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PEOPLE & ARTS Saturday 30 September 2017
In Roadcase Royale, 2 artists find a way through the pain
By MARK KENNEDY They named themselves Judging by their first single,
AP Entertainment Writer Roadcase Royale, a title in- “Get Loud,” the band can
NEW YORK (AP) — Some spired by the combination rock. The song, champi-
bands are created by gid- of the scuffed instrument oning those women “un-
dy accidents or random containers from Heart and heard, unseen” is a perfect
meetings. Others are creat- the aristocracy of Prince — mix of cultural empower-
ed cynically for the bottom a “cool contrast between ment and anthem rock. It
line. The new band Road- the royalty of the Prince would fit perfectly being
case Royale was created people joining forces with sung at protest marches.
to overcome loss. the old road dogs,” said Roadcase Royale isn’t
Nancy Wilson, the guitar- Wilson. The band’s debut scared of commenting on
ist of the legendary band album, “First Things First,” society — their song “Not
Heart, was recovering from came out this fall and has Giving Up” pointedly refer-
a family crisis that had es- something for everyone ences someone building a
tranged her from her sister, — rock ‘n’ roll that’s funky, wall while “we’re waiting
Ann. Meanwhile, singer Liv lyrics that are sometimes just to see it fall” — even
Warfield was mourning the socially conscious and In this combination photo, Nancy Wilson, the guitarist for the if many Heart fans come
loss of her mentor, Prince. sometimes fiery, with brand legendary band Heart, appears at the premiere of “If You’re Not from red states.
In The Obit, Eat Breakfast” on May 17, 2017, in Beverly Hills, Calif.,
They decided to join forces, new songs, a few reworked left, and Liv Warfield appears at the 46th NAACP Image Awards “Politics don’t necessar-
blending Wilson’s rock with Heart songs (“Even It Up” at the Pasadena Civic Auditorium on Feb. 6, 2015, in Pasadena, ily mix with rock ‘n’ roll. But
Warfield’s R&B. and “These Dreams”) and Calif. if you’re speaking about
“It’s been this amazing a Colin Hay cover. Associated Press what life is handing us,
kind of confluence of re- “It’s all coming from the Warfield bonded. Warfield ally know how to express how unfair it can seem and
ally good luck and bad soul, from experience and confessed she felt a little myself,” said Warfield. “And strange and confusing it is,
luck where we both had from life. You learn how stuck in the world of R&B when I met Nancy, it was then it makes you feel bet-
losses in our lives,” said Wil- you can break all the rules and wanted to do more like picking ourselves back ter to be able to talk about
son. “We’d already met. that you feel confined in. rock. Wilson responded: up again. I was like, ‘The that,” said Wilson.
We’d already talked about So that’s how we write. It’s “That’s funny ‘cause I love wheels are turning.’” With the new band, Wilson
maybe doing something so natural. I love it,” said the funk.” Even so, their first recording said she’s found a new mu-
together. And we decided, Wilson. The band’s roots Real life interrupted both session had a nervous, ten- sical home. She said there
‘Let’s be the people that stretch back to 2015, when women in 2016. Heart, the tative air. “It was like a first are still ragged feelings be-
really do something when Heart was booked for two band that gave us “Barra- dance kind of thing,” said tween her and her sister,
they say they’re going to shows at the Hollywood cuda” and “Alone,” was Wilson. “Music is a very in- who is touring on her own
do it.’” Bowl in Los Angeles. They rocked by a body blow that timate thing that you share this year.
Like musical step-parents, were looking for an open- summer when Ann Wilson’s with someone and we were “Being able to open up an
Wilson brought to the proj- ing act when they were ad- husband was arrested for like, ‘OK, what if it sucks?’ easygoing conversation
ect three current members vised to check out a singer assaulting Nancy’s 16-year- What if it doesn’t work?” after that has been really
of Heart — keyboardist who had electrified “Late old twin sons. And Warfield The first song they tackled difficult. So I think this is the
Chris Joyner, bassist Dan Night With Jimmy Fallon.” was trying to come to terms — Hays’ “Hold On to My healthiest place for me to
Rothchild and drummer That was Warfield, who with with the loss of Prince in the Hand” — was an attempt be right now, as long as I
Ben Smith. Warfield recruit- her band had performed spring. to make their own and it can be here,” said Wilson.
ed guitarist Ryan Waters, “Why Do You Lie?” Wilson “That really affected me ended up on the album. “The molecules of Heart
who she’d gotten to know decided their opening act because I really didn’t Everyone recognized the may never amass once
while in the New Power was found. know which way to go. I experiment was working. again but it remains to be
Generation, Prince’s back- During their Hollywood was just kind of lost. I was in That same day they started seen. This is where I want to
ing band. Bowl shows, Wilson and my head a lot. I didn’t re- working on new stuff. be, Roadcase Royale.”q
Essays on country women go beyond traditional narratives
By KRISTIN M. HALL tion of personal essays on Brenda Lee. Rosanne Cash she is beautiful, in a spar-
Associated Press the transformative impact delivered a heartbreaking kling gown that matches
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — of women in country music eulogy to her stepmother, the twinkle in her eye.
There’s an ongoing discus- aims to change the narra- June Carter Cash. Author Lights, camera, action. She
sion among music writers, tive. Edited by music critic and songwriter Alice Ran- starts to sing. That’s when
musicians and music fans and consultant Holly Glea- dall learned about theft you hear the gold, and you
about how female art- son, “Woman Walk the Line: and racism in the music watch her as she holds the
ists are treated compared How the Women in Country business from Lil Hardin. crowd in the palm of her
with their male counter- Music Changed Our Lives,” “Women artists take more hand,” Swift writes.
parts. Some common ex- published by the University chances,” Gleason said. Gleason pulled togeth-
amples include referring of Texas Press, isn’t like one “I think they tend to dig er writers from all back-
to a “songstress” or an “all- of those “women in music” deeper with their content. grounds, including other
female band,” or focusing special editions of a maga- I think they are more con- musicians, journalists, poets
more on a woman’s ap- zine. Nor is it a history book. cerned with the depth of and culinary writers. Their
pearance, weight, marital Each of the 27 essays fo- the human condition and topics range from country
status or children. cuses on the experience also the nuances of it. To music matriarchs Maybelle
In Nashville, Tennessee, of when music was a sav- me, the badge of being a Carter, Hazel Dickens and
that debate is front and ior, an inspiration or an woman artist is almost like Loretta Lynn to superstars This cover image released by
center as country radio is acknowledgement of a a ‘Hell, yeah!’” In Swift’s es- like Dolly Parton and Sha- the University of Texas Press
dominated by male voices deep and personal truth. say, she recalls watching a nia Twain. Gleason learns shows, “Woman Walk the Line:
and women are being shut A 17-year-old Taylor Swift video of Brenda Lee singing about the power of sexual- How the Women in Country
Music Changed Our Lives,” by
out of major country music recognized the shining light “Someone Loves You” from ity after listening to Tanya Holly Gleason.
awards. But a new collec- inside another child star, 1983. “She is theatrical. And Tucker.q Associated Press