P. 5
U.S. NEWS Tuesday 12 december 2017
Woman charged in pregnant neighbor’s death pleads guilty
the maximum sentence of courtroom. “At least our
life in prison without parole. office will be rather circum-
“Ms. Crews early on indi- spect until we’ve got both
cated that she wanted to cases resolved. Then we
take responsibility for her can elaborate more fully.”
actions,” Mottinger said. Although Crews and Hoehn
“From where I stand, she are not facing murder char-
took responsibility today by gers, Burdick said that the
entering a guilty plea to the conspiracy charges are in
three charges.” the same offense category
Greywind was eight months and carry the same maxi-
pregnant when she disap- mum penalty as murder.
peared in August. Kayakers “At the time we charged
found her body wrapped the case, it seemed like an
in plastic in a river. The appropriate charge based
baby was found alive upon our then-available
in the apartment Crews evidence,” he said. “As
shared with her 32-year-old the case moved forward,
boyfriend, William Hoehn. we did not see a reason to
Hoehn is scheduled for trial change the charges. We
in March. believe it makes no differ-
Brooke Crews, who is accused of killing a pregnant neighbor so she and her boyfriend could Crews didn’t offer details ence from a sentencing
keep the baby, appears in state district court in Fargo, N.D., on Monday, Dec. 11, 2017, with at- on how Greywind was perspective.” Crews ini-
torney Steven Mottinger. Crews pleaded guilty in the killing to conspiracy to commit kidnapping
and murder, and lying to law officers in the death of 22-year-old Savanna Greywind, of Fargo, in killed. Authorities haven’t tially claimed that Grey-
August 2017. said either, but Fargo Po- wind gave up her newborn
(Michael Vosburg/The Forum via AP, Pool) lice Chief Dave Todd has daughter, but she later ad-
By DAVE KOLPACK Brooke Crews, 38, could napping and murder and said her death was a “cruel mitted taking advantage
Associated Press face life in prison after lying to law officers. and vicious act of deprav- of the woman to get the
FARGO, N.D. (AP) — A pleading guilty to conspir- He is scheduled for trial in ity.” Cass County State’s child, according to court
North Dakota woman acy to commit kidnapping March, which a prosecutor Attorney Birch Burdick said documents. Crews told po-
pleaded guilty Monday and murder and lying to cited as a reason for con- further details aren’t likely lice she arranged to have
in the killing of a pregnant law officers in the death of tinuing to withhold informa- to be released until after Greywind come to her
neighbor so she and her 22-year-old Savanna Grey- tion on the case. Hoehn’s case is finished. apartment and told her
boyfriend could keep the wind, of Fargo. Her boy- Crews’ attorney, Steven “As you’re well aware, this how to induce labor. Grey-
baby, though officials are friend, William Hoehn, 32, Mottinger, said afterward is one important step in two wind came back two days
still saying little about how has pleaded not guilty to that the guilty pleas will help cases that are intertwined,” later to give her the new-
the victim died. conspiracy to commit kid- his client argue for less than Burdick said outside the born baby, Crews said.q
DA: Fatal shooting of trooper
murder suspect was justified
By MARK SCOLFORO dered Robison numerous
Associated Press times to drop his gun, which
HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — he refused to do,” Smith
A district attorney ruled wrote. “Robison moved
Monday that state police as if to advance from the
acted properly a year ago camper while still holding
when they shot and killed the pistol in his hand. After
a man they suspected of Robison began to move,
murdering a state trooper members of the state po-
in a rural area of central lice fired shots at Robison,
Pennsylvania. who was struck in the head,
Huntingdon County Dis- torso, arms and legs.”
trict Attorney David Smith A .32-caliber Beretta pistol
issued his decision in the was recovered beside Ro-
Dec. 31 death in Hesston of bison’s body.
32-year-old Jason Robison. It contained eight live
The two-page report said rounds, and there were two
troopers searching for Ro- other bullets in the pocket
bison found him inside a of his jacket.
camper not far from where The prosecutor deemed
Trooper Landon Weaver the killing as justified and
had been killed. said authorities will not
Smith said the investiga- the release the names of
tors retreated and secured troopers involved.
the area, and a short time Investigators said earlier
later, Robison appeared at this year they recovered
the camper door, holding 22 spent rounds from the
a pistol. scene, none that matched
“Troopers at the scene or- Robison’s gun.q