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             Saturday 30 September 2017
            Best rivalry in NFL on tap: Steelers at Ravens

            By BARRY WILNER                                                                                                     over  margin,  has  seven
             AP Pro Football Writer                                                                                             interceptions.  They  go  to
            As early as it might be in the                                                                                      Minnesota,  where  the  Vi-
            NFL  schedule,  several  divi-                                                                                      kings have not thrown any.
            sion games could be con-                                                                                            Perhaps    the    spotlight
            sidered  relatively  critical  in                                                                                   should  be  on  the  kick-
            Week 4.                                                                                                             ers.  The  Lions’  Matt  Prater
            That includes the best rival-                                                                                       made field goals of 55 and
            ry  in  the  league,  the  Pitts-                                                                                   57 yards last week, becom-
            burgh  Steelers  against  the                                                                                       ing second only to Sebas-
            Baltimore Ravens.                                                                                                   tian  Janikowski  in  NFL  his-
            “This  game  is  crazy,”  Pitts-                                                                                    tory with 10 career 55-plus
            burgh  quarterback  Ben                                                                                             converted kicks; Janikows-
            Roethlisberger  notes.  “It’s                                                                                       ki  has  13.  Kai  Forbath  has
            a  special  game.  I’m  still                                                                                       made all 21 field goals at-
            here  and  (linebacker  Ter-                                                                                        tempted  since  joining  the
            rell) Suggs is still over there.                                                                                    Vikings  for  the  final  seven
            We’ve got a lot of respect                                                                                          games of last season.
            for each other in this rivalry.                                                                                     Over  that  10-game  span,
            C.J.  Mosley,  Jimmy  Smith,                                                                                        he’s  tied  with  Prater  and
            (Brandon)  Carr,  and  (Eric)                                                                                       Jacksonville’s  Jason  Myers
            Weddle now.                                                                                                         for the most converted.
            “We’ve  got  enough  guys     In this Nov. 6, 2016, file photo, Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger (7) dives past   One  reason  the  Houston
            here that have played this   Baltimore Ravens outside linebacker Terrell Suggs, left, for a touchdown in the second half of an   Texans have controlled the
                                         NFL football game in Baltimore.
            physical  AFC  North  game.                                                                        Associated Press  AFC  South  in  recent  sea-
            Both there and here, play-   trol in the AFC North.       of  the  two  teams’  style  of  the  Raiders’  dynamic  of-  sons  is  winning  five  of  the
            off game or whatever it is. I   Since  the  start  of  2008,  12  play. You don’t cross paths  fense  against  the  Denver   past six against the Tennes-
            don’t think it will take long if   times  this  game  has  been  without  some  things  in  defense.  Denver  has  shut   see Titans. The Texans’ de-
            the young guys don’t know    decided by three points or  common.”                      down  elite  running  backs   fense must slow down the
            now  what  it’s  going  to  be   fewer.                   The  Denver  Broncos  and  Melvin  Gordon,  Ezekiel  El-  ground-eating  Titans  tan-
            about.”                      Suggs echoes Roethlisberg-   Oakland  Raiders,  another  liott,  and  LeSean  McCoy,   dem  of  DeMarco  Murray,
            Among other things, it’s for   er’s sentiments.           bitter rivalry, features teams  restricting  them  to  a  com-  who had a 75-yard touch-
            first  place  in  the  division.   “You have to get an extra  salty  over  stumbles  on  the  bined 84 yards on 40 carries   down  last  week,  and  Der-
            Maybe that doesn’t sound     lift in the weight room,” says  road  last  week.  With  the  for a 2.1-yard average and   rick Henry.
            significant  at  this  point  of   Suggs, who has more sacks  Kansas City Chiefs off to a  zero  touchdowns.  Good   Surprisingly,  J.J.  Watt  has
            the  season,  but  with  both   on  Roethlisberger  (16  1/2)  brilliant start, the loser here  luck, Marshawn Lynch.  no sacks thus far. But he’s
            teams  2-1,  and  Cincinnati   than anyone. “It is definitely  could be doing lots of chas-  The  Detroit  Lions’  opportu-  gotten to the quarterback
            and  Cleveland  both  win-   the  most  physical  rivalry  in  ing in the AFC West.    nistic defense, which leads   in  eight  straight  matchups
            less, the victor at Baltimore   the  NFL,  and  it  is  because  The  juiciest  matchup  is  the  NFL  with  a  plus-6  turn-  with Tennessee.
            on Sunday takes quick con-                                                                                          As  the  New  England  Pa-
                                                                                                                                triots  prepare  for  their
            Packers Bear                 Glennon  fumbled  on  his                                                              toughest  defensive  test  of

                                         next  series,  too,  but  the                                                          the season from the Caro-
            Continued from Page 17       Packers couldn’t score on                                                              lina Panthers, the offensive
                                         that drive.                                                                            line’s ability to protect Tom
            The  turnovers  were  huge   It was only a matter of time                                                           Brady  will  be  in  the  spot-
            for  us,”  coach  Mike  Mc-  because the mistakes kept                                                              light.
            Carthy said.                 mounting.                                                                              Brady was sacked 15 times
            The  Packers  (3-1)  lost  two   Glennon threw his second                                                           during his abbreviated 12-
            more  key  players  to  inju-  interception with 2:54 left in                                                       game  regular  season  in
            ries.  Adams  left  the  field   the  third  quarter.  Six  plays                                                   2016.
            on a stretcher after getting   later, receiver Jordy Nelson                                                         That number is already up
            hit  in  the  head  during  a   caught  his  second  touch-                                                         to 10 this season.
            tackle by Danny Trevathan    down  pass,  an  8-yarder                                                              But Brady maintains his re-
            in  the  third  quarter.  Run-  from Rodgers, to make it a                                                          covery  time  is  also  better
            ning back Ty Montgomery      28-point lead.                                                                         because  he  has  learned
            was knocked out in the first   “This  was  a  big  character                                                        how to absorb punishment.
            quarter with a chest injury.  win  for  us,”  Rodgers  said.   Green Bay Packers’ Davante Adams is hit by Chicago Bears’   “You do have to learn how
            But the Packers capitalized   “It’s  been  a  next-man-up,   Adrian Amos and Danny Trevathan during the second half of an   to find the way down in a
            on an awful start by Glen-   no-excuses policy.”          NFL football game Thursday, Sept. 28, 2017, in Green Bay, Wis.   way  that  you’ll  be  able
            non,  who  accounted  for    Rodgers  was  18  of  26  for                                         Associated Press  to  get  up  and  try  to  play
            four turnovers.              179 yards. He picked apart                                                             the next play,” Brady said.
            “The  number  one  thing  I   the  Bears  (1-3)  on  short,   The injury to Adams cast a  to a hospital for evaluation   “There’s  some  luck  in-
            obviously have to fix is the   quick passes, a game plan   pall  late  in  the  third  quar-  for possible head and neck   volved, but let’s go again,
            turnovers,” Glennon said.    in  part  necessitated  by  a   ter. The game was delayed  injuries,  and  that  he  had   baby.  Let’s  line  them  up
            He fumbled on his first snap   patchwork  offensive  line.   for  about  5  minutes  while  feeling in all of his extremi-  and play.”
            on a strip sack by Clay Mat-  The  Packers  played  with-  medical personnel tended  ties.                          The Panthers have done a
            thews.  Rodgers  hit  Cobb   out  starting  tackles  David   to  the  receiver,  who  gave  “The  news  I  was  given  on   good job getting after the
            for  a  2-yard  touchdown    Bakhtiari  and  Bryan  Bula-  a  thumbs-up  signal  as  he  Davante   —   everything   quarterback, posting eight
            pass three plays later for a   ga, and their three backup   was wheeled off the field.  looks positive.             sacks. At 37, linebacker Ju-
            7-0 lead.                    tackles  are  already  on  in-  The  Packers  said  Adams  qThat’s  a  great  sign,”  Mc-  lius Peppers leads the team
            The rout was on.             jured reserve.               was  conscious  and  taken  Carthy said. q                with 2 1/2 sacks. q
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