P. 2

              Tuesday 12 december 2017
            EU rebuffs idea of recognizing Jerusalem as Netanyahu visits

            By LORNE COOK                                                                                                       tion  when  it  comes  to  the
            Associated Press                                                                                                    negotiations  in  the  Middle
            BRUSSELS  (AP)  —  Israeli                                                                                          East,” she said.
            Prime  Minister  Benjamin                                                                                           As far as EU member coun-
            Netanyahu  urged  the  Eu-                                                                                          tries  relocating  their  em-
            ropean  Union  on  Monday                                                                                           bassies  in  Israel,  Mogherini
            to back a new U.S. peace                                                                                            was quick to disabuse Ne-
            initiative in the Middle East,                                                                                      tanyahu of the idea.
            after   President   Donald                                                                                          “He  can  keep  his  expec-
            Trump’s  unilateral  decision                                                                                       tations for others, because
            to  recognize  Jerusalem  as                                                                                        from  the  European  Union
            Israel’s  capital  met  with                                                                                        member  states’  side,  this
            widespread     condemna-                                                                                            move  will  not  come,”  she
            tion  and  triggered  clashes                                                                                       said.
            in the Palestinian territories.                                                                                     Nevertheless,   Mogherini
            Netanyahu,  making  the                                                                                             and  other  ministers  were
            first official visit by an Israeli                                                                                  impatient to hear details of
            premier to the EU’s Brussels                                                                                        any U.S. peace initiative in
            headquarters  in  22  years,                                                                                        the  pipeline.  The  EU’s  top
            told  reporters  that  recog-                                                                                       diplomat  said  the  time-
            nizing  Jerusalem  merely                                                                                           frame for any new plan and
            stated  the  reality  on  the                                                                                       who might be involved do
            ground. He said he expect-                                                                                          not  appear  to  have  been
            ed  many  European  coun-    European Union High Representative Federica Mogherini, right, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin   worked out.
            tries to follow Trump’s lead.  Netanyahu address a media conference at the EU Council building in Brussels on Monday, Dec.   “Both  the  horizon  and  the
            But  EU  foreign  policy  chief   11, 2017.                                                                         framework  appear  still  to
            Federica  Mogherini,  who                                                                  (AP Photo/Virginia Mayo)  be determined,” Mogherini
            chaired talks between Ne-    Israel’s capital, “what Presi-  makes peace possible,” he  salem as Israel’s capital.”  said.
            tanyahu  and  EU  foreign  dent Trump has done is put  said.                           Reacting  to  Netanyahu’s  French     Foreign   Minister
            ministers, said no European  facts squarely on the table.  The  Israeli  leader  added  remarks, Mogherini said EU  Jean-Yves  Le  Drian  said:
            leaders  plan  to  adopt  the  Peace is based on reality.”  that he believed most Euro-  ministers  were  concerned  “They’ve announced to us
            U.S. president’s position.   “Jerusalem  is  Israel’s  capi-  pean countries would now  about Trump’s move.         some kind of American ini-
            Netanyahu insisted that, in  tal,  no  one  can  deny  it.  It  “move  their  embassies  to  “We  do  not  wish  to  see  a  tiative. We’ve been waiting
            recognizing  Jerusalem  as  doesn’t  obviate  peace,  it  Jerusalem,  recognize Jeru-  discredited U.S. administra-  for several months.q
            American diplomat: US looks to counter Iran in post-war Iraq

            By SUSANNAH GEORGE                                                                                                  sands of mostly Shiite fight-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    ers  deployed  across  the
            BAGHDAD  (AP)  —  As  Iraq                                                                                          country.  Victories  against
            emerges  from  three  years                                                                                         IS have made their leaders
            of war with the Islamic State                                                                                       increasingly powerful.
            group, the U.S. is looking to                                                                                       The  Trump  administration
            roll  back  the  influence  of                                                                                      has called for the paramili-
            neighboring  Iran  and  help                                                                                        tary forces to disband after
            the  central  government                                                                                            the  IS  fight  is  complete.  It
            resolve  its  dispute  with  the                                                                                    has  also  vowed  to  take  a
            Kurdish  region,  the  Ameri-                                                                                       much tougher line on Iran,
            can  envoy  to  the  country                                                                                        threatening to pull the U.S.
            told The Associated Press.                                                                                          out  of  the  landmark  2015
            U.S.  Ambassador  Douglas                                                                                           nuclear  agreement  and
            Silliman  took  up  his  post  in                                                                                   levying  sanctions  on  Iran’s
            Baghdad  in  September                                                                                              powerful     Revolutionary
            2016, just weeks before the                                                                                         Guard.
            start  of  the  operation  to                                                                                       Iraq  is  meanwhile  seek-
            retake  the  northern  city  of                                                                                     ing external support for re-
            Mosul.  With  IS  now  driven                                                                                       construction after the war,
            out of all the territory it once                                                                                    which the government says
            held and Iraq’s declaration                                                                                         caused an estimated $100
            that  the  war  against  the                                                                                        billion  in  damage.  Some
            extremists  is  over,  he  says   U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Douglas Silliman speaks to the press during a gathering in Baghdad. The   3  million  Iraqis  are  still  dis-
                                         American ambassador to Iraq says the U.S. is looking to roll back the influence of neighboring Iran
            Washington  is  focused  on   and help the central government resolve its dispute with the Kurdish region.          placed, months after major
            keeping  the  peace  and                                                                    (AP Photo/Hadi Mizban)  fighting ended.
            rebuilding,  and  sees  Iran’s   an alternative acronym for  U.S.-led  invasion  toppled  the country’s defense, pro-  The  Trump  administration
            influence as a problem.      IS.  “But  frankly  I  have  not  Saddam  Hussein’s  Sunni-  viding  a  bulwark  in  many   has  made  clear  that  the
            “Iran  simply  does  not  re-  seen the Iranians donating  led  dictatorship  and  em-  areas  while  the  belea-   $14.3  billion  military  cam-
            spect the sovereignty of its   money  for  humanitarian  powered the country’s Shi-    guered armed forces were     paign against IS will not be
            neighbors,”  Silliman  said.   assistance, I have not seen  ite majority.              rebuilt.                     replaced  with  a  similarly
            “The  Iranians  have  —  to   them  contributing  to  the  When  IS  swept  across  The  now  state-sanctioned      funded  reconstruction  ef-
            some extent — assisted the   U.N. stabilization program.”  northern  and  central  Iraq  paramilitaries, known as the   fort. International aid orga-
            government  of  Iraq  in  de-  Iran  gained  major  influ-  in the summer of 2014, Iran-  Popular  Mobilization  Forc-  nizations  are  instead  look-
            feating ISIS,” he said, using   ence in Iraq after the 2003  backed militias mobilized in  es,  consist  of  tens  of  thou-  ing to wealthy Gulf states.q
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