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BUSINESS                 Saturday 30 September
            Walmart armors up for food fight with Amazon

            By A. D’INNOCENZIO           supermarkets fight to win a  younger customers in urban  will be some time next year,  are the most efficient in val-
            AP Retail Writer             bigger slice of the grocery  areas, offering them select  according  to  Walmart  of-  ue  and  shipping  and  ad-
            Walmart’s    will  market.  And  pushing  pri-  coffee, olive oil, paper tow-  ficials.The  moves  are  part  justs prices based on what
            launch  a  higher-end  gro-  vate  brands  —  when  they  els and other products.Jet.  of  an  overall  strategy  by  items  are  in  the  checkout
            cery  line  targeting  millen-  work  —  offers  high  profit  com,  which  sells  products  Marc  Lore  —  who  found-  cart, as well as how far the
            nials, just over a year after  margins  since  stores  have  including clothing, gadgets  ed  in  2015  and  desired  products  are  from
            Walmart spent more than $3  control  of  sourcing.  Whole  and  home  furnishings,  will  is  now  head  of  Walmart’s  the  shopper’s  home.  So
            billion  for  the  fast-growing  Foods has done well with its  also  be  carrying  some  of  U.S.  e-commerce  —  to  set  as  shoppers  throw  items  in
            online  retailer  amid  more  private label 365 By Whole  the niche brands like Mod-   the  startup  apart  from  the  their  cart,  they’re  encour-
            intense  competition  from  Foods Market, which is be-    Cloth  and  Bonobos  that  website  and  aged to continue shopping
    Inc.  ing  expanded  to  Amazon.       Walmart  has  acquired  in  make it more upscale.         and  build  a  more  efficient
            last month closed on its ac-  said  Friday  recent  months.  ModCloth  is  built  on  a  real-  cart and buy items labeled
            quisition of Whole Foods, as  that the new brand, called  is  now  starting  to  be  car-  time pricing algorithm that  “smart  cart”  for  more
            Walmart, Target, and other  Uniquely  J,  will  focus  on  ried on Jet, while Bonobos  determines  which  sellers  savings.q
             Technology firms and small companies lead US stocks higher

            By MARLEY JAY                                                                                                       cent,  to  $70.45.  The  stock
            AP Markets Writer                                                                                                   gained  more  ground  Fri-
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Large                                                                                           day than it had for the rest
            technology  and  health                                                                                             of  this  year  put  together.
            care    companies     and                                                                                           Rival Hormel Foods, whose
            smaller  U.S.-focused  firms                                                                                        brands include Skippy, rose
            rose again Friday as stocks                                                                                         43  cents,  or  1.4  percent,
            finished the third quarter at                                                                                       to  $32.14.  Those  compa-
            record highs.                                                                                                       nies  and  their  competitors
            Stocks  were  mixed  at  the                                                                                        have  struggled  in  recent
            start  of  trading,  as  they                                                                                       years as Americans look for
            had  been  the  day  be-                                                                                            fresher  food  options.Tech-
            fore.  But  chipmakers  and                                                                                         nology  companies  rose
            big-name       technology                                                                                           further and were the best-
            companies  pulled  stocks                                                                                           performing S&P 500 sector
            higher, as they have done                                                                                           in  the  third  quarter.  They
            all year. Health care com-                                                                                          also held that distinction in
            panies  also  did  better                                                                                           the first quarter.
            than  the  rest  of  the  mar-                                                                                      The  S&P  500  technology
            ket.  Tyson  Foods  climbed                                                                                         index has climbed 26 per-
            after  it  gave  strong  profit                                                                                     cent  in  2017,  while  the
            forecasts,  and  investors                                                                                          S&P 500 is up 12.5 percent.
            cheered  strong  quarterly   In this Wednesday, July 8, 2015 photo, Federal Hall’s George Washington statue stands near the   Facebook  added  $2.14,
            results  from  homebuilder   flag-covered pillars of the New York Stock Exchange. Large technology and health care compa-  or  1.3  percent,  to  $170.87
            KB Home.                     nies and smaller U.S.-focused firms rose again Friday as stocks finished the third quarter at record   and chip equipment mak-
            The  market  ended  the      highs.                                                                                 er  Applied  Materials  rose
            quarter on a four-day win-                                                              (AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews)  $1.47,  or  2.9  percent,  to
            ning streak that began af-   Financial  Research.  “She’s  percent,  to  6,495.96.  The  President  Donald  Trump’s   $52.09.  Chipmaker  Nvid-
            ter  Federal  Reserve  Chair   confident  in  the  economy  S&P 500 and Nasdaq both  administration  will  reduce   ia  advanced  $3.09,  or
            Janet Yellen said the cen-   and  the  economic  back-    closed at all-time highs.    taxes.Tyson  Foods  jumped   1.8  percent,  to  $178.77.
            tral bank plans to continue   drop is very solid.”        The  Russell  2000  index  of  after  the  food  company   The  recent  gains  for  tech
            to raising interest rates.   The Standard & Poor’s 500  small-company stocks add-      raised its annual guidance   companies  have  come  in
            “It’s  all  about  the  con-  index rose 9.30 points, or 0.4  ed  2.08  points,  or  0.1  per-  and said profits for its beef   spite of a slump for Apple,
            fidence  they  have  that    percent,  to  2,519.36.  The  cent,  to  1,490.86.  It’s  also  business  were  better  than   the  world’s  most  valuable
            despite  low  inflation,  it  still   Dow  Jones  industrial  aver-  at record highs after a big  expected.         publicly-traded  company.
            makes  sense  to  raise  in-  age turned higher to finish  rally  this  month.  It  climbed  Thanks in part to cost cuts,   While  Apple  has  soared
            terest  rates,”  said  Randy   with a gain of 23.89 points,  6  percent  in  September  Tyson  also  forecast  a  big-  this  year,  it’s  down  4  per-
            Frederick,  vice  president   or 0.1 percent, at 22,405.09.  as  investors  felt  positive  ger  profit  than  analysts   cent  since  it  announced
            of  trading  and  derivatives   The  Nasdaq  composite  about  the  U.S.  economy  expected  for  next  year.Ty-    its new line of iPhones and
            at  the  Schwab  Center  for   jumped 42.51 points, or 0.7  and  hoped  Congress  and  son climbed $5, or 7.6 per-  other products Sept. 12.q
             US consumer spending up weak 0.1 percent in August

            By MARTIN CRUTSINGER         ed Friday. It was the small-  measured by the gross do-   nearly  70  percent  of  eco-  at  3.6  percent  of  after-tax
            AP Economics Writer          est  gain  since  June.  The  mestic product, grew at a  nomic activity.               incomes  in  August,  the
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Con-       August weakness reflected  robust  annual  rate  of  2.1  Some  analysts  say  GDP  same as July. Both months
            sumers barely boosted their  a  big  drop  in  sales  of  du-  percent  in  the  April-June  growth could be as low as  represented the lowest sav-
            spending  in  August,  a  sign  rable goods such as autos.  quarter.  But  many  econo-  a  2  percent  annual  rate  ing rate since a 3.2 percent
            that  overall  economic  ac-  Income   growth    slowed  mists  believe  growth  has  in  the  third  quarter.  They  reading  in  December.A
            tivity  could  be  weaker  this  to  a  gain  of  just  0.2  per-  slowed  in  the  current  July-  are,   however,   expect-  measure of inflation closely
            quarter.                     cent.  Wages  and  salaries,  September quarter, reflect-  ing  a  rebound  in  the  final  watched  by  the  Federal
            Consumer  spending  rose  the  biggest  component,  ing  the  impact  of  a  string  three  months  of  the  year,  Reserve posted a slight 0.2
            just  0.1  percent,  following  showed  no  gain  at  all  af-  of  devastating  hurricanes  helped in part by spending  percent increase. Over the
            a much larger 0.3 percent  ter strong increases in June  and  the  subsequent  slow-   on rebuilding after the hur-  past  12  months  it  is  up  1.4
            advance in July, the Com-    and July.                    down  in  consumer  spend-   ricanes.The  personal  sav-  percent,  still  far  below  the
            merce Department report-     The  overall  economy,  as  ing,  which  accounts  for  ing  rate  was  unchanged  Fed’s 2 percent target.q
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