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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 30 September 2017
            Trump’s health secretary Price resigns in travel flap

                                                                                                   where he was known as a  failure  has  been  aimed  at
                                                                                                   fiscal  conservative.  When  the  Republican-controlled
                                                                                                   Price joined the administra-  Congress, associates of the
                                                                                                   tion,  Trump  touted  him  as  president  said  he  also  as-
                                                                                                   a  conservative  policy  ex-  signs some blame to Price,
                                                                                                   pert who could write a new  who he believes did not do
                                                                                                   health care bill to replace  a  good  job  of  selling  the
                                                                                                   the Obama-era Affordable  GOP plan.
                                                                                                   Care Act.                    But  House  Speaker  Paul
                                                                                                   But Price became more of  Ryan,  R-Wis.,  said  Friday
                                                                                                   a  supporting  player  in  the  that  Price  had  worked
                                                                                                   GOP’s  futile  health  care  hard  to  help  that  cham-
                                                                                                   campaign, while Vice Pres-   ber pass its plan before the
                                                                                                   ident Mike Pence took the  GOP health overhaul effort
                                                                                                   lead, particularly in dealing  reached an impasse in the
                                                                                                   with the Senate.             Senate.
                                                                                                   The perception of Price jet-  “I  will  always  be  grate-
                                                                                                   ting around while GOP law-   ful for Tom’s service to this
                                                                                                   makers  labored  to  repeal  country,”  he  said.Demo-
                                                                                                   “Obamacare”  —including  crats said Trump’s next HHS
                                                                                                   a  three-nation  trip  in  May  secretary should turn away
                                                                                                   to  Africa  and  Europe—  from partisanship and try to
                                                                                                   raised eyebrows on Capitol  work with them.
                                                                                                   Hill.  Price  flew  on  military  A  Pence  protege,  Seema
            In this Sept. 28, 2017 photo, Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price attends a discussion
            in Washington. Price announced Friday, Sept. 29, 2017, he is resigning amid criticism of his travel   aircraft overseas.  Verma,  has  been  men-
            on private planes.                                                                     Although much of Trump’s  tioned  as  a  possible  suc-
                                                                          (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)  ire  over  the  health  care  cessor to Price. q
            Continued from Front         explain their own travel.
                                         Price’s   repayment     of
            On  Friday  the  president  $51,887.31  for  his  own
            called  Price  a  “very  fine  travel  costs  and  his  public
            person,” but added, “I cer-  expression  of  regrets  did
            tainly don’t like the optics.”  not  placate  everyone  at
            The flap prompted scrutiny  the White House. The total
            of other Cabinet members’  travel  cost,  including  the
            travel,  as  the  House  Over-  secretary’s entourage, was
            sight and Government Re-     unclear. It could amount to
            form  committee  launched  several  hundred  thousand
            a governmentwide investi-    dollars.
            gation  of  top  political  ap-  An  orthopedic  surgeon
            pointees.                    turned   politician,   Price
            Other  department  heads  rose  to  Budget  Commit-
            have  been  scrambling  to  tee chairman in the House,

            Trump promotes his ‘giant,

            beautiful, massive’ tax plan

            By DARLENE SUPERVILLE        was a core element.
            Associated Press             The  nearly  $6  trillion  plan
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-     sketched out this week by
            dent Donald Trump said Fri-  Trump  and  other  officials
            day  that  the  centerpiece  would  deeply  reduce  tax-
            of  his  plan  to  help  Ameri-  es for corporations, simplify
            can  businesses  and  work-  tax  brackets  and  nearly
            ers  “thrive,  compete  and  double  the  standard  de-
            grow” is a “giant, beautiful,  duction  used  by  most  tax
            massive, the biggest ever in  filers.
            our country, tax cut.”       But many details remain to
            Trump  and  congressional  be fleshed out.
            Republicans  unveiled  the  In the remarks, Trump high-
            broad  outlines  of  the  tax  lighted  a  provision  of  the
            plan earlier this week.      plan that would allow busi-
            “My administration is work-  nesses  for  the  next  five
            ing  every  day  to  lift  the  years  to  write  off  the  full
            burden on companies and  cost  of  new  equipment
            workers  so  you  can  thrive,  in  the  same  year  it’s  pur-
            compete      and    grow,”  chased.
            Trump said in a speech to  Trump  said  that  proposal
            the National Association of  alone will encourage com-
            Manufacturers.               panies to invest and create
            He  said  the  tax  cut  plan  jobs.q
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