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A6   U.S. NEWS
               Saturday 30 September 2017

             Police: Mom flew to Germany, left 4 kids home alone in Iowa

            JOHNSTON, Iowa (AP) — A  Police       said   the   latter  child the next day, and he  they  didn’t  know,  they  tives,    Wilwerding    said.
            suburban Des Moines moth-    charge  was  filed  because  tipped  off  police  that  the  were  confused,”  Tompkins  Police  called  Macke  in
            er has been jailed after she  a firearm was left at home  children had been left un-   said  of  the  youngsters.  “I  Germany,  demanding  she
            left her four children home  within the children’s reach.  supervised, Johnston police  mean,  we’re  only  talking  return.She had planned to
            alone  while  she  traveled  Police said Macke tried but  spokeswoman  Janet  Wilw-    about  12-year-olds  being  fly home on Sunday.
            to Europe for a 12-day va-   failed  to  make  child  care  erding said Friday.Johnston  the adults here.”          The  mother  was  arrested
            cation  in  Germany,  police  arrangements  for  her  chil-  police  Lt.  Tyler  Tompkins  Officers  went  to  the  resi-  on her return Thursday.
            said Friday.Johnston police  dren — two aged 12, one 7  told  Des  Moines  television  dence Sept. 21 and called  She  remained  in  custody
            have charged Erin Macke,  and the other 6 —               station  KCCI  that  Macke’s  the  Iowa  Human  Services  Friday,  according  to  Polk
            30, with four counts of child  before leaving Sept. 20 for  baby  sitter  options  all  fell  Department,  which  took  County  Jail  records.Court
            endangerment and one of  a vacation in Germany.           through, so she left the two  custody  of  the  children.  records don’t list the name
            transferring  a  firearm  to  a  The  father  of  one  of  the  12-year-olds in charge.  They  have  since  been  re-  of  an  attorney  who  can
            person under 21.             children  was  called  by  his  “They  were  concerned,  leased to the care of rela-   comment on her behalf.q
            Tennessee church suspect may have sought Charleston revenge

                                                                      ing  deadly  gunfire  at  a  referenced  revenge  or  re-  torney’s  office  in  Nashville
                                                                      Tennessee  church  made  taliation  for  Dylann  Roof,  quickly opened a civil rights
                                                                      reference to revenge for a  the white supremacist who  investigation into the shoot-
                                                                      white  supremacist’s  mas-   killed  nine  black  worship-  ing.  His  public  defender
                                                                      sacre at a black church in  pers at the South Carolina  did not immediately return
                                                                      Charleston, South Carolina,  church  in  2015  and  has  calls  for  comment.  And
                                                                      two  years  earlier,  law  en-  since  been  sentenced  to  spokespeople  for  the  FBI,
                                                                      forcement officials told The  death. It wasn’t clear what  the  U.S.  attorney’s  office
                                                                      Associated  Press.The  note  precisely Samson is alleged  and  District  Attorney  Gen-
                                                                      could  offer  a  glimpse  into  to  have  written  about  the  eral  Glenn  Funk  declined
                                                                      Emanuel  Kidega  Samson’s  Roof  shooting,  or  whether  to  comment  on  the  on-
                                                                      mindset at the time of Sun-  his  note  contained  oth-   going  investigation.Police
                                                                      day’s shooting and a pos-    er  important  details  that  have said Samson, masked
                                                                      sible  motive  for  the  ram-  might also speak to a moti-  and  wearing  a  tactical
                                                                      page, which left a woman  vation or state of mind.The  vest, fatally shot a woman
                                                                      dead and six other people  law  enforcement  officials  who  was  walking  to  her
                                                                      wounded.  The  Associated  spoke on condition of ano-     vehicle  and  then  entered
                                                                      Press  has  not  viewed  the  nymity because they were  the rear of Burnette Chapel
                                                                      note,  but  it  was  summa-  not allowed to publicly dis-  Church  of  Christ  and  shot
                                                                      rized  in  an  investigative  cuss an ongoing investiga-  six  other  people,  walking
            This photo provided by Metro Nashville PD shows Emanuel Ki-  report  circulating  among  tion. Metro Nashville Police  silently down the aisles with
            dega Samson.                                              law  enforcement.  Two  of-  declined to comment, say-    a .40-caliber handgun. The
                                            (Metro Nashville PD via AP)  ficials  read  parts  of  the  ing it had not released the  case immediately called to
            By SADIE GURMAN              WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  A       note  to  the  AP.The  report  information.Samson   has  mind the killings at Emanuel
            ERIC TUCKER                  note found in the car of a   said that “in sum and in no  been  charged  with  mur-    AME Church, in Charleston,
            Associated Press             man  charged  with  spray-   way  verbatim,”  the  note  der, and the FBI and U.S. at-  South Carolina. q
               Man accused of killing son to be with teen lover gets prison

            CAMDEN,  N.J.  (AP)  —  A  searched for the boy.          father  later  told  reporters  he was worried his then-17-  catch  the  real  killer.“The
            man  accused  of  killing  his  “He  lied  to  the  police,  he  that his son is innocent.  year-old  girlfriend  was  go-  wrong  person  is  sitting  in
            3-year-old son because the  lied  to  his  parents.  Worst  The   23-year-old   Creato  ing to leave him while she  jail,” David Creato Sr. said.
            boy was getting in the way  of all, he lied to Brendan’s  pleaded guilty in August to  was  away  at  college.  She  Creato,  known  as  D.J.,  ini-
            of  his  relationship  with  a  mother, who certainly had  aggravated    manslaugh-    also made it clear that she  tially said his son wandered
            teenage girlfriend was sen-  a  right  to  know  exactly  ter after a previous murder  didn’t  want  to  be  around  away  from  his  Haddon
            tenced Friday to 10 years in  what  happened  to  their  trial ended in a mistrial. He  his  child  and  wanted  him  Township  home  in  Octo-
            prison.                      son,”  assistant  prosecutor  said  at  the  time  that  he  to  give  up  custody.  She  ber  2015.  The  boy’s  paja-
            David  Creato  Jr.  showed  Christine  Shah  said  after  “recklessly caused his son’s  was  never  charged,  and  ma-clad  body  was  found
            little  emotion  during  the  playing  a  14-minute  video  death  under  circumstanc-  the  couple  has  since  bro-  hours  later  in  a  wooded
            court  hearing  in  Camden,  that  showed  a  collage  of  es   manifesting   extreme  ken up.                      area about a mile from his
            staring straight ahead as a  photographs  from  Bren-     indifference  to  the  value  After the hearing, Creato’s  home,  but  his  neon  green
            prosecutor recounted how  dan’s short life.               of human life by depriving  father told reporters that he  socks were clean. Prosecu-
            he  first  reported  son  Bren-  Creato declined to make a  Brendan of oxygen.”        believes his son is innocent  tors  said  that  would  have
            dan  missing  and  stood  by  statement  before  the  sen-  Prosecutors have said Cre-  and that he is reaching out  been impossible if Brendan
            as  emergency  personnel  tence  was  issued,  but  his  ato  killed  his  son  because  to  private  investigators  to  had walked there. q
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