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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 30 September 2017

              Double rock falls at famed Yosemite don’t deter climbers

            By SCOTT SMITH               tional park.                 on  the  massive  mountain   rock  and  rubble  broke     as he headed into the park
            Associated Press             Climber  Ryan  Sheridan,     that  unaffected  by  the    through  the  sunroof  of    for his first trip, but he said
            YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK,      of  Buffalo,  New  York,  had   slide.                    his  SUV,  hitting  Jim  Evans,   he wasn’t concerned.
            Calif.  (AP)  —  In  the  close-                                                                                    “Mother Earth changes ev-
            knit  community  of  climb-                                                                                         ery day, and we just have
            ers who flock from around                                                                                           to get used to it, I guess,”
            the  world  to  cling  to  the                                                                                      he said Friday.
            mountainside    precipices                                                                                          Wednesday’s  slide  killed
            at Yosemite National Park,                                                                                          Andrew Foster, 32, of Wales,
            climbers  were  awed  but                                                                                           who was hiking with his wife
            undeterred  by  successive                                                                                          at the bottom of El Capitan
            rock  falls  that  sent  tons  of                                                                                   far from trails used by most
            granite  plunging  to  the                                                                                          Yosemite  visitors,  prepar-
            ground, killing one and in-                                                                                         ing  to  ascend  El  Capitan.
            juring two over two days.                                                                                           Foster’s  former  colleagues
            “It’s  kind  of  an  inherently                                                                                     at  the  Up  and  Under  out-
            dangerous sport,” Hayden                                                                                            door gear  store  in  Cardiff,
            Jamieson,  24,  of  Mam-                                                                                            Wales, recalled him Friday
            moth    Lakes,   California,                                                                                        in  a  statement  as  a  man
            said Friday, as he prepared                                                                                         whose passion for the out-
            to head up the nose of El                                                                                           doors,  “and  mountains  in
            Capitan  early  Saturday                                                                                            particular,  was  enormous
            with his climbing partner.                                                                                          and  infectious.”His  wife,
            Jamieson  said  he  feels                                                                                           Lucy,  was  seriously  injured
            more at risk of being struck                                                                                        in the rock fall.
            by a car on the street than                                                                                         Rocks  at  the  world-re-
            from a falling slab of gran-                                                                                        nowned  park’s  climbing
            ite  in  the  wilderness.    But                                                                                    routes  break  loose  and
            the aftermath of a slab of   In this photo provided by Peter Zabrok, climber Ryan Sheridan who had just reached the top of   crash down about 80 times
            granite  about  12  stories   El Capitan, a 7,569-foot (2,307 meter) formation, when a rock slide let loose below him Thursday,   a  year.  The  elite  climbers
            high  that  shattered  to  the   Sept. 28, 2017, in Yosemite National Park, Calif.                                  who flock to the park using
            ground  on  Wednesday                                                                          (Peter Zabrok via AP)  ropes and their fingertips to
            had left a big impression.   been scaling the route for   “Those are things you can’t   of  Naples,  Florida,  in  the   defy  death  as  they  scale
            “It  was  totally  overwhelm-  days with a climbing part-  really  control,  and  it’s  an   head, said his wife.   sheer  cliff  faces  know  the
            ing,”  he  said  of  the  crash   ner when the rock let loose   inherent  risk  people  who   His wife, Rachel Evans, told   risk  but  also  know  it’s  rare
            and  acrid  smell  of  granite   below  them  Wednesday.   climb  take.  Freak  acci-  KSEE-TV  of  Fresno  (http://  to get hit and killed by the
            dust that lingered in the air.   He said he and his partner,   dents  happen,”  Sheridan  )  that  the   rocks.The last time a climb-
            “It’s like witnessing the larg-  Peter Zabrok, had slept on   said.                    family  had  just  finished  a   er was killed by falling rock
            est natural event that I’ve   the  wall  in  the  fall  zone  a   Still,  some  climbers  ac-  three-day visit to Yosemite.  at  Yosemite  was  in  2013,
            ever seen.”                  couple  of  nights  before   knowledged stress as they    “We didn’t know what had     when  a  Montana  climber
            The  first  slab  fell  from  a   it  came  crumbling  down   weighed  whether  to  take   happened, but it shattered   fell  after  a  rock  dislodged
            peak  at  the  world-class   and  he  noticed  the  rock   one  of  100-some  routes   (the  glass)  and  the  dust   and  sliced  his  climbing
            climbing   destination   El   was loose.                  up El Capitan or any other   just poured in,” Evans said.   rope. It was preceded by a
            Capitan  on  Wednesday       Sheridan, 25, said he ham-   big climbs in the park right   “We  were  trying  to  outrun   1999 rock fall that crushed
            afternoon,  followed  by     mered a pin onto the wall    now,  said  Josh  Edwards,   it; it was like ‘Go! Let’s go!’   a  climber  from  Colorado.
            a  much  larger  chunk  of   and “when you hit the wall,   21, of Bend, Oregon.        and  at  the  same  time  my   Park  officials  say  rock  falls
            granite from the same sec-   you  could  hear  echo  all   “It’s  kind  of  scary  thinking   husband  reached up and   overall have killed 16 peo-
            tion  of  the  mountainside   around you.”                that an entire cliff side can   he was like ‘Oh, my head,   ple since 1857 and injured
            Thursday  afternoon.  Thurs-  The  duo  continued  climb-  come  off,”  Edwards  said.   my  head’  because  it  was   more  than  100.The  rock
            day’s  crash  sent  a  plume   ing and reached the sum-   “The general feeling is ev-  bleeding  profusely  and     falls came during the peak
            of granite dust throughout   mit  Thursday,  after  a  sec-  erybody’s a little scared. At   hurting.”              of the climbing season for
            the Yosemite Valley, where   ond  rock  slide  plunged    least I am.”                 Ian  Mort,  60,  of  Los  Ange-  El  Capitan,  with  climbers
            thousands  of  tourists  flock   down.  After  descending   Thursday’s  crash  injured  a   les,  could  smell  the  dust   from around the world try-
            every  year,  and  closed  a   Friday,  though,  he  said   man  who  was  driving  out   and he sat in jammed traf-  ing  their  skill  against  the
            main  road  out  of  the  na-  there are dozens of routes   of the national park when   fic after Thursday’s rock fall   sheer cliff faces.q
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