P. 10

              Tuesday 12 december 2017
            Shiite cleric urges militias to disarm after IS defeat                                                              Iran says it will

            BAGHDAD (AP) — An influ-     Baghdad.                     tants from their last strong-  of  the  paramilitary  forces   look at releasing
            ential  Iraqi  Shiite  cleric  on  Al-Sadr  commands  one  of  holds in the western desert.  against   participating   in   British national
            Monday  urged  his  fighters  several mostly Shiite militias  Al-Sadr,  the  scion  of  a  re-  elections  scheduled  for
            to hand state-issued weap-   that  mobilized  after  IS  mili-  vered  Shiite  clerical  fam-  May.                 TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran’s
            ons  back  to  the  govern-  tants swept across northern  ily,  commanded  a  power-   Tens of thousands of Popu-   Foreign  Ministry  said  Mon-
            ment, following Iraq’s dec-  and central Iraq in the sum-  ful  militia  that  battled  U.S.  lar  Mobilization  Forces  are   day it will raise the case of
            laration  of  victory  against  mer  of  2014.  The  paramili-  troops  in  the  years  after  deployed across the coun-  a  detained  British-Iranian
            the Islamic State group.     taries are state-sanctioned  the 2003 invasion. His fight-  try.  Many  are  viewed  with   woman  with  the  judiciary
            In  a  speech  broadcast  on  and  officially  under  the  ers are today known as the  suspicion by some of Iraq’s   “out of humanitarian con-
            Iraqi  television,  Muqtada  command  of  the  prime  Peace  Brigades,  and  are  minority Sunnis and Kurds.        cerns”  following  a  visit  by
            al-Sadr  also  called  on  his  minister, but have their own  part  of  the  Popular  Mobi-  The  paramilitaries  clashed   Britain’s foreign secretary.
            forces  to  hand  over  some  chains of command.          lization  Forces,  the  official  with  Kurdish  fighters  in  Oc-  Ministry  spokesman  Bah-
            territory  to  other  branches  Prime  Minister  Haider  al-  name  of  the  mostly  Shiite  tober  when  federal  forces   ram Ghasemi said the final
            of Iraq’s security forces, but  Abadi  declared  victory  militias allied with the gov-  retook disputed territories in   decision on whether to re-
            said  his  men  would  con-  over  IS  in  a  national  ad-  ernment.                  northern Iraq that the Kurds   lease Nazanin Zaghari-Rat-
            tinue to guard a holy Shiite  dress  on  Saturday,  after  During his address Monday,  had captured from IS.q       cliffe, who is serving a five-
            shrine  in  Samarra,  north  of  Iraqi  forces  drove  the  mili-  al-Sadr  warned  members                         year sentence for alleged-
                                                                                                                                ly plotting to overthrow the
            Hezbollah chief vows to return focus to Israel                                                                      government, rests with the
                                                                                                                                Zaghari-Ratcliffe  “is  con-
            By BASSEM MROUE                                                                                                     sidered an Iranian national
            Associated Press                                                                                                    and should serve her prison
            BEIRUT (AP) — Tens of thou-                                                                                         conviction  according  to
            sands  of  Lebanese  and                                                                                            the judicial system of Iran,”
            Palestinians  attended  a                                                                                           he added.
            Hezbollah  rally  in  Beirut  on                                                                                    British Foreign Secretary Bo-
            Monday, where the militant                                                                                          ris Johnson raised the case
            group’s  leader  vowed  to                                                                                          during a two-day visit to Iran
            return its focus to Israel after                                                                                    that  concluded  Sunday.
            years  of  fighting  in  Syria’s                                                                                    Zaghari-Ratcliffe,  a  char-
            civil war.                                                                                                          ity  worker,  was  detained
            Chanting  “Oh  America,                                                                                             in  April  2016.  Her  family
            you  are  the  Great  Satan,”                                                                                       has denied the allegations
            while  pumping  their  fists  in                                                                                    against  her.  She  is  among
            the  air,  men,  women  and                                                                                         several dual nationals held
            children  marched  through                                                                                          in Iran, where the judiciary
            streets of Hezbollah’s south-                                                                                       and  security  forces  are
            ern  Beirut  stronghold  car-                                                                                       dominated  by  anti-West-
            rying  Lebanese  and  Pal-                                                                                          ern hard-liners. It’s unclear
            estinian  flags,  as  well  as                                                                                      whether  Foreign  Minister
            the  militant  group’s  yellow                                                                                      Mohammad  Javad  Zarif,
            banners.                                                                                                            a  relative  moderate,  can
            At  the  rally,  called  to  pro-  Tens of thousands of Lebanese and Palestinians march in a street as they hold a giant Palestinian   secure  her  release.  John-
            test  U.S.  President  Donald   flag in response to a call by Hezbbollah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah to protest U.S. President   son  recently  complicated
            Trump’s  decision  to  rec-  Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, in a southern suburb of   efforts  to  free  her  by  say-
            ognize  Jerusalem  as  the   Beirut, Lebanon, Monday, Dec. 11, 2017.                                                ing incorrectly that she was
            capital  of  Israel,  Hezbollah                                                              (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)  training journalists when ar-
            leader  Hassan  Nasrallah  ting much of Israel’s territo-  checkered scarves.          protesters who pelted them   rested. He has since apolo-
            said he hoped the “foolish  ry, and its battle-hardened  Nasrallah  called  on  Pales-  with  stones.  The  protesters   gized. Britain and Iran have
            decision”  would  mark  the  fighters  played  a  key  role  tinian  armed  groups  and  were  hundreds  of  meters   discussed  the  release  of
            “beginning  of  the  end”  of  in turning the tide of Syria’s  others  in  the  region  to  (yards)  from  the  embassy.   some  400  million  pounds
            the Jewish state.            civil  war  in  favor  of  Presi-  come up with “unified strat-  Lebanon  is  home  to  over   ($530 million) held by Lon-
            Nasrallah  said  his  group  is  dent Bashar Assad.       egy”  to  confront  Trump’s  450,000  Palestinian  refu-  don,  a  payment  Shah
            almost  done  fighting  ex-  Palestinian Electrician Mun-  decision.  He  said  Pales-  gees, who make up nearly    Mohammad  Reza  Pahlavi
            tremists elsewhere in the re-  zir  Saleh  came  with  his  tinian  and  Arab  leaders  10  percent  of  the  popula-  made  for  Chieftain  tanks
            gion, and will now “give all  three sons from the nearby  should halt all negotiations  tion. Many are the descen-  that were never delivered.
            its  time”  to  Jerusalem  and  Palestinian  refugee  camp  with Israel, and called for a  dants  of  those  who  fled   The  shah  abandoned  the
            the Palestinians. “Death to  of Burj al-Barajneh. He said  boycott of the Jewish state.  after  the  creation  of  Israel   throne  in  1979  and  the  Is-
            Israel!”  he  said  in  the  fiery  Trump’s  decision  is  “unjust  “Trump is ignorant and is op-  in 1948. Trump’s announce-  lamic  Revolution  soon  in-
            address, which was broad-    to  Palestinians  and  Arabs  posed  to  people’s  rights,”  ment on Wednesday broke   stalled  the  clerically  over-
            cast  from  an  undisclosed  because  Jerusalem  is  not  said  Hassan  Mazloum,  14,  with decades of U.S. policy   seen  system  that  endures
            location and shown on big  only  for  Jews  but  a  holy  a  member  of  Hezbollah’s  and  an  international  con-  today.  Authorities  in  Lon-
            screens at the rally.        place to all religions.”     Imam  Mahdi  scouts.  “We  sensus    that   Jerusalem’s   don  and  Tehran  deny  the
            Hezbollah  forced  Israeli  “Trump’s  decision  means  came here to say that Je-       fate  should  be  decided    payment  has  any  link  to
            troops  out  of  southern  nothing.  Jerusalem  is  the  rusalem is not the capital of  by  direct  Israeli-Palestinian   Zaghari-Ratcliffe. However,
            Lebanon  in  2000,  and  the  eternal capital of Palestine  Israel but the eternal capi-  negotiations.   Palestinians   the  United  States  made
            group  battled  Israel  to  a  and this is what I teach my  tal  of  Palestine.”  The  rally  viewed  the  U.S.  declara-  a  $400  million  transfer  to
            bloody  stalemate  six  years  children,”  he  said  as  he  came a day after a violent  tion as a blatantly pro-Israel   Iran in January 2016 when
            later.  The  Iranian-backed  stood  with  his  three  sons,  protest outside the U.S. Em-  move,  and  protests  have   Iran freed Washington Post
            militant  group  is  believed  ranging in age from seven  bassy in Beirut, where secu-  erupted  across  the  Arab   journalist  Jason  Rezaian
            to  have  a  massive  arsenal  to 15, all wearing traditional  rity forces fired tear gas and  and Muslim world since the   and  three  other  Iranian-
            of  rockets  capable  of  hit-  Palestinian black and white  water  cannons  at  rowdy  announcement.q              Americans.q
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