P. 11
WORLD NEWS Tuesday 12 december 2017
A confident and upbeat Putin goes on Mideast ‘victory’ tour
By HAMZA HENDAWI sia.” skepticism about the state- decision last week by U.S. East extends beyond Syria
VLADIMIR ISACHENKOV Putin also said that he had ments on the withdrawal of President Donald Trump and Egypt. King Salman of
Associated Press ordered the military to with- troops and equipment from to recognize Jerusalem as Saudi Arabia visited Putin in
CAIRO (AP) — Russian draw a “significant part” Syria. Army Col. Rob Man- Israel’s capital, upending October as the two coun-
President Vladimir Putin de- tries shook off decades of
clared “victory” in Syria dur- enmity and mutual suspi-
ing a surprise visit Monday cion. During the Cold War,
to a military base there, the Saudis helped arm Af-
then traveled to Egypt and ghan rebels fighting the
Turkey, where he celebrat- Soviet invasion. More re-
ed Moscow’s deepening cently, tensions ran high
ties with those key regional over Russia’s military help
powers. for Assad, whom Riyadh in-
The tour highlighted Rus- sists must go as part of any
sia’s expanded reach in settlement in the Syria’s civil
the Middle East and the war. The Saudis have since
global clout of its leader, softened their opposition to
who announced last week Russia’s role in Syria. Putin is
he is seeking re-election hoping his trip will stoke na-
for another six-year term in tional pride among voters
March. in the March 18 presidential
Speaking to Russian troops election. With his approval
on the tarmac at the He- ratings topping 80 percent,
meimeem air base in Syria, Putin is certain to win eas-
Putin talked of the triumph ily, but the Kremlin has
over “terrorists” and an- been worried about grow-
nounced a partial pullout ing voter apathy. The suc-
of Russian troops. cessful military campaign in
“You have shown the best Russian President Vladimir Putin, left, Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah El-Sissi, shake hands after a Syria and Moscow’s grow-
qualities of a Russian sol- news conference following their talks in Cairo, Egypt, Monday, Dec. 11, 2017. ing clout in the Middle East
(A. Zemlianichenko/pool via AP)
dier — courage, valor, would help burnish his im-
team spirit, decisiveness of the Russian contingent ning, a Pentagon spokes- decades of U.S. policy. age as a man who restored
and excellent skills,” he said in Syria — although he has man, said Russian state- Speaking at a news con- Russia’s global power and
in televised remarks to the announced Russian troop ments “do not often cor- ference in Ankara, Turkey, prestige after the Soviet
troops. “The Motherland is withdrawals before. respond” with actual troop Putin said the U.S. move Union’s collapse in 1991.
proud of you.” “Friends, the Motherland is reductions. He said the “doesn’t help the Mideast In Egypt, Putin sought to
Putin praised Russia’s effort waiting for you,” he said. withdrawal comments will settlement and, just the strengthen his relationship
to help President Bashar “You are coming back have no impact on the U.S. other way round, desta- with a key regional power
Assad’s forces to gain the home with victory!” and coalition fight against bilizes the already difficult that has in the past three
upper hand over the Islam- Gen. Sergei Surovikin, the Islamic State extremists. situation in the region.” years bought billions of
ic State group and Syrian Russian commander in Syr- It was Putin’s first trip to Syr- The decision might “finish dollars in Russian weapons
rebels. ia, said the military will pull ia, where Russia began its prospects for the Palestin- and supported Moscow’s
“Here in Syria, far away from out 23 warplanes, two he- air campaign in 2015. He ian-Israeli peace process,” intervention in Syria when
our borders, you helped licopter gunships, special has hosted Assad twice in Putin said, standing next others decried it. “Russia al-
the Syrian people to pre- forces units, military police the past six years, including to Turkish President Recep ways paid a special atten-
serve their state and fend and field engineers. The re- an unannounced Nov. 21 Tayyip Erdogan. tion to expanding friendly
off attacks by terrorists,” Pu- maining forces will be suf- visit by the longtime Russian Putin added that Moscow and mutually beneficial ties
tin said. “You have dealt a ficient to “successfully fulfill ally to the Black Sea resort believes that the status with Egypt, our longtime re-
devastating blow to those the tasks” to stabilize the sit- of Sochi. of Jerusalem could only liable partner in the Middle
who blatantly threatened uation in Syria, he said, but Putin’s whirlwind trip to be settled through talks East and North Africa,” said
our country. We will never did not specify how many Syria, Egypt and Turkey between the Palestinians Putin, on his second visit
forget about the victims troops and weapons would came at a time when lead- and Israel in line with U.N. to Egypt in as many years,
who fell in the fight against remain. ers in the Middle East and resolutions. Russia’s grow- meeting with President Ab-
terror both here and in Rus- The Pentagon expressed beyond have criticized a ing footprint in the Middle del-Fattah el-Sissi.q