Page 27 - aruba-today-20170930
P. 27
CLASSIFIED Saturday 30 September
Velcro’s video implores consumers to dOCTOR ON dUTY
say ‘hook and loop’ Dr. Thuis
Tel. 588 2600
San Nicolas
Associated Press Divi Phoenix Resort Tel. 584 5155
CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — 1 bdrm unit # 633 sleeps up to 6 EMERGENCIA 911
Lots of pop songs have peoples week 1 and 2. Have 37
hooks. This one has loops, weeks left. deed
too. price $37,000 for 2 weeks.
Velcro Cos. this week re-
leased a music video with 215 9067397 POLICE 100
a message it hopes will ORANJESTAD 527-3140
stick as well as its products: _________________________________208098 NOORD 527-3200
“Don’t Say Velcro.” STA. CRUZ 527-2900
SAN NICOLAS 584-5000
The video features actors POLICE TIPLINE 11141
portraying trademark at- FIRE DEPT. 115
torneys, joined by a few FIRE DEPT. 582-1108
actual lawyers in the back- In this Feb. 2, 2017, file photo, Tiger Woods reacts on the 10th HOSPITAL 527-4000
ground, pleading with the hole during the first round of the Dubai Desert Classic golf tour- DENTAL CLINIC 587-9850
public to respect the com- nament in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. AMBULANCE 582-1234
pany’s brand and refer to Associated Press IMSAN 524-8833
similar “scratchy, hairy”
products as “hook and and his wool pants dur- Cameron said. “It’s really Women in Difficulties
loop” fasteners.“We’re ing a walk in the woods. hard to go through a day PHARMACY
asking you not to say a He named his invention without encountering our Oranjestad:
name we took 60 plus Velcro, a combination of brand.”Velcro’s patent ex- Oduber Tel. 582 1780
years to build,” the group “velour” and “crotchet,” pired in 1978, however, al- San Nicolas
sings. “But if you keep call- the French words for velvet lowing competitors such as Centro Medico Tel. 584 5794
ing these Velcro shoes, our and hook. 3M to move into the mar-
trademark will get killed.” Production began in ket.Penn Holderness, who
Velcro CEO Fraser Camer- France, but by 1958 opera- wrote and directed the INFORMATION 118
on said the video had been tions had moved to Man- video for Walk West in Ra- PROF. TAXI 588-0035
viewed more than 4 million chester, New Hampshire, leigh, North Carolina, said TAXI D.T.S. 587-2300
times worldwide by Tues- where employees marked the goal was to make a SERVICE AUA 583-3232
day afternoon.“We want the 50th anniversary of ridiculous 1980s-style video A1 TAXI SERVICES 587-8850
people to know there’s the company’s U.S. trade- in the vein of “We are the 280-2828
a real company behind mark in 2008 by lining up World” for what company CruISe SHIp
the brand folks know and for more than a mile to rip officials acknowledge is a
love and that there’s a dif- apart 8-inch lengths of the First World problem.q
ference between Velcro company’s famous fasten-
brand products and oth- ers.Today, the company’s
ers in the marketplace,” he global headquarters is in October 1
said. “There’s only one Vel- the United Kingdom, and Freewinds
cro brand. Everything else its fasteners, found on ev-
is just hook and loop.” erything from spacesuits Aruba Airport 524-2424
Velcro has its roots in to diapers, are made in American Airlines 582-2700
nature. Swiss engineer seven countries.“We’re in Avianca 588-0059
George de Mestral came planes, trains, automobiles, Aruba Airlines 583-8300
up with the design in the commercial and residen- Jet Blue 588-2244
1940s after studying burrs tial construction, hospitals. Surinam 582-7896
that stuck to his dog’s fur ... It’s really everywhere,” Venezolana 583-7674
Aruba Foundation
For those Visually Incapasitated
Tel. 582-5051
AL-ANON group
Sabana Liber #8, Noord
Tel. 736-2952 or 593-7081
Tel. 582-4433
Centro Diabetic Arubano
Tel. 524-8888
Narcotics Anonymous
Tel. 583-8989
Tel. 525-2672
Women in Difficulties
Tel. 583-5400
Bloodbank Aruba
Tel. 587-0002