P. 14
Tuesday 12 december 2017
At the Hilton Aruba Caribbean Resort & Casino:
Team Members Celebrate the Season at an Elegant Cocktail Reception
PALM BEACH - Team mem- with local holiday special- by Pool & Beach and the
bers of the Hilton Aruba ties, lovingly prepared by Accounting department.
Caribbean Resort & Casino the resort’s culinary team. Members of the executive
were invited to an elegant As the bars served deli- committee thanked team
year-end cocktail recep- cious cocktails, team mem- members for their many
tion at the Grand Caribbe- bers sampled everything contributions during 2017,
an Ballroom. from traditional appetizers and wished them a memo-
to tempting desserts, and rable evening, a wonderful
This year, in a more relaxed posed in front of the photo
party format, team mem- booth for commemorative, holiday season, and a pros-
bers had more fun as they souvenir snapshots. perous New Year.
danced to the music of Winners of an internal pho- Aruba’s #1 band Bule-
Aruba’s #1 band Buleria tography contest, posted ria, played its best dance
from the beginning of the on social media, were an- tunes, filling the dance floor
evening all through the nounced during the event from the beginning of the
night, enjoying frequent with Human Resources evening until long past mid-
visits to the buffet loaded landing first place followed night.
As the band played the last
notes, accounting team
member Anthony Kool-
man, also known as DJ Big
B, connected to the sound
system, providing more
dance music, to all of those
who didn’t want the party
to end.
This year’s Masquerade Ball
at the Hilton Aruba Resort
& Casino had a lot to cele-
brate, as the resort just con-
cluded a multi-million dollar
renovation, in time for the
high season.
and The Executive Com-
mittee greeted party-go-
ers at the entrance to the
Grand Caribbean Ballroom
decorated black and gold,
thanking them for their
many contributions during
2016, and wishing them an
excellent, fun party, a won-
derful holiday season and
a prosperous New Year.q