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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 12 december 2017
            Some glitches seen in deadline week for ‘Obamacare’ sign-ups

                                                                      at  least  one  health  insurer  Obama said, according to  solved,  and  HealthCare.
                                                                      offering plans under the Af-  a transcript provided by his  gov  is  reaching  out  to  the
                                                                      fordable Care Act for next  office.                       consumers affected to en-
                                                                      year.                        President  Donald  Trump  courage them to complete
                                                                      Friday is the last day to enroll  came into office looking to  their  applications.  How-
                                                                      for  subsidized  private  cov-  dismantle his predecessor’s  ever,  Becker  said  advo-
                                                                      erage  in  39  states  served  health  law,  but  it  survived.  cates had gotten a similar
                                                                      by the federal HealthCare.   Now  the  Trump  adminis-    response  from  the  admin-
                                                                      gov website. Consumer in-    tration  will  be  assessed  on  istration last week, and the
                                                                      terest  has  remained  brisk,  how it handles the crush of  problem continued.
                                                                      even as the Trump adminis-   customers  trying  to  enroll  For millions of consumers el-
                                                                      tration cut the sign-up sea-  for 2018 this week.         igible to enroll time runs out
                                                                      son in half, reducing it from  Stephani  Becker  of  the  on  Dec.  15.  Thursday  and
                                                                      roughly from 90 days to 45  Sargent  Shriver  National  Friday are expected to be
                                                                      days.                        Center  on  Poverty  Law  in  the heaviest days.
            The website is seen on a laptop computer, in   Former  President  Barack  Chicago  said  the  glitch  That could slow the Health-
            Washington.  The  Trump  administration  came  in  looking  to   Obama  offered  encour-  in  which  consumers  were   website,   and
            dismantle Barack Obama’s health care law, but the Affordable   agement  Monday  for  the  told  there  were  no  plans  lead  to  long  hold  times  at
            Care Act survived. Now the administration is on the line to   closing  push,  posting  on  was  reported  by  counsel-  the federal call center. For
            deliver  a  smooth  finale  to  sign-up  season,  with  a  crush  of   social media and joining a  ors  starting  late  last  week,  most people, this is the last
            customers expected this week. Friday, Dec. 15 is the last day   conference call with enroll-  and again Monday.  It also  opportunity to secure cov-
            for procrastinators to enroll for subsidized private coverage in   ment counselors.    surfaced in other states be-  erage  for  2018,  or  switch
            39 states served by                       On  the  call,  Obama  ac-   sides Illinois, she said.    from an existing plan.
                                             (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)  cused    “Republicans    in  Trained  counselors  know  One exception: People liv-
                                                                      Washington”  of  trying  to  enough about the program  ing  in  hurricane-affected
            By RICARDO ZALDIVAR          who  successfully  complet-  “sabotage” progress made  to  question  the  accuracy  areas  can  get  an  exten-
            Associated Press             ed  an  application  for  fi-  reducing the number of un-  of  the  message,  but  “the  sion to sign up by Dec. 31
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Con-       nancial assistance through   insured.                     average  consumer  might  by  contacting  the  Health-
            sumer advocates reported got a mes-       The    American    people  just  walk  away,”  Becker call center.
            some  glitches  Monday  in  sage  saying  they  would     “don’t want a health care  said.                          That  could  make  a  differ-
            the  final  days  for  “Obam-  likely  be  eligible  to  buy  a   system that’s sent into cha-  An  administration  official  ence in states such Florida,
            acare”  sign-ups,  although  health plan, “but none are   os just for partisan reasons,”  said the issue has been re-  Texas, and Georgia.q
            the  Trump  administration  available  to  you  in  your
            largely seemed to be keep-   area.”
            ing its promise of a smooth  That information was incor-
            enrollment experience.       rect because every county
            In  Illinois,  some  consumers  in  the  nation  currently  has

            Pentagon to allow transgender

            people to enlist in the military

            By LOLITA C. BALDOR          recruits will start Jan. 1 and
            Associated Press             go on amid the legal bat-
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The  tles.  The  Defense  Depart-
            Pentagon is allowing trans-  ment  also  is  studying  the
            gender  people  to  enlist  in  issue.
            the military beginning Jan.  Eastburn  told  The  Associ-
            1, despite President Donald  ated Press on Monday that
            Trump’s opposition.          the  new  guidelines  mean
            The  new  policy  reflects  the Pentagon can disqual-
            growing  legal  pressure  on  ify  potential  recruits  with
            the  issue,  and  the  difficult  gender dysphoria, a history
            hurdles the federal govern-  of  medical  treatments  as-
            ment  would  have  to  cross  sociated with gender tran-
            to  enforce  Trump’s  de-    sition and those who under-
            mand  to  ban  transgender  went  reconstruction.  But
            individuals from the military.  such recruits are allowed in
            Two federal courts already  if a medical provider certi-
            have  ruled  against  the  fies they’ve been clinically
            ban. Potential transgender  stable  in  the  preferred  sex
            recruits  will  have  to  over-  for 18 months and are free
            come  a  lengthy  and  strict  of significant distress or im-
            set  of  physical,  medical  pairment  in  social,  occu-
            and mental conditions that  pational or other important
            make  it  possible,  though  areas.
            difficult, for them to join the  Transgender   individuals
            armed services.              receiving  hormone  ther-
            Maj. David Eastburn, a Pen-  apy  also  must  be  stable
            tagon spokesman, says the  on  their  medication  for  18
            enlistment  of  transgender  months.q
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