P. 9

                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Tuesday 12 december 2017

            Germany’s Merkel presses for quick move toward new coalition

            By GEIR MOULSON                                                                                                     smaller parties collapsed.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    If they don’t enter a coali-
            BERLIN  (AP)  —  German                                                                                             tion,  the  only  possibilities
            Chancellor  Angela  Merkel                                                                                          would be an unprecedent-
            pushed  Monday  for  quick                                                                                          ed minority government led
            movement  toward  a  new                                                                                            by  Merkel  or  a  new  elec-
            governing alliance with the                                                                                         tion. President Frank-Walter
            main center-left party, say-                                                                                        Steinmeier,  who  alone  has
            ing that only such a coali-                                                                                         the  power  to  dissolve  par-
            tion  will  bring  the  “stable                                                                                     liament, has made clear he
            government”  needed  at                                                                                             doesn’t  want  a  new  elec-
            a  challenging  time  for  Eu-                                                                                      tion.
            rope.                                                                                                               Germany’s    political   im-
            Merkel stressed her interest                                                                                        passe  comes  at  a  time
            in bolstering European unity                                                                                        when  the  European  Union
            and suggested that it could                                                                                         is considering how to shape
            underpin  a  new  “grand                                                                                            its  future  after  Britain’s  im-
            coalition”  of  Germany’s                                                                                           pending departure in 2019,
            biggest  parties  —  her  own                                                                                       and  with  French  President
            conservative  Union  bloc                                                                                           Emmanuel  Macron  cham-
            and  the  center-left  Social                                                                                       pioning  ambitious  EU  re-
            Democrats.                                                                                                          form plans.
            The two sides will begin dis-                                                                                       “I  favor  quick  talks.  And  I
            cussions  Wednesday  on  a   Christian Democratic Union party chairwoman and German Chancellor Angela Merkel attends   think  a  stable  government
            possible  extension  of  their  a party’s leaders meeting at the headquarters in Berlin, Monday, Dec. 11, 2017.     is  the  basis  on  which  we
            coalition  of  the  past  four                                                         (AP Photo/Markus Schreiber)  can work best with France
            years. But it is far from cer-  easily  beat  its  previous  re-  of a new government.  would  go  into  opposition.  and  for  Europe,”  Merkel
            tain that a new alliance will  cord  of  86  days  —  set  in  After  their  disastrous  elec-  They reluctantly agreed to  said  after  a  meeting  of
            come together.               2013 — for the time from an  tion  result  on  Sept.  24,  the  reconsider  after  Merkel’s  her  Christian  Democratic
            Germany  is  on  course  to  election to the swearing-in  Social Democrats said they  coalition  talks  with  two  Union’s leadership.q

            Saakashvili freed by Ukraine court, urges government change

            By YURAS KARMANAU            of  Ukrainian  oligarchs,”  he  he will coordinate with oth-  marched  across  Kiev,  de-  Odessa region in 2015, but
            Associated Press             said  in  an  apparent  refer-  er political forces in Ukraine  manding  his  release  and  Saakashvili resigned the fol-
            KIEV,   Ukraine   (AP)   —  ence to the business back-    to  push  for  a  peaceful  calling  for  Poroshenko  to  lowing  year,  claiming  that
            Mikheil Saakashvili, the for-  ground of Poroshenko, who  change of government.        be impeached.                Poroshenko  and  other  of-
            mer  Georgian  president  ran  a  chocolate  business  Saakashvili, who was refus-     Saakashvili was a key figure  ficials  were  impeding  anti-
            turned opposition leader in  before  he  was  elected  ing  food  to  protest  the  ar-  in the 2003 Rose Revolution  corruption  reforms,  and
            Ukraine,  walked  free  Mon-  president.                  rest, said that the first thing  protests  that  drove  Geor-  became  a  strong  critic  of
            day  after  a  court  in  the  Prosecutors  had  asked  to  he now wants is to get back  gian President Eduard She-  his former patron. Georgia
            Ukrainian capital refused to  keep   Saakashvili   under  home and eat.                vardnadze  from  office.  He  stripped  Saakashvili  of  his
            sanction  his  arrest,  vowing  house arrest, but the judge  Yulia Tymoshenko, a former  served two terms as Geor-  citizenship  after  his  move
            to push for a peaceful gov-  turned  it  down  to  the  ap-  prime minister who leads an  gian president in 2004-2013,  to   Ukraine.   Poroshenko
            ernment change.              plause of Saakashvili’s sup-  opposition party, attended  winning broad acclaim for  this  summer  rescinded  his
            Saakashvili  was  arrested  porters.                      the  hearing  in  a  show  of  his  anti-corruption  efforts,  Ukrainian  citizenship  while
            Friday  on  allegations  that  The court’s verdict marked  support for Saakashvili.    but  drawing  criticism  over  Saakashvili  was  out  of  the
            he colluded with Ukrainian  a  defeat  for  Poroshenko,  About  200  of  Saakashvili’s  a  disastrous  war  with  Rus-  country, leaving Saakashvili
            businessmen  tied  to  Russia  who  has  faced  mounting  supporters  gathered  out-   sia and what his opponents  stateless. He forced his way
            to  topple  President  Petro  criticism for his failure to up-  side the court and scuffled  saw  as  an  authoritarian  into  Ukraine  in  September,
            Poroshenko,    accusations  root endemic corruption.      with police earlier Monday.  streak.                      barging  across  the  border
            Saakashvili rejected.        The  victorious  Saakashvili  On  Sunday,  thousands  of  Poroshenko  named  him  from  Poland  with  the  help
            “I consider myself a prisoner  said  after  the  verdict  that  Saakashvili’s   supporters  the  governor  of  Ukraine’s  of a crowd of supporters.q
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