Page 8 - aruba-today-20170930
P. 8

             Saturday 30 September 2017

            EU moves ahead faster on new future than on Brexit talks

            By RAF CASERT                                                                                                       on  divorce  issues  with  Brit-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    ain  —  citizens’  rights,  the
            TALLINN,  Estonia  (AP)  —                                                                                          Irish border and a financial
            Twenty-seven     European                                                                                           settlement  —  to  grant  the
            Union  nations,  excluding                                                                                          U.K. its wish to start talking
            Britain,  will  be  coming  up                                                                                      about  a  new  trade  deal
            with  clear  options  on  a                                                                                         with the EU.
            more  tightly  knit  future  for                                                                                    Juncker said it will take “a
            themselves  even  before                                                                                            miracle”  for  there  to  be
            they  will  allow  divorce  ne-                                                                                     sufficient progress by then,
            gotiations  with  the  U.K.  to                                                                                     despite  a  round  of  nego-
            move  toward  brokering  a                                                                                          tiations in Brussels this week
            new relationship.                                                                                                   that  ended  with  some
            EU  Council  President  Don-                                                                                        progress.
            ald  Tusk  said  Friday  he                                                                                         Other EU leaders sounded
            would  be  presenting  “a                                                                                           a similar tone.
            political  agenda  in  two                                                                                          Irish  Prime  Minister  Leo
            weeks’  time,”  after  EU  vi-                                                                                      Varadkar  said  despite  “a
            sion  statements  in  recent                                                                                        better  vibe  and  a  better
            weeks  from  French  Presi-                                                                                         mood  coming  out  of  the
            dent  Emmanuel  Macron,                                                                                             negotiations”   he   ques-
            EU  Commission  President                                                                                           tioned  whether  the  time
            Jean-Claude  Juncker  and                                                                                           was  right  to  move  on  to
            others on how to the reform                                                                                         trade issues with Britain.
            the bloc.                    German Chancellor Angela Merkel, center, speaks with Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern, right,   “It’s  still  very  evident  that
                                         and  French  President  Emmanuel  Macron  during  a  working  session  at  an  EU  Digital  Summit  in
            That will be just days before   Tallinn, Estonia on Friday, Sept. 29, 2017. The European Union is looking beyond its impending   there’s  more  work  to  be
            the next EU summit, which is   breakup with Britain at how to build a common future with the 27 nations remaining in the bloc.   done,” he said.
            expected to reject for now                                                                 (AP Photo/Virginia Mayo)  For the past week, though,
            British demands to start ne-  grow too closer too quickly.  nity for Europeans,” he said.  The  collegial  atmosphere   British Prime Minister There-
            gotiating  on  the  country’s  Tusk  said  he  would  seek  “In  5  or  10  years,  it  will  be  was  bolstered  by  a  non-  sa May has sounded more
            future  links  with  the  bloc  “real solutions to real prob-  too late.”              confrontational     dinner   conciliatory.
            alongside  the  current  talks  lems”  and  stressed  the  Dutch  Prime  Minister  Mark  Thursday night for EU lead-  In Estonia, she guaranteed
            on how to make the clean-    need  to  make  progress  Rutte  warned,  however,  ers, where few of the usual        her country’s commitment
            est Brexit possible.         “step-by-step,   issue-by-is-  not to set the bar too high,  east-west or north-south fis-  to  security  even  though
            Officials  said  Tusk  will  be  sue.”                    since  changes  in  the  bloc  sures spoiled the mood, of-  the  nation  is  leaving  the
            given  the  job  of  reconcil-  Macron said the EU had to  of  half  a  billion  people  ficials said.              bloc.
            ing Macron’s vision of how  seize  the  moment  of  hav-  have  always  been  tough  The  goodwill  has  not  ex-   May  visited  troops  in  Es-
            the  EU  should  embrace  a  ing an improved economy  to achieve.                      tended to the issue of Brexit   tonia  close  to  the  Russian
            joint budget, a shared mili-  and increased confidence  “Under-promise  and  over-     over the past months.        border on Friday and said
            tary and harmonized taxes  in the bloc to push through  deliver,” Rutte said.          EU  leaders  at  their  Oct.   “the United Kingdom is un-
            to  stay  globally  relevant  reforms  before  European  “Don’t  promise  an  ele-     19-20  summit  have  to  say   conditionally   committed
            with  those  ideas  of  EU  na-  elections in 2019.       phant  and  see  a  mouse  whether  “sufficient  prog-    to maintaining Europe’s se-
            tions that might not want to  “2018 is a year of opportu-  show up.”                   ress”  has  been  achieved   curity.”
                                                                                                                                “We  will  continue  to  offer
            Israel grinds to a halt as Jews fast for Yom Kippur                                                                 aid  and  assistance  to  EU
                                                                                                                                member states that are the
                                                                                                                                victims  of  armed  aggres-
            JERUSALEM (AP) — The ho-     observant worshippers that  country  shuts  down.  Busi-  highways with bicycle and    sion,  terrorism  and  natural
            liest day of the Jewish cal-  began with the Jewish New  nesses  and  airports  close;  skateboard rides.           or  man-made  disasters,”
            endar has brought most of  Year festival.                 radio  and  TV  stations  go  Israel’s  military  shut  West   she vowed.
            Israel to a halt for Judaism’s  It is observed with a 25-hour  silent. Roads are eerily qui-  Bank  crossings  citing  secu-  She also proposed a “new
            day of atonement.            fast  and  long  prayers  ask-  et  devoid  of  traffic.  Some  rity assessments. A Palestin-  security  partnership”  to
            Yom  Kippur  began  Friday  ing God for forgiveness.      secular,  mostly  young,  Is-  ian  had  killed  three  Israelis   weather the divorce when
            evening capping a 10-day  The  holiday  is  unique  in  Is-  raelis  take  advantage  of  and wounded another at a   her country leaves the bloc
            period of soul-searching for  rael  as  virtually  the  entire  near-empty   roads   and  settlement on Tuesday.q   in March 2019. q
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