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SPORTS Saturday 30 September 2017
Americans running away in the Presidents Cup
as though they could go Royal Melbourne. But it has
either way until the back at least been close after
nine. At one point, the In- the opening two sessions,
ternational team led in with neither side leading by
three matches, only for all more than two points since
of them to turn. 1998.
In the five matches, the With an 8-2 lead, the Amer-
Americans won 13 holes on icans have a mathemati-
the back nine, compared cal chance to clinch on
to just three for the Interna- Saturday, which features
tional team. four matches of foursomes
The Americans have a 9-1- in the morning and four
1 lead in the series, their matches of fourballs in the
only loss coming in 1998 at afternoon.q
Brooks Koepka, left, celebrates after making his putt on the tenth hole with Dustin Johnson during
the four-ball golf matches on the second day of the Presidents Cup at Liberty National Golf Club
in Jersey City, N.J., Friday, Sept. 29, 2017.
Associated Press
By DOUG FERGUSON putt,” Mickelson said. Grace.
AP Golf Writer Mickelson, who has played They took the lead for
JERSEY CITY, N.J. (AP) — in all 12 Presidents Cups, good when Fowler made
Phil Mickelson rolled in a 12- has 24 match victories to a 15-foot birdie putt on the
foot birdie putt on the 18th tie the record set by Tiger third hole, and then Thom-
hole to cap off another big Woods in eight appear- as produced the loudest
day for the Americans and ances. Woods was looking cheer of the afternoon at
set a record for the largest on in his role as an assistant a pivotal moment on the
lead after two sessions in to U.S. captain Steve Strick- 14th hole. Oosthuizen hit his
Presidents Cup history. er. approach to 6 feet, while
Another day like this and And that’s about all the In- both Americans missed the
that’s what the Internation- ternational team could do. green. From the left bun-
al team will be — history. Hideki Matsuyama and ker, Thomas blasted out
Mickelson and Kisner nev- Adam Hadwin were 2 up perfectly and watched
er led against Jason Day with four holes to play in drop in for a birdie that
and Marc Leishman until against Jordan Spieth and kept the International
the par-3 18th hole Friday Patrick Reed and had to team from cutting the defi-
at Liberty National. Mick- settle for a halve. Even that cit to 1 down.
elson poured in his birdie felt like a small victory for Thomas birdied the next
putt, and Leishman missed the International team be- hole, and his bunker shot
his from about the same cause Spieth had birdie on the 16th hit the pin and
range. putts on the final two holes somehow stayed out.
About the only thing that that narrowly missed. The shortest match of the
went wrong was the cel- Justin Thomas, already with day belonged to a pair
ebration. Mickelson, who a big year behind him as of American rookies, Kev-
on Thursday cropped him- a major champion and in Chappell and Charley
self out of a selfie with the the FedEx Cup champion, Hoffman, who sat out the
last three U.S. presidents, teamed with Rickie Fowler foursomes matches in the
missed a move in the for another easy victory. opening session. They were
“Three Amigos” dance with They have trailed only one 3 up after four holes against
Kisner. hole in their two matches, Charl Schwartzel and Anir-
“I’m clearly the worst selfie and they became the first ban Lahiri and never let up
taker. I’m the worst ‘Three partnership to beat Louis in a 6-and-5 victory.
Amigos’ dancer. But I can Oosthuizen and Branden Dustin Johnson and Brooks
Koepka, close friends and
the last two U.S. Open
champions, took their first
lead on the par-3 10th with
Koepka’s birdie, and John-
son showed rare emotion
on his final two birdies in a
3-and-2 victory over Adam
Scott and Jhonattan Ve-
Just like the opening ses-
sion, the matches looked