they   Barack  Obama  in  2012  urging  the  Trump  adminis-
            made  at  his  old  job.  The   lack legal papers.                                     also  protected  these  im-  tration to extend the Oct. 5
            lines  have  been  a  regular                                    (AP Photo/Amy Taxin)  migrants, many of them in  deadline and holding legal
            occurrence in recent days,   “I have to do this so I have  brought  to  the  country   their  20s,  from  being  de-  clinics  and  donating  mon-
            with  some  people  camp-    another two years of safe-   nearly  two  decades  ago    ported  to  countries  they  ey to help immigrants cov-
            ing out as early as 3 a.m.   ty,” said Vizueta, who was  from Mexico and hopes to      hardly  remember.  Critics  er the $500 renewal fee. q
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