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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Saturday 30 September 2017
            Larry David’s bark, bite return in “Curb Your Enthusiasm”

            By LYNN ELBER                                                                                                       sick  children,  then  flees  to
             AP Television Writer                                                                                               Paris. (In the new episodes,
            LOS ANGELES (AP) — After                                                                                            he’s back in his Los Angeles
            too many years away from                                                                                            stomping ground.)
            “Curb  Your  Enthusiasm,”                                                                                           The show is so contrary that
            Larry  David  pronounces                                                                                            it’s taken 17 years to make
            himself  satisfied  with  the                                                                                       nine seasons, whereas most
            new season, which he said                                                                                           other  shows  generally  toe
            is  just  like  previous  ones,                                                                                     the  line  with  a  season  a
            and  glad  he  did  it.  That’s                                                                                     year. But “Curb” executive
            pretty  good  —  no,  very                                                                                          producer Jeff Schaffer said
            good — on several fronts.                                                                                           there’s a bright side: David
            First, it means the blunt-trau-                                                                                     has  been  taking  careful
            ma insults that David deliv-                                                                                        notes.
            ered  for  eight  seasons  on                                                                                       Imagine  the  “uncomfort-
            the  HBO  comedy  are  un-                                                                                          able situations he’s been in
            diminished, as is the show’s                                                                                        these last six years,” Schaf-
            willingness to milk any sub-                                                                                        fer  said.  “It’s  been  amaz-
            ject for laughs, from sex to                                                                                        ing. ... It’s like we’re sitting in
            ethnicity to illness. Second,                                                                                       the Fort Knox of awkward.”
            he’s  inclined  to  keep  the                                                                                       In  a  new-season  trailer
            revival  going,  and  without                                                                                       (preview  episodes  weren’t
            such a lag.                                                                                                         available),  Larry  is  seen
            “I would say leaning toward   Larry  David  attends  the  premiere  of  HBO’s  “Curb  Your  Enthusiasm”  at  the  SVA  Theatre  on   shushing  a  sobbing  wom-
            it,” David said. “If there are   Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2017, in New York.                                            an  at  a  funeral,  shoving  a
            more,  it’s  not  going  to  be                                                                    Associated Press  department  store  worker
            five  years.  ...  It’s  too  long.  Smoove, Richard Lewis and  interviews not done in per-  Playing Sanders was a lark,  after  she  assaults  him  with
            I  wouldn’t  want  people  to  Bob  Einstein,  along  with  a  son and, it turns out, a boon  David said, but he has zero  spray  perfume,  and  order-
            wait that long.”             bumper  crop  of  guests  in-  for the questioner.        interest  in  giving  “Curb”  a  ing  a  young  couple  in  a
            And third — but who needs  cluding  Elizabeth  Banks,  It makes it easier to appre-    political  infusion.  “It’s  nev-  romantic clinch outside his
            another    reason?   We’re  Lauren Graham and Bryan  ciate that when David isn’t  er  been  the  basis  of  the  window  to  scram:  “You’re
            just happy that “Curb Your  Cranston.                     being  irascible  TV  Larry,  show,”  he  said,  adding,  allowed  to  be  happy,  but
            Enthusiasm,”  a  platform  Turns  out  while  we  were  he  can  be  attentive  and  “It’s not in my wheelhouse,  not in front of me.”
            for  David’s  grievances  for  yearning for “Curb,” David  disarmingly  patient  and,  in  my  very  narrow,  come-  David  insists  that  “Curb
            crimes  against  humanity  felt the same way.             when  amused,  flashes  an  dic wheelhouse.”              Your  Enthusiasm”  won’t
            (read: Larry David) is back  “I missed everything about  attractively  broad  smile  His  particular  skill  set  has  dull  its  edge  no  matter
            at  10  p.m.  EDT  Sunday  for  it. Because it’s really, to be  that  brings  to  mind  a  cer-  yielded  “Seinfeld,”  which  what  happens  beyond  its
            the  first  time  since  2011,  trite, a lot of fun. It gives me  tain  politician  —  and  not  he  co-created  with  Jerry  insular world, in which only
            and unaffected by time.      a  lot  of  pleasure,  a  lot  of  the one he played so well  Seinfeld,  and  the  singular  funny counts. For instance,
            The  world  of  TV  Larry,  as  laughs,  and  it’s  the  actual  on  “Saturday  Night  Live,”  daring  of  “Curb  Your  En-  Smoove’s  Leon  Black  is
            he’s  labeled  his  alter  ego,  ideal way for me to express  Bernie  Sanders,  but  jovial  thusiasm.”  How  daring?  as  brazen  as  ever,  just  like
            is  insulated  from  the  cur-  myself,” he said.         Joe Biden.                   Last season, Larry accused  TV  Larry.  “If  you  think  be-
            rent  White  House  tenant  As in express hostility?      (David and Sanders actual-   guest  star  Michael  J.  Fox  cause  of  political  correct-
            and  national  tensions.  All  “It’s  not  hostility.  It’s  the  ly are related, according to  of  using  Fox’s  Parkinson’s  ness  you’re  going  to  get
            the angst is petty, personal  honesty  that  draws  me  PBS’  “Finding  Your  Roots,”  as  a  cover  for  hostile  acts  anything different from J.B.
            and courtesy of David and  to  it,”  he  said  in  a  recent  which  traces  their  family  toward  Larry.  Larry  at-  Smoove,  you’d  be  mistak-
            co-stars  Cheryl  Hines,  Jeff  FaceTime  phone  call.  It’s  genealogies  in  Monday’s  tempts  to  make  amends  en.  Or  ‘Curb’  in  general,”
            Garlin,  Susie  Essman,  J.B.  his preferred way to handle  season debut.)             and  promises  Fox  he’ll  visit  David said. q

            CNN’s David Axelrod looks

            beyond political pals for series

            By DAVID BAUDER              EDT.  Subsequent  episodes  get to know people as hu-
             AP Television Writer        of  “The  Axe  Files”  will  fea-  man  beings,  it’s  harder  to
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  David  ture House Minority Leader  do that.”
            Axelrod  makes  a  point  of  Nancy  Pelosi,  actor  Tom  In  Baker’s  case,  it  struck
            not  just  talking  to  people  Hanks  and  Condoleezza  Axelrod  how  the  future
            he  agrees  with  politically  Rice, who was secretary of  GOP  stalwart  got  into
            on  his  podcast  and  CNN  state  in  George  W.  Bush’s  politics  after  his  wife  died
            series,  which  resumes  this  administration.            and  his  concerned  friend,
            weekend  featuring  long-    “I  have  a  great  respect  George H.W. Bush, tried to
            time  GOP  operative  and  for  people  who  are  in  the  get Baker to move forward
            former  Secretary  of  State  arena,  whether  I  agree  by  involving  him  in  Bush’s
            James Baker.                 with them or not,” Axelrod  U.S. Senate campaign.
            Their  discussion,  which  in-  said. “One of the problems  Baker doesn’t attack Presi-  This Jan. 19, 2012 file photo shows David Axelrod, former senior
            cludes  a  testy  exchange  of  our  politics  is  that  we  dent Donald Trump but, as   advisor to President Barack Obama, speaking during a panel
            on  the  1988  presidential  dehumanize  each  other.  a former White House chief      discussion, “2012: The Path to the Presidency”, at the University
            race  and  views  on  the  Instead  of  just  disagree-   of  staff,  identifies  with  the   of  Chicago  in  Chicago.  Axelrod  hosts  “The  Axe  Files”  airing
            NFL  national  anthem  pro-  ing, we try to destroy each  difficult  job  that  Trump’s   Saturday at 7p.m. Eastern.
            test, airs Saturday at 7 p.m.  other. My view is that if you  chief, John Kelly, faces. q                                       Associated Press
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