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                                                                                                       SPORTS Saturday 30 September 2017

            Judge 51st HR, Yankees miss

            chance to move up, Rays win 9-6

            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Aaron  lowed  two  runs  and  four  warming  up  starter  Sean
            Judge hit his 51st home run  hits  in  five  innings,  striking  Manaea, out of view from
            to give the Yankees a quick  out  two  and  walking  one  many  fans  and  cameras.
            lead, but New York missed  for  the  AL  West  champion  A  small  number  of  fans
            a big chance to tighten the  Astros.                      booed when Maxwell bat-
            AL  East  race  when  Sonny  INDIANS 5, TWINS 2           ted  in  the  second  inning.
            Gray  and  the  bullpen  fell  CLEVELAND  (AP)  —  Car-   Maxwell has been the only
            apart in a loss to the Rays.  los Carrasco struck out 14,  major   league   baseball
            The  Yankees  stayed  three  Jason  Kipnis  and  Roberto  player  to  take  to  a  knee,
            games     behind   division-  Perez  hit  two-run  homers  mirroring  protests  by  NFL
            leading    Boston,   which  and  the  Indians  notched  players against racial injus-
            fell  to  Houston  12-2.  Each  their 100th win, 5-2 over the  tice. This was Maxwell’s first
            team has three games left  understandably       sluggish  road game since he began
            and both are assured play-   Twins, who clinched a wild-  his protest last weekend.
            off spots — if they wind up  card berth hours earlier.    Manaea  (12-10)  gave  up
            even,  the  Yankees  would  Carrasco (18-6) dominated  three  hits  and  no  earned
            host  the  Red  Sox  in  a  tie-  a Minnesota lineup loaded  runs  in  6  2/3  innings.  Blake
            breaker Monday.              with reserves and Septem-    Treinen pitched a scoreless
            Brett  Gardner,  Greg  Bird  ber call-ups. He allowed six  ninth for his 15th save in 20
            and    pinch-hitter   Aaron  hits — all singles — in 8 1-3  opportunities.
            Hicks also homered for New  innings  and  improved  to  Miguel     Gonzalez    (8-13)
            York, which had won three  3-0 with a 0.92 ERA against  took the loss.
            in  a  row.  Wilson  Ramos  the Twins. The right-hander  WHITE SOX 5, ANGELS 4
            homered  during  a  seven-   also  moved  into  a  tie  for  CHICAGO  (AP)  —  Rob
            run  burst  in  the  fifth  inning  the  league  lead  in  wins  Brantly  hit  the  game-tying
            for  the  Rays,  who  had  lost  with  teammate  Corey  Klu-  home  run  in  the  eighth  in-
            three straight.              ber  and  Kansas  City’s  Ja-  ning  and  Tim  Anderson
            ASTROS 12, RED SOX 2         son Vargas.                  hustled  home  for  the  go-  New York Yankees’ Aaron Judge follows through on a home run
            BOSTON  (AP)  —  Major  Kipnis,  who  has  moved  ahead run as the White Sox           during the first inning of a baseball game against the Tampa Bay
            league batting leader Jose  from second base  to cen-     rallied for a victory over the   Rays on Thursday, Sept. 28, 2017, in New York.
            Altuve  had  three  of  Hous-  ter field,  connected for a  Angels.                                                             Associated Press
            ton’s 17 hits, Carlos Correa  two-run  homer  —  his  first  Anderson  scored  from  first
            had  four  and  the  Astros  since Aug. 18 — in the sixth  base  on  a  single  by  Ry-  snapped  a  season-high  nine straight Sept. 1-9, 2005.
            chased Red Sox starter Ed-   inning  off  Trevor  Hilden-  mer  Liriano,  as  the  throw   nine-game losing streak by  Nicholas  Castellanos’  fifth-
            uardo Rodriguez in the sec-  berger (3-3) as the Indians  from left fielder Ben Revere   beating the Royals.        inning  double  with  the
            ond inning to win and keep  jumped to 31-4 since Aug.  went  to  second  base  and     Norris (5-8) gave up two hits  bases  loaded  scored  Alex
            Boston  from  clinching  the  24.                         Anderson  alertly  headed    in  five  innings.  He  was  0-4  Presley, JaCoby Jones and
            first  back-to-back  AL  East  This  is  just  the  third  time  home, scoring easily on re-  in four starts and four relief  Dixon  Machado.  Jones
            championships in franchise  Cleveland  has  won  100  liever Jesse Chavez (7-11).      appearances since a June  singled  home  Andrew  Ro-
            history.                     games  in  a  season.  The  Carlos  Perez  homered  for   16  triumph  over  Tampa  mine with the first run of the
            Despite  the  loss,  the  Red  last  team  to  do  it  was  the Angels, who used sev-  Bay.The  Tigers  had  been  inning.Royals   left-hander
            Sox  were  guaranteed  no  Cleveland’s  powerful  1995  en  pitchers  and  sat  stars   outscored 68-39 in their los-  Danny  Duffy  (9-10)  did
            worse than a tie for the divi-  squad, which lost to Atlan-  Mike Trout and Justin Upton   ing streak, which was their  not  make  it  through  the
            sion title when the Yankees  ta in the World Series.      one night after being elimi-  longest   since   dropping  inning.q
            lost 9-6 to Tampa Bay.       ATHLETICS 4, RANGERS 1       nated from playoff conten-
            Boston  needs  one  more  ARLINGTON,  Texas  (AP)  —  tion.
            win  or  Yankees  loss  to  win  Ryon  Healy  hit  a  tiebreak-  Gregory   Infante   (2-1)
            the  division;  otherwise,  the  ing  two-run  single  in  the  earned  the  win  in  re-
            teams  would  meet  in  a  sixth inning to help the Ath-  lief,  throwing  a  scoreless
            one-game  tie-breaker  in  letics beat the Rangers.       eighth inning. Juan Minaya
            New  York  on  Monday  to  It was the fifth straight road  earned his eighth save with
            see  who  needs  to  play  in  win  for  the  Athletics  and  a  perfect  ninth  inning  for
            the  wild-card  game  and  seventh  consecutive  loss  the White Sox, who won for
            who  advances  to  the  AL  for  the  Rangers.  It’s  Texas’  the 12th time in 19 games.
            Division Series — likely fac-  longest skid since an eight-  TIGERS 4, ROYALS 1
            ing the Astros.              game slide in 2015.          KANSAS  CITY,  Missouri  (AP)
            Altuve had two singles and  Bruce  Maxwell  took  to  a  —  Daniel  Norris  threw  five
            his 39th double to raise his  knee  in  the  Oakland  bull-  scoreless innings to pick up
            batting  average  to  .350.  pen  during  the  national  his first victory in more than
            Brad  Peacock  (13-2)  al-   anthem.  The  catcher  was  three  months  as  the  Tigers
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