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             Saturday 30 September 2017

                                                                      Legendary singer Connie

                                                                      Francis auctions life’s treasures

                                                                      By KELLI KENNEDY             ring  with  diamonds.  She’s  who’ve  had  the  moments
                                                                      Associated Press             also   auctioning   several  of exhilaration that I have,”
                                                                      FORT    LAUDERDALE,    Fla.  letters  from  her  famous  she says.
                                                                      (AP)  —  Connie  Francis’  friends,  including  Frankie  The  auction  catalog  also
                                                                      decades-long  career  was  Avalon,  Dick  Clark  and  includes  fur  coats  and  se-
                                                                      marked by all the glittering  Frank Sinatra.              quin  gowns,  including  the
                                                                      things  of  Hollywood  roy-  “There was a girl once who  purple Halston she wore on
                                                                      alty.  There  were  No.  1  hit  told  me  she  had  saved  a  her  comeback  show  with
                                                                      songs,  iconic  movies,  Hol-  Styrofoam cup with my lip-  Dick Clark, plus with several
             In this Nov. 27, 1978 file photo, singer Connie Francis poses for   lywood boyfriends, glamor-  stick on it from 1958 ... so I  gold records, including her
            a portrait in Los Angeles.                                ous gowns and TV appear-     said to myself I want to give  song “Mama.”
                                                     Associated Press  ances on “American Band-    something to my fans while  “When  Elvis  Presley  heard
                                                                      stand” and “The Ed Sullivan  I’m still alive, not when I’ve  me sing this song in Las Ve-
                                                                      Show.”  Despite  it  all,  she  passed,”  Francis  told  The  gas in 1958, he became so
                                                                      considers  her  personal  life  Associated Press.         emotional  that  he  had  to
                                                                      a bust.                      Francis gained fame in the  leave  the  show.  The  next
                                                                      “For  as  much  success  as  I  1950s,  earning  more  than  day, he sent me two dozen
                                                                      had professionally, person-  $6  million  by  the  end  of  yellow  roses  with  a  note
                                                                      ally I’m a failure,” said Fran-  1958  after  singing  “Who’s  explaining that he had just
                                                                      cis.                         Sorry  Now”  on  “American  lost his mother and hearing
                                                                      When pressed if that’s what  Bandstand”  earlier  that  me sing ‘Mama’ was more
                                                                      she really believes during a  year. In 1960, her recording  that  he  could  bear,”  said
                                                                      telephone  interview,  the  of  “Where  the  Boys  Are”  Francis,  who  now  lives  in
                                                                      79-year-old   singer   says,  became  the  top  song  in  Boca Raton.
                                                                      “yeah  I  do.  My  choice  of  the  United  States  and  15  Her  hit  movie  “Where  the
                                                                      husbands, my lack of judg-   other countries. But her life  Boys  Are”  put  Fort  Lauder-
                                                                      ment in choosing the right  has  also  been  marred  by  dale on the map, bringing
                                                                      husbands  ...  my  impulsive-  tragedies,  four  failed  mar-  throngs  of  teenagers  to
                                                                      ness, my not looking before  riages,  an  estranged  son,  what  would  become  the
                                                                      I  leapt.  So  many  mistakes  her brother’s murder and a  Spring Break capital of the
                                                                      that  I  would  have  avoid-  brutal rape after someone  country.  Despite  the  mov-
                                                                      ed.”                         broke into the motel where  ie’s  success,  Francis  never
                                                                      Francis  is  auctioning  some  she was sleeping following  went  to  the  premiere.  It
                                                                      of  her  favorite  trinkets  at  a performance.           was years before she even
                                                                      Heritage  Auctions  in  Bev-  But  the  consummate  en-   watched it and even then
                                                                      erly Hills on Sunday, includ-  tertainer says that with the  it was only because her son
                                                                      ing the bomber jacket she  exception  of  her  brother’s  was curious.
                                                                      wore  performing  in  Viet-  death,  she  would  do  it  all  “I  hated  my  movies,”  she
                                                                      nam,  a  love  letter  from  again.  “I  wouldn’t  have  said,  recalling  how  her  fa-
                                                                      singer  Bobby  Darin  where  given up the fame for any-   ther told her “you still stink”
                                                                      he laments he’s “unhappy  thing.                          as an actress even though
                                                                      &  miserable  without  you”  I don’t’ think there are too  she  had  a  lucrative  deal
                                                                      and  a  13-carat  emerald  many  people  on  earth  with MGM.q

                                                                      Stanley Tucci to read audio

                                                                      for Paolo Coelho-inspired story

                                                                                                                                The  audio  producer  and
                                                                                                                                seller  Audible  Inc.  told  The
                                                                                                                                Associated  Press  on  Friday
                                                                                                                                that Tucci will be joined by
                                                                                                                                Toby Jones for
                                                                                                                                “The  Man  On  the  Moun-
                                                                                                                                taintop,”   vignettes   and
                                                                                                                                words  of  wisdom  that  are
                                                                                                                                a  “contemporary  equiva-
                                                                                                                                lent”  to  Coelho’s  million
                                                                                                                                selling novel.
                                                                                                                                Tucci has appeared in
                                                                        In  this  Feb.  11,  2017  file  photo,  Stanley  Tucci  poses  for  the   “The   Hunger   Games,”
                                                                      photographers during a photo call for the film ‘Final Portrait’ at   ‘’The  Devil  Wears  Prada”
                                                                      the 2017 Berlinale Film Festival in Berlin, Germany.      and  numerous  other  films.
                                                                                                               Associated Press  He  received  an  Academy
                                                                      NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Oscar-   production  inspired  in  part   Award nomination for best
                                                                      nominated  actor  Stanley  by Paulo Coelho’s “The Al-     supporting actor for
                                                                      Tucci  is  leading  an  audio  chemist.”                  “The Lovely Bones.” q
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