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SPORTS                Saturday 30 September 2017

                                                                      LeBron misses second straight

                                                                      practice with ankle injury

                                                                      By TOM WITHERS               negative.
                                                                       AP Sports Writer            James  has  tweaked  his
                                                                      INDEPENDENCE,  Ohio  (AP)  ankles in the past, but the
                                                                      — LeBron James missed his  32-year-old  has  been  in-
                                                                      second  straight  practice  credibly  durable  through-
                                                                      with  a  sprained  left  ankle,  out his career, playing in at
                                                                      an injury that happened on  least 75 games in 12 of his
                                                                      Dwyane  Wade’s  first  day  14 regular seasons.
                                                                      with the Cavaliers.           He played in 74 games last
            New York Giants’ Odell Beckham, right, celebrates with Sterling   James  was  at  the  team’s  season.
            Shepard after a touchdown during the second half of an NFL   Cleveland  Clinic  Courts  The  Cavaliers  play  an  in-
            football  game  against  the  Philadelphia  Eagles,  Sunday,  Sept.   facility  getting  treatment  tra-squad  scrimmage  on
            24, 2017, in Philadelphia.                                Friday, and could be seen  Monday at Quicken Loans
                                                     Associated Press  in  the  training  and  fitness  Arena  and  their  first  pre-
            Giants’ Beckham fined $12,154                             area.                        season game is scheduled     Cleveland Cavaliers’ Dwyane
                                                                                                                                Wade holds up his jersey dur-
            for dog-like TD celebration                               Cavs  coach  Tyronn  Lue  for Wednesday against At-       ing a news conference at the
                                                                                                                                NBA  basketball  team’s  train-
                                                                      said  the  superstar  is  day  lanta.Cleveland’s  season
            By The Associated Press      nesota  cornerback  Xavier   to  day,  but  the  team  has  opener  is  Oct.  17  against   ing  facility,  Friday,  Sept.  29,
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  New      Rhodes  were  docked  the    not  said  much  else  about  the Boston Celtics and for-  2017, in Independence, Ohio.
            York  Giants  wide  receiver   same amount for taunting.  James’ injury.               mer  Cavs  guard  Kyrie  Ir-             Associated Press
            Odell  Beckham  Jr.  has     Jets linebacker Darron Lee   The three-time NBA cham-     ving,  who  was  traded  this   ciated that,” Wade said.
            been fined $12,154 by the    drew an $18,231 fine for a   pion  rolled  his  ankle  on  summer.                     “It  wasn’t  the  sole  reason,
            NFL  for  his  dog-like  touch-  late  hit  on  Miami  quarter-  Wednesday  night,  shortly  Wade  was  introduced  to   but  definitely  everyone
            down celebration last Sun-   back  Jay  Cutler.Seattle    after his good friend Wade  the  media  following  Fri-   knows our relationship, and
            day.                         cornerback  Richard  Sher-   turned down other offers to  day’s  practice,  and  said   that  he’s  a  huge  reason
            Beckham  got  down  on       man was fined $12,154 for    sign a one-year, $2.3 million  James  began  recruiting   why  I  decided  to  come
            all  fours  and  pretended   unnecessary     roughness,   contract with Cleveland.     him to come to Cleveland     here.  But  this  team  is  so
            to urinate like a dog after   while  Denver’s  Will  Parks   It’s  not  known  how  James  months ago.              good,  and  you  just  want
            catching  a  fourth-quarter   was docked $9,115, also for   hurt his ankle.            “He knew I could help this   to be a part of something
            touchdown  pass  in  a  loss   unnecessary roughness.q     The team said X-rays were  team in some way. I appre-    special like this.”q
            to the Philadelphia Eagles.
            He  was  penalized  for  un-
            sportsmanlike  conduct  for   Gatlin won’t take knee in exhibition race
            the  celebration,  and  met
            a  few  days  later  with  co-  By STEPHEN WADE           ed  Usain  Bolt,  expressed
            owner  John  Mara,  who        AP Sports Writer           mixed emotions.
            was  unhappy  with  Beck-    RIO  DE  JANEIRO  (AP)  —  He  said  father  Willie  Gat-
            ham’s behavior.              World sprint champion Jus-   lin  was  a  26-year  member
            Also  in  that  game,  Eagles   tin Gatlin won’t be taking a  of  the  Army,  and  he  was
            running  back  LeGarrette    knee  in  protest  this  week-  taught  military  patriotism.
            Blount was fined $9,115 for   end  at  an  exhibition  race  On  the  other  hand,  as  an
            taunting. Jets rookie safety   in Brazil.                 African-American  he  said
            Jamal  Adams  and  Min-      However,  Gatlin  said  Fri-  it was “time to put things in
                                         day  that  does  not  mean  order”  in  terms  of  fairness
                                                                      and equality.
                                         he’s against highlighting is-
             Like                        sues of racial injustice that  “We as Americans, we are    In this Aug. 5, 2017 file photo, United States’ Justin Gatlin cel-
                                         many NFL players are trying  staying away from the nar-
                                         to raise back in the United  rative,”  he  said.  “And  the
                                                                                                   ebrates after crossing the line to win the gold medal in the men’s
             us on                       States.                      real question is why are we   100m final during the World Athletics Championships in London.
              us on
                                                                                                                                            Associated Press
                                         “I’m  going  to  stand  up.  I  staying away from the nar-
                                         mean, I going to stand up,”  rative.”
                                                                                                   ated Press. “But I think he’s  by not standing during the
                                                                                                   probably  just  here  to  run  national anthem.
                                         he said. “I’m not saying if I  Gatlin’s  agent  Renaldo
             Facebook                    take the knee or stand up  Nehemiah  said  his  athlete   this exhibition race.”       Nehemiah, who once held
                                                                      might take a different pos-
                                         that I’m for the protests.”
                                                                                                   Nehemiah  played  in  the  the  world  record  in  the
                                                                      ture  were  the  race  in  the
                                         Or  against  them,  he  add-
                                                                                                   NFL  as  a  receiver  for  the  110 hurdles, said he would
                                                                      U.S.,  where  it  would  get
                                         Gatlin,  who  won  the  100  wide exposure.               San  Francisco  49ers,  the  have taken a knee.
                                                                                                                                “Yeah, but I’m a rebel,” he
                                                                                                   same team that Colin Kae-
              Bon Dia 24 Aruba           meters in the world cham-    “If he were at home, it might   pernick  was  playing  for  said.  “I’ll  do  what’s  in  my
     pionships  in  August  in  a  be a different stance,” Ne-  when he started protesting  heart.  I’m  a  leader,  not  a
                                         London  final  which  includ-  hemiah  told  The  Associ-  last  season  at  NFL  games  follower. q
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